Daily Hive Edmonton

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Daily Hive is a Canadian-born online news source, established in 2008, that creates compelling, hyperlocal content.



UPDATE- Neighbour Intolerance — So, since there are a lot of things that I didn't touch on, I will fill you in: He does in fact have a lot to do with the Austistic community. We deal with all the resources we can find for him. So we also have professional help on this issue. But it seems that there is no clear answer. Another thing I would like to point out, is that because our public school system is such a BS place, kids on the spectrum get a choice
... A) go to a special school to try and learn school stuff Or B) Go to a public school to learn social skills to be able to blend with society.
And because private school costs more per year than some University programs, that usually isn't an option for a lot of families. So, our kids are coded. A number gets associated with them, and that number comes with a lotted amount of money attached to it, that the schools "use" to help those kids learn (teacher aids, literacy programs etc). And if you are lucky, you go to a school that knows how to use the money properly (rare). If you are unlucky, the school uses the money poorly and your child gets passed along, falling further behind. I refuse to let that happen to my child. So to those of you who say I'm not doing quite enough...you can kiss my butt. Because my full time job is fighting for my child to get what he needs to lead a happy life.
Every parent raises their child differently. And every parent with an autistic child raises their child differently. So while my son uses some programs, he doesn't use others. And no we haven't met many other kids with Autism yet. Because we are still figuring things out. It may help him and it may not. He is high functioning, so he is able to interact with kids in a public school setting. The main issue is an intolerant neighbor who's kids will not let my son play in a public area because, they too, are intolerant. — Anonymous
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Cervical Cancer? — I’ve been very blessed to have no issues when it comes to my reproductive system. Aside from some PMS and mild cramps, I’ve never had a problem. I’m in my early 40s and have been on birth control for years. The last few months I started to spot between periods, nothing major. No pain except for some periodic pelvic discomfort. My doctor thought I had a cervical polyp and sent me to a gynaecologist. The gynaecologist said my cervix looked fine and did a rout...ine pap. She also said the spotting could be because of thinning of my cervix. She cauterized it with silver nitrate and sent me on my way. After some weird spotting from the cauterizing, everything was fine but now I’m spotting again. The Pap test came back normal with no malignancies but I’m wondering about adenocarcinoma cancer. After doing research online it says this type of cancer is higher up in the cervix and can’t always be detected by a pap. Has anyone dealt with this? Also, does anyone if all pap tests check for HPV or only if the pap comes back positive? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! — Anonymous
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Little ears — I spoke with a lady who immigrated to Canada when she was just a little girl. She works as a bus driver, last night someone got mad at her because they didn't have the fare for the bus, but here is the thing the driver let her ride for free with a warning. This ungrateful person then decided to yell racial comments at her telling her to go back to her country! Listen I get a lot of people are upset about the refugees but that is our government's fault. Her respo...nse to this was this is my country and I am proud to be Canadian! Here is the part that angers me her 10 year old son who was born and raised in Canada is now having to put up with ignorance from other ten year olds. People we are a melting pot country accept and indulge in the multi culture you have little ears that are always learning. — Anonymous
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Paint a Masterpiece of Your Pet to Support a Local Rescue! — Are you a pet lover? Do you enjoy getting creative?
Then come join us and paint a portrait of your own pet!
This is a fundraiser event for the Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society (GEARS). A portion of each ticket sale will be donated directly to GEARS. Come show your support and leave with your very own masterpiece!
... Tickets are $50.00 each (plus service fee for online purchasing), with limited seats available at the hall! Purchase them by following the link on our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/209245581 0806097/ — Anonymous
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Defamation of character — Has anyone every been involved with defamation of character?
Is this a criminal charge? Does the rcmp get involved or do you have to go through a lawyer? — Anonymous
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Resume Writing Service — Does anyone know of a resume writing service here in the Edmonton area that will write your resume for you. I was on EI and it ran out a month ago. I've been unemployed for over a year. I've submitted dozens of resumes with no success. I've used BGS services to write my resume but I don't think it's getting me any where fast. I need a service that will write it with the right number of adjectives so it doesn't get rejected by the resume software. — An...onymous
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Mediocrity and leardership — Why are there so many ill equipped managers and higher ups here? No one truly knows what they are doing and it hurts the public, private and non-profit sectors. I've seen it it all 3 sectors. People resistant to change and don't know how to think critically or see the bigger picture. When you're in a setting where the majority of leadership is mediocre, it is in their best interests to make sure that those who are hired, aren't the brightest eithe...r and so it goes on. I've also had the experience of meeting PhD educated non-white people who cannot get into executive leadership positions or management and it is not from a lack of trying. Why should racist people with little education, skills and political acumen keep their positions? People say systemic racism doesn't exist and that if you just work hard, the best person gets the job but it simply isn't true. Collect race based statistics that tell us about the experiences of educated racialized people in this province and go from there. Many are overqualified for their position and can't move up because management sees them as a threat to white supremacy and work cultures that promote mediocrity. How do we address systemic discrimination in the workplace? It is rampant here. — Anonymous
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Neighbour intolerance — My son is 7 with Autism (and a learning disability that is under review) He is a sweet,kind and gentle little guy and would never hurt anyone. In fact he is quite high functioning. His problem is social interaction. No understanding rules of games, or just wanting to be included (when he isn't invited). We have a Neighbor family with 2 girls, 7 and 9, and they are HORRIBLE to him. As a group with other kids, they barely tolerate him,but once alone with... him,the tell him to "Get lost" or "you aren't wanted" , " we dont want you around" etc. We live in a condo complex where we share a common space. All the kids in the "hood" come and play here. We have family name nights with other families here. It's a good community. But these girls are manipulative and never allow inclusion of my son unless I am present . He can play with the other kids,as long as these girls aren't around to see it. It's so humiliating and sad. We have talked to the dad. And he actually stated that his daughter is so empathetic that she "feels his autism and it makes her feel bad inside". .......🤮
I know you can't be friends with everyone. But some respect and politeness would be normal and welcome. The dad always shrugs off or ignores the kids behavior toward them. Now,I have to keep my son indoors or make other play dates with kids further away. And that's irritating because he should be able to play outside his own home. But because they can't be near him I have to take him away??!! What can I do?! — Anonymous
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The only Construction you see Construction workers doing is on their cigarettes — I understand the roads need repairing but it is absolutely appalling to find out the reason traffic is completely backed up is because one lane is shut down for supposed "construction work" and then come upon all the city construction employees standing around, smoking and laughing and not doing any work!!! This is completely infuriating to see my tax dollars going to this kind of construction b...ehavior over and over and over. Good to see how well the city manages to waste taxpayer dollars. They could clearly keep both lanes open during rush hour and close it down to do work after the rush hour traffic as they are clearly doing NOTHING during the rush hours... oh besides visiting and smoking!!!! They should only close down lanes when ACTUAL work is being done on that area and reopen it when they are finished. I find it absolute bullshit to close down lanes for days and and days when no work is being done on them for days and days. This is an inconvenience to the people of the city. You wonder why so many people become angry and don't want to respect construction zones.
