Cultured Canines

About Cultured Canines

Outdoor, treat free, dog training classes for REAL LIFE in Calgary! Five weeks is all that stands between you and dropping your dog's leash!

Cultured Canines Description

Want to know if your dog is a good candidate for my training? Check out the following questions! If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then you should consider giving me a call! Good luck! =)

Does your dog pull on the leash on walks?

Is your dog untrustworthy off leash?

Does your dog not listen when you ask them to do something, the FIRST time you ask?

Do you find your dog seems to “tune” you out?

Does your dog have fear or aggression issues?

When the doorbell rings, does your dog bark?

Do you feel as though you have little to no control of your dog?

Does your dog ever demand attention by nudging your arm or by scratching you?

Does your dog jump up on visitors, people at the park, and sometimes on you?

Does your dog not come when you call?

Does your dog exhibit destructive behaviors, such as chewing shoes, ruining furniture, or chewing leashes?

Does your dog ever try to escape from your house or your yard?

Does your dog ever defecate or urinate in your home?

Does your dog bark during walks at other people, cars, bikes, runners, bikers or skateboarders?

When left alone at home, in the car, or outside when tied up, does your dog show visible or audible signs of stress or anxiety?

Does your dog dig holes in your back yard?

Does your dog “counter surf” or try and steal your food?

Does your dog have difficulty sitting and staying for more than a minute?

Does your dog show aggression toward other dogs or people?

Does your dog run ahead of you through doorways and /or up and down stairs?

Has your dog ever bitten a person or another dog?

More about Cultured Canines