Child And Youth Care Association Of Alberta

About Child And Youth Care Association Of Alberta

The Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta serves Child and Youth Care professionals by enhancing the skills and abilities of our members.

Child And Youth Care Association Of Alberta Description

The CYCAA has a rich and colorful history, characterized by progressive movement towards certification and the professionalization of Child and Youth Care. Past members and advocates of the CYCAA are today considered the mentors and "grandfathers" of the field. The story of their groundbreaking work for the development of the Association provides a picture of dedication and continuing commitment to child care.

April 5th, 1970 saw the then titled Child Care Workers Association of Alberta hold its first meeting: five people from Dominic Savio and Hull Homes in Calgary were in attendance. A month later there was a "get to know each other" social of 31 people at the Don Bosco House cabin which was followed on May 19th, 1971 by an organizational meeting and the first Executive was selected.

Over the next ten years, the CCWAA continued to expand, develop, and fulfill their goals. By 1980, the membership had grown to 75 members with a broad Albertan representation from areas such as Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, High Prairie and Lac La Biche.

Over the next fifteen years, the CCWAA (now CYCAA) promoted, expanded, and established the early goals of standardization, certification, and professionalization of child care.

The Child and Youth Care Certification program is reputedly the most advanced of its kind in North America and this highly developed program is worthy of a history all to itself. In the mid-1970's, some 700 Child and Youth Care Workers were providing care to emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children in Alberta. Educational facilities were able to provide only a fraction of the trained workers required to fill these positions. As a result, the Department of Social Services and Community Health (now Human Services) struck a curriculum committee to identify competencies. This process took almost two years to develop and in July 1979, the first Child Care Worker was certified in Alberta.

Over time, interest grew in the private sector and in 1983 the Alberta Association of Child Care Centers (now Alberta Family and Social Services for Children and Families) made a proposal to the Department, requesting that the management of the program to the Department, requesting that the management of the program be turned over to the representation of the CYCAA and that certification be made available to all Child Care Workers in Alberta.

A Tripartite Agreement was signed in 1985 which allowed access for all Child Care Workers to the certification process under the management of the steering committee. The first Child Care Worker from the private sector was certified in October of 1985, and apparently became the first Supervisor to go through the process. In 1990, agreement was reached to move management of the program to the CYCAA through an arms-length board.

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