The area of 167 Ave & 97 St is an area to avoid for now. — Anonymous
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Need advice for my mom — My brother is an adult man child. He is in his 30’s and still lives with our senior citizen mom. He works but doesn’t contribute to the household financials, he prefers to get high. Last year, he stole thousands of dollars from her retirement savings and nearly broke her. She forgave him (like always) and insisted he wouldn’t do it again. In her words, he’s an addict and can’t help himself. A year has gone by and he’s still stealing from her. She does...n’t know what to do. She refuses to call the police but wants him out of her home. She is terrified of him coming back when she’s sleeping. I’ve offered to call the police for her, change the locks on doors and windows or for her to come live with my family but she’s too proud and says no. I don’t know what to do to help her. He is abusing our mother but I fear if I report him to the police she will never forgive me for doing that to her baby boy. I don’t know what to do or who to call to get my mom the help she needs. Should I call the police anyway and deal with her wrath later or should I try to get her in touch with a group for families with addicts? Is there any social programs I can get her in touch with? — Anonymous
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House Plant pots — I am looking for somewhere that sells house plant pots for a fairly cheap price.Minus Home Depot, they don't have much selection for a decent price — Anonymous
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Ukrainian donut — Hello I’m craving for Ukrainian plain donut and I went to Uncle Ed’s store and Mundare they stop selling it and does anyone know where I can find Ukrainian plain donuts?
Thanks a bunch! — Anonymous
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Need Sleep — I'm in great need of sleep every night but I get less and less. My husband snores like a jet plane. I've tried the highest rated earplugs, playing music, white noise, etc but the vibration alone keeps me awake. I don't have a guest bedroom so I try sleeping on the couch. But then him or his kids come down super early and wake me up. I'm usually trying to sleep til 7 but if I can get to 6:30, I can still function. I work full time but I'm also about to start schoo...l full time as well, so sleep is a very big issue. Does anyone have any ideas? He's booked for an appointment to see about sleep apnea but he'll need money for a machine or appliance....he doesn't have any money for that so I know it'll be a dead end. I find my mood is getting darker and angrier because of the lack of sleep. Any advice is appreciated!!! — Anonymous
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Brooklyn's Backpacks for the Homeless update — Good Evening Everyone.. Just a heads up as to how things are going!!!
This past weekend we did another clothing and donation drive!!! We were so blessed to have been in contact with Jen Ruzicka and her amazing mother, they donated over 70 hand made toques for us to put in the backpacks!!! Such an amazing thing!!!
There are so many people we would like to thank. You all have been amazing to this cause.
... On Saturday September 8th, 2018 @ 1:00 pm we will be doing a bottle drive. We are asking anyone and everyone if they would kindly donate their bottles to Brooklyn's Backpacks, to be able to purchase backpacks and any items we may be short on (which there is several)!!! If you would like to donate your bottles to Brooklyn's Backpacks please contact us via email @ brooklynsbackpacks@gmail.com and we will add you to the list.
We are still short on several items for the backpacks.. Here is a list of all the items we will need..
Backpacks 11 38 Feminine products 2 23 (tampons & Pads) Gloves 3 47 Scarfs 3 47 Socks 10 40
Canned Fruit 6 44 Granola Bars 6 44
Women's and men's sweaters, jackets, underwear, warm clothing to survive winter.
Please please please let everyone know!!!! We need to make our goal in 17 days!!!
xoxo Brooklyn & Crystal — Anonymous
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everyone watch out for him — posting for another person, just a shout out to women and mommas — Anonymous
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Light speed internet provider — Has anyone used the internet service provider called Lightspeed in edmonton? They offer the same 150mbps internet telus has but it is only $69/month where as telus just increased again to $90/month. There is no contract and modem rental is $3.50/month so looking at saving around $20/month. Does anyone have any experiences with them? I'm thinking of making the change. — Anonymous
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What is chaturbate? — Looked through my husband browser history ( I know I shouldn't have been) and found he visits a site called chaturbate a lot! And wondering exactly what it is and what people do on it. — Anonymous
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Pedia sure and ensure for sale — I see the same people selling meal replacement drinks on buy and sell pages at least once a month Do they get them free or cheap as I have heard then sell for a profit? I need to buy ensure and don't get any help with cost so was wondering if it is worth buying from these people. As someone who gets no help I am frustrated with what these people do if true but I would also like cheaper Ensure and don't want to buy from people taking advantage .... — Anonymous
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