Cbc Calgary

About Cbc Calgary

Visit us at www. cbc. ca /calgary and follow @CBCCalgary on Instagram and Twitter.

Cbc Calgary Description

Visit us at www. cbc. ca /calgary and follow @CBCCalgary on Twitter.



Jerseys, flags, banners, quilts and artwork line the walls.


"Once you're done with the cancer there's nothing to cover what happens next."


Young veterans leaving the forces are at the highest risk of suicide, says the chief psychiatrist overseeing their care in Canada.


"I've forgotten my pads when I'm out places, all women have. So I'd like for those instances to not exist as frequently."


One local activist called the incident "blatant racism."


Don't be THAT person.
Full story: www.cbc.ca/1.4774802


How to build a charcuterie board so delicious, it'll be devoured in seconds, from CBC Life.
Full instructions: www.cbc.ca/1.4511043


Can you goosebump on demand?


"They want to know the circumstances under which he died.
"And I think they deserve to know."


The fire, located in the Vermilion Crossing area, had reached 2,800 hectares in size on Saturday.


His local Tim Hortons doesn't have a diaper changing table in the men's washroom.
But after tweeting his frustration, that's going to change.
Read more: www.cbc.ca/1.4775546


Dave Hargreaves caught this late night visitor going for his neighbour's apples on Friday.
We did a story earlier this year on how moose on the loose are a common sight in Tuscany: www.cbc.ca/1.4660960


Experiment this weekend with a new but old take on dessert and soup.


This bunker was part of a Cold War-era plan to keep records safe from a nuclear bomb: www.cbc.ca/1.4781943


Was it Lennon or McCartney?


"I felt unsafe, vulnerable, belittled."


Ottawa will put more dollars behind prevention instead of treatment and support.


The driver required 3 brain surgeries after the attack.


She had been hidden in plain sight for decades.


New facilities are awesome ... these folks work very hard at their jobs, and its all about this great country.


Excellent new studio, great staff. It was nice chatting with all those I met yesterday!


Today's interview with Kellie Leitch went as all political interviews go. Interviewer asks - politician does not answer directly but spouts agenda. Kellie Leitch does not back up anything she says with real facts. In her video she states "9 out of 15 immigrants are never interviewed by an immigration officer" Today it was "1 out of 10". Oh well numbers -what do they really mean. And please you mean to tell me that in the two plus years it takes for a person to immigrate to Canada that they never ever talk to an immigration officer? How does this make any sense? As far as how many Canadians agree with her - numbers get tossed around,but where is that proof? And to shared Canadian values- again logically if people are fleeing their home countries and then being vetted for 2 years so that they can come to a strange and new land ,does Ms. Leitch not think that they are coming here BECAUSE they want to be part of our tolerant and freedom loving country? This is the same lie Mr. Trump tells - that people are not vetted and they are coming here to harm us. Fear of "the other" is powerful, but we must resist. People listen, fact check, learn, get involved. Do not give in to hate, please.


I like CBC. I just don’t like their selective censorship and left-wing propaganda.


I do not appreciate the angry rant articles that sometimes are posted through cbc. You need to be Canada's New York Times or times magazine. We need facts, we need to know what and how our government is running the country. I don't want your opinion I want the facts. News is supposed to inform us, not create our opinions and then tell us what those are.


Hi my name is Tony Grewal , so disappointed with your coverage of the parade... I was enjoying the parade so much. I'm an East Indian Sikh and as our holy golden temple came by the cameras got taken away the reporter stared talking to side line people the station went on a break when the station came back nothing again as our float goes by. Racist.

after the shriners roll by and they get close ups for good 7 mins. thank you for your time.

I'm so disappointed with you all.


Cbc news in the effort to be "balanced" it gives voice to the lunatic fringe. By all means let there be rational debate, but it needs to be "rational".


CBC went from legitimate news to mouthpiece for the government. Sad fact is most news nowadays is biased & partisan in order to get an audience.


cbc needs to be dismantled billions wasted on leftist biased crap daily to brainwash canada.


Very limited coverage, always uses the same sources, instead of presenting facts and counter arguments this is a propaganda machine espouses everything the current government does as holy while offering no opposing views or even an impartial summary of facts. Partisan and limited, shame that its publicly funded.


Sell the Communist Broadcasting Corporation

When Government funds news it becomes propaganda


Only offers one side to the story. Paid advertising at its finest.


Liberal propaganda media. Left wing nuts. They take taxpayers money to line their pockets and report fake and left wing political stories.


Liberal propaganda every day and they keep removing my review because I call them out on it. You guys are an embarrassment to the country and make me ashamed to be canadian.


Copy. Serious stuff. Copy This is written by the same terrorism and security expert, Tom Quiggins, that testified at the motion M-103 committee hearings.

This should concern all Canadians that are forced to contribute over $1 billion per year to our public broadcaster, who cannot and will not print the facts. If you remember the whitewash documentary the CBC did on Omar Khadr, you'll remember they failed to mention that they partnered with Al Jazeera to produce it. But Al Jazeera listed the CBC as a partner on their own website. Many media outlets chose to quote from the NCCM (National Council of Canadian Muslims) while failing to reveal who they are affiliated with. This is the same group behind the push for the Islamophobia motion. Why is the media afraid to print the facts? Is the Muslim Brotherhood that powerful in Canada?

"As a criminal and federal court expert on terrorism, specifically jihadist-based terrorism, my opinion is that the CBC has willfully assisted Islamists in the creation of the social, cultural and political spaces necessary for extremism to grow. By deliberately sheltering even ISIS supporters acting out in Canada from public scrutiny, the state broadcaster is failing the Canadian public. By granting Islamist politicians in Canada immunity from scrutiny for their beliefs, the state broadcaster is compounding its errors.

This failure appears willful, intentional, and consistent over time. As such, in the event of another Islamist inspired terrorist attack in Canada, or in the event of a terrorist attack in the USA carried out by a Canadian, the CBC may be exposed to a libel suit in the Federal Court of Canada for its institutional support of the Islamist cause. This support has helped to create the political, social and cultural spaces in Canada where Islamist extremism grows."


CBC, your journalist Drew Anderson's coverage of the Phil Heerema/Young Canadians sexual assault trial is despicable. Where do you get off? Every other news outlet is addressing the seriousness of this story with the sensitivity that the victims deserve. Which one of you degenerates reviewed and thought it was ok to publish: “When the Young Canadians were planning a trip to Disneyland, Heerema texted that student to say once they got there, they could have a masturbation contest to see who could ejaculate first, according to the statement“? Shame on you! You are talking about CHILDREN. Is this really critical to the story? As the sibling of a former Young Canadian, I genuinely hope that your chief editor takes a serious look at the kind of insensitive, reprehensible garbage that the journalist of this story felt was so compelling that it was a necessary contribution to this article.


CBC is nothing more than state and corporate propaganda with no real journalists or investigations. Articles typically regurgitated and repeated ad nauseam to brainwash people for their own agenda.


CBC is as garbage as HuffPost and Fox news.


Bias against personal liberty is reprehensible and has no place in civilized society...

More about Cbc Calgary

Cbc Calgary is located at 105 - 1000 Veteran's Place, Calgary, Alberta T3B 4M1