Discover, Learn And Invest In Your Health-Fly Wellness

About Discover, Learn And Invest In Your Health-Fly Wellness

doTERRA essential oils are like no others. Follow us to find out how to use them in your everyday experience. Want to order? Private message me.

Discover, Learn And Invest In Your Health-Fly Wellness Description

doTERRA essential oils
I became curious about doTERRA about 2 years ago. I wanted to find a way to reduce chemicals in my household, believed there had to be healthier ways to take care of my overall health and wellbeing and liked how doTERRA was giving back.

My interest was peaked after I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I wanted to make sure he would get the best- and only the best. I attended a yoga pre /postnatal training where this amazing doTERRA advocate and mother shared how she used the oils in her daily routine. I knew then I wanted to know more. So I figured how to use the oils during and after my pregnancy in a way that was easy and safe for me and my child. I wanted to make him an eco-baby, so cloth diapers and making my own wipes became part of the routine.

As a yoga teacher, I enjoyed connecting the oils with the various chakras and using fractionated coconut oil + oil of choice to provide neck massages to my fellow yogis.

A fellow elementary teacher peaked my curiosity when she was using the products in her classroom. Not too different than ways I had been using the oils at home: sanitize, lessen the chemicals in the air, provide a soothing aroma, etc.

I also love empowering others to be the best leader they can be! doTERRA provides a collaborative framework where everyone wins. The true win-win scenario!

Loving the outdoors, a proclaimed health advocate, a teacher, an individual caring about Mother Earth and the impact my family would have on future generations . . . doTERRA provided me with an adventure where learning, community, collaboration and opportunities became my daily reality. Still learning and getting inspired by others on this wonderful journey!

Looking forward to collaborate with you . Contact me at aurelie. smith@fmcsd. ab. ca
Follow the Facebook group at essential oils - discover, learn and invest in your health.

I'll be blessed to be part of your adventure.
To a healthy, happier you!

More about Discover, Learn And Invest In Your Health-Fly Wellness

Discover, Learn And Invest In Your Health-Fly Wellness is located at Fort mcmurray, alberta T9K1V5