Car Seat Connection

About Car Seat Connection

I am a local Car Seat Tech in the Edmonton area who can help parents find and use the best seat(s) for their needs. Also provides up to date info.

Car Seat Connection Description

I first became interested in car seat safety, when I was 19, and a first time mom. I took a class at a local mom's group about car seats. I had NO idea about car seats, other than I was supposed to use them. I learned so much in that class, and I was intrigued, and terrified. Terrified because I learned that I was doing a few things horribly wrong, and had put my child's life in danger by doing so, and intrigued because there was so much more to these things than I realized. I didn't quite become passionate towards them until about 4-5 years later.

I took my certification with St John Ambulance in 2007, and from there my passion and dedication to keeping children safe grew. I'm now been certified for 8 years, and my current certification is through The Canadian Passenger Association of Canada (or CPSAC). I have been part of this organization for the last 4 years.

With things changing almost daily in the car seat world, there is so much to know, and so much to learn, that I do my very best to stay on top of everything and stay current so that I can provide the best and up to date knowledge to the parents I help.

More about Car Seat Connection
