Dr. Jody Carrington

About Dr. Jody Carrington

Speaker | Author | Game Changer
"Kids These Days" Canadian Best Seller
Creating a #reconnectionrevolution. One relationship at a time.

Dr. Jody Carrington Description

As a clinical psychologist, I have spent most of my career working with children and families who have experienced trauma. Growing up on a farm in rural Alberta, Canada, and after 13 years (! ) of post-secondary education, I took my first job on the Mental Health Inpatient Units of the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary.

It was during those 10 years that I learned the most about kids, families, relationships, and the vital importance of connection. Today, I’m back living in a rural setting, managing a private practice, raising a family, speaking around the country about relationships, connection and my new book, Kids These Days.

I passionately believe in the power of the relationship with the people we love, lead, and teach. My favourite thing on the planet to do is to speak with educators—they have the power to change the trajectory of a life every single day. It’s time that we need to start focusing less on kids these days, and more on those of you who hold them every day.

The core of everything I speak and write about comes down to this: we are wired to do hard things. We can do those hard things so much easier when we remember this: we are wired for connection.

Join us on this journey to build a strong, connected community—it’s a (re)connection revolution starting now.



Oh