Clifton Manor

Monday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Thursday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sunday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM



Like a concentration camp for old people!


Disturbing that pretty much sums it up about this place where to begin well I'd start by saying my mother has cancer and was battling hard when she was at Mayfair which was a small but great place for her . But it came down to convenience for my family to visit every day so dad decided to have her moved to Clifton manor which at first seemed like a great place. However as time went by we stared noticing that it was a dark gloomy place with a sense of sadness and sorrrow to it . We noticed that they never really paid much attention to our mother and the doctor was never to be found net alone that over a course of 7 months she had seen the doctor only once. We noticed that clients were simply pushed i there hallway to be left alone all day. And upon a few seizures they bumped her medication to such amounts that she went into a distressed and unfamiliar behavior. Also to mention she had a blatter infection that they never determined until I went in and raised my voice to them to what was going on. Weeks after the infection they still haven't gotten rid of it just couldn't tell us anything really . Anyway I could go on and on about the neglecting to my mother including personal hygiene and showers that supposedly to be twice a week but she lucky to get one all honesty my father pays 1800 a month for a bed and few meals my mother eats due to sad choice of food I think at someone's final days the should be treated better than a dog in a pound . I recommend to anyone looking for a place for their loved ones to steer clear of this place


The residents are happy and have only good things to say. The receptionist was very helpful. They seem to take good care of people.


My Step-Mother had dementia & my father cared for her as the illness progressed. She managed to escape their home and was found wandering more than once. Locks were placed on outside doors and gates. Social services were now involved and home care was in place, but very limited supports were given for her care. My father was told she would have to be moved to a home and the placement was in Clifton. They say no visits for family initially so the new resident can become accustomed to their new environment. The resident can then have home visits. Unfortunately this never occurred, she died soon after arriving. My father said the look in her eyes when she realized she would be moved to Clifton was heartbreaking. He talks about the guilt he feels. Another review mentions the furnishings, deplorable, no upgrades since it was built. Prisoners have it far, far better. Like others, I would give this facility negative stars if available. When she was home she would watch television and rock in her father would encourage her to eat. In Clifton she was in a shared room with strangers, the most depressing room I have ever seen. No one seemingly cared if she ate or not. She suffered a fall, how we were never told, and had a huge lump on her face. The hospital would not keep her and said she would have to be sent back. My father paid for extra care for her; take a look at her toe nails. Once in the system, people are treated with such indignities. My husband asks why I kept pictures of her bruised and unkempt, looks like it was for today, and now I can erase them from my cell. I am writing this in memory of her, she will always be loved and missed. Do not place your loved ones here.


It seem that the people that run this old folks home don't like to operate this place with any kind of care and attention the way they introduce the place to the people or relatives. When first introduced to this place it seem and was shown as a place you would want to live in or have a loved one live in but after a short period of time it has become detromental to my health. Not even 1.5 months after moving in and allowing them to control my inhalers they allowed one of the most important ones to run out before a long weekend and because they have no medicine delivery on the weekend I was forced to go without. The inhaler was delivered after 6pm after the weekend and after having my oxy gen run out as I was going for supper I started to suffer from a C.O.P.D flareup and asked a H.C.A to fill my tank and the answer I got back was it's not my area. They have screwed up on inhalers as well as other meds. After seeing a perscription written by my Dr. it was not ordered until 2 weeks later after it was no longer needed. Wether you use a service or not you still have to pay for it.


Terrible. So terrible. We were offered Clifton when we were in need and a rush to get my father into assisted living and they had a bed immediately. Turns out there was a reason they have open beds. It's been a struggle with poor care, broad brush care, and lack of open communication from the staff.

Examples, my father doesn't need to be wheeled into the mess hall for dinner because he can walk, but since the staff probably likes making it an assembly line they wheel everyone into the mess and\ hour early for some reason. So my father sits in a wheel chair in the dinning room waiting for an hour because they like wheeling everyone around and cannot apply individual specific care?

Another example, staff come in late, and yet the 'weekly' shower/bath that an elder receives is sometimes skipped. A weekly bath isn't enough cleaning when someone uses diapers and has incontinence problems. The latest weekly bath for my father the staff couldn't get around to it on time that day and so he missed until next week. If I'm behind at my job I catch up but I guess that doesn't apply if an employee isn't going fast enough at Clifton. I don't know an adult that can go two weeks without a shower and not smell terrible. Somehow that's acceptable to provide poor care at Clifton.

I'm not a fan of Clifton. I'd never suggest any of my friends take their aging parents here for long term care. I'd not suggest anyone in fact take their aging parents here.

More about Clifton Manor

Clifton Manor is located at 4726 – 8 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2A 0A8, Canada
+1 403-272-9831
Monday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Thursday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sunday: 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM