Discover Your Life Today

About Discover Your Life Today

Providing Thoughtful Ideas and Concepts to Help Develop Breakthroughs.

Discover Your Life Today Description

My name is Maveen Kaura, and I am the founder of Discover Your Life Today (DYLT).

Thank you for visiting the Facebook page. I hope to deliver you the best content to help you achieve the levels of success you desire.

DYLT focuses on YOU! The most important person in Personal Development. Together we will create the life you picture.

Looking for MOTIVATION, improving FAMILY life, ideas for success at WORK or in BUSINESS, looking to increase FINANCES or if you want to grow SPIRITUALLY, you are at the right place.

Who is Maveen Kaura?

I was Born in Montreal, Canada in 1978.

I call Calgary, Canada home since 1991.

Calgary is the location I have had the opportunity to experience life and develop into who I am.

The Early Years.

Montreal is where I first learned about work ethic, hard work and owning your own full-time business.

At the age of three, my sister and I began to learn the family business. We would watch my parents work.

By the age of five, when clients came in, we would bring them a glass of water or coffee. This was our way of helping and we feeling apart of the family business.

We faced two recessions. One in 1981 and another in around the 1989.
My family lost the family business, factory and retail outlets. My parents shut down the business. In the middle of the recession my dad decided we head to the land of opportunity. Oil and real estate country.

My Career.

At 13, I got my first job as a paper boy.

At 16, I was working for a big fast food chain.

To pay for college I worked for a local grocery store.

After college I started my career in banking.

After six years I decided to change careers and go into insurance.

Another six years and I decided to leave insurance and look at the real estate sector.

Spending two years there, I decided I needed a change and sold cars for one year.

Then I decided to work for one of the larger communication providers in Western Canada and that lasted 9 months.

Today I Blog, Podcast and am in the mist of starting a marketing company.

Why Discover Your Life Today…

All the jobs I have worked had one thing in common, they were about the customer experience.

I created an experience and made sure the customer would come back to do business with us again and again.

While at my last insurance job, I decided to download an application that would allow me to listen to podcasts at my desk.

When I stumbled on podcasting it changed the direction of my life. I was able to listen to information that educated me, and in turn I could use that information to help others.

I learned and apply the information to my life and then looked for ways to help others LEARN, GROW and CHANGE, their own lives.

Although, I put together my business plan in 2012 it took me until 2015 to start and until 2016 to really put my focus on building the business.

The Push I Needed

In 2013, while working at the real estate job, I met a local entrepreneur by the name of David Andrew Wiebe. He was a podcaster, blogger and free-lance writer. He had my attention.

I believe God planned that moment so I could stop procrastinating.
Soon I met my new entrepreneur friend for a coffee and found a way we could benefit each other’s business pursuits. I would help with his website and he would help me launch mine. We started to call our weekly meetings, “Masterminds. ”

As you can imagine running an online business is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication and an understanding that the business will not grow on day one.

It will grow over time with effort and dedication. The challenge of growing the business, while helping others succeed, keeps my fire burning strong.

My Personal Life

Maveen and Lien KauraMay 28, 2011, I got to marry the women who truly completes me. Lien Nublet, now Kaura. We hit it off and from the moment we said, “Hi”, for the second time that night.

By February 2010, we knew we wanted get married and in May 2010 I met her mom.

A few weeks later, Lien met my parents and on our second meeting my parents asked when we were getting married.

In hindsight, it made it easy for us. My parents had a reason to jump the gun and asked us first. When I was 16, I told my parents they would only meet one girl. The girl I would marry. Who knew they would remember all those years later?

Where We Are Today

Lien and I do not have kids at this time.

In her spare time Lien teaches people how to make Kombucha. She completed her fitness certifications. A business of her own allows here the flexibility to build her own business and brand.

I enjoy helping people and am looking for ways to put that passion to work.

Recently, David and I started a joint business website, called This is where we podcast on various topics by digging deeper than other podcasters.

I look forward to the day I can help people improve their lives on a full-time basis. The way I envision myself doing it. I look forward to connecting to all the people who visit the website and hear about how your life had changes for the better.

More about Discover Your Life Today