Curves Beddington

Monday: 05:45 - 13:30
Tuesday: 05:45 - 13:30
Wednesday: 05:45 - 13:30
Thursday: 05:45 - 13:30
Friday: 05:45 - 13:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Curves Beddington

Curves is a facility specially designed for women featuring a complete 30 minute workout that is fun, fast, and safe.



Bone density and heart health are just two concerns that are particularly important for women, regardless of their relationship with the scale. Strength training at Curves provides weight-bearing exercise for strong bones and cardio for a healthy heart. Read more about the Importance of Strength Training for Women…/importance-of- strength-trainingfor- women #CurvesStrong #NonScaleVictory #BoneDensity #InnerCircleBlog #HeartHealth


Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t always work: Reason #4: Distractions
Distractions affect your ability to focus. Being reactive to the needs, wants, and desire of others can really cut into your daily productivity making work toward goals difficult. Equally as challenging is managing normal daily stress with repetitive breaks or social media "fixes". If you struggle with staying focused on a health and fitness plan, Curves coaches can help! The accountability that a Curves coach provides could mean the difference between success and failure in reaching goals.
How has your Curves coach helped you stay focused on your end goal? Share with us in the comments below. #CurvesStrong #SMARTGoals #StayFocused #DistractionFreeZone


HUGS! It's National Hugging Day and we want to share a big hug with you. Some experts attribute the stress-reducing, health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called "the bonding hormone" because it promotes attachment in relationships, including between mothers and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the hypothalamus in the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream through the pituitary gland. But some of it remains in the brain, where it influences mood, behavior, and physiology.* So, hug it out today, and every day! Share this post on the page of a friend you want to send a hug to! #StrongerTogether #NationalHuggingDay
*Source -…/…/2016-0 2-03/the-healthbenefits- of-hugging


WHAT? It's almost Monday again? The weekends can go by so quickly. Make the best part of a new week getting in your #CurvesStrong workout! Who's already planning to be at Curves tomorrow?
Give us a shout out in the comments below. #NeverMissAMonday


Fitness isn't just for Monday through Friday. Weekends can be a great time to add variety to your fitness routine.
What do you have planned for this weekend? Are you throwing around the football with friends and family? Trying something adventurous? Are you making sure to get your steps in?
Let us know in the comments below and be sure to post some pictures, too!... #CurvesStrong #WeekendFitness #CantStopWontStop
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Start your cold winter mornings off right with a satisfying bowl of oatmeal with a fruity, nutty twist. a-nut-oatmeal #CurvesStrong #HealthyRecipes #Yum


Making the time to slow down and ease yourself into the day can work wonders for your physical and mental health. Read more about simple changes that can help to get you on a healthy track.…/5-healthy-ways -to-start-your-day-r… #CurvesStrong #Morning Routine #InnerCircleBlog


Those who sweat together stay together–and burn more calories. Do you have a posse of fitnessminded friends? Surround yourself with support, and you’ll reach your workout goals and have fun at the same time. Here are six unexpected ways a fitness squad matters.
Who are you going to invite to join you at Curves? Tag them in the comments below!…/unexpected-way s-a-fitness-squad-ma…... #CurveStrong #StrongerTogether #MyCurvesSquad #WorkoutBuddy
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Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t always work: Reason #3: Failure by Comparison
Have you ever sabotaged your own success by setting goals based on someone else's outcome? Do you find yourself giving up when a friend achieves a goal that you have been working hard to achieve? Curves coaches can help you set goals that are true to who you are, what you can realistically achieve, and then help keep you focused on YOU!
... What are you doing to focus on YOUR success and not compare yourself to others? Share with us in the comments below. Your insight might help another woman in your Curves community.
#CurvesStrong #SMARTGoals #YouDoYou #BeTrueToYourself
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The Curves Strength Training Journal is your secret weapon in tracking your efforts toward long-term health and fitness success. Plan your weekly workouts TODAY, and then follow your plan every day for best results! Available at your local Curves, ask your coach today.
#NeverMissAMonday #Goals #Journal


Don't stop thinking about fitness just because it's the weekend. Weekends can be great for a new activity or enjoying a sport you may have been neglecting for a while.
What do you have planned this weekend? Ice skating? Dancing? Are you making sure to get your steps in? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to post some pictures, too!
#CurvesStrong #WeekendFitness #CantStopWontStop


Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t always work: Reason #2: Perfection Paralysis
Are you someone who can't get started until everything is perfect? Do you find yourself giving up when you haven't attained a perfect result? Curves coaches can help you overcome your perfection paralysis by showing you how to get started with small manageable steps that will have you celebrating success regularly.
... Are you holding on to a perfectionist mindset that's keeping you from reaching your goals? Share with us in the comments below and you may just inspire someone else to let go as well.
#CurvesStrong #SMARTGoals #LetItGo #JustGetStarted
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Hey, Curves members, we want to hear from you! What new goals did you set for this month during your Monthly Coaching Session? Why is this goal important to you? At Curves, we know that not all goals are related to weight loss. Do you have a "non-scale" health goal as well? Tell us about it in the comments below.
#CurvesStrong #Coaching #Goals #NonScaleVictory


Never Miss a Monday with the help of the Curves Strength Training Journal! The Curves Strength Training Journal can help you map out your plan for health and fitness success by scheduling your workouts, tracking your Monthly Coaching Sessions, inspiration, motivation, and more! Available at your local Curves, ask your coach today.
#NeverMissAMonday #Goals #Journal


Start the year off right with Curves – The membership with more! Contact us to schedule your free consultation today!


Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t always work: Reason #1: Unrealistic expectations
Did you start the New Year with huge goals that are close to impossible to achieve? At Curves, we know it takes time to create a lifestyle change and consistent effort is needed to be successful. Curves coaches are trained to help you set SMART goals that can help you avoid the agony of defeat and provide the accountability that creates consistency.
... What are your SMART goals for 2019? Tell us in the comments below! #CurvesStrong #SMARTGoals #Consistency
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When's the best time to invite a friend to join your #CurvesSquad? NOW! You know that working out with a friend is more fun for YOU, but your friend will benefit from the Curves program, too. Better health and fitness shouldn't be a secret.
Tag your friends and invite them to try Curves today! #CurvesStrong #StrongerTogether


Let's start the New Year off right, with a Monthly Coaching Session to help you plan for a year filled with improved health and fitness. If you haven't scheduled your coaching session, it's not too late. Be sure to talk to your coach today!
#CurvesStrong #Coaching #NewYear

More about Curves Beddington

Monday: 05:45 - 13:30
Tuesday: 05:45 - 13:30
Wednesday: 05:45 - 13:30
Thursday: 05:45 - 13:30
Friday: 05:45 - 13:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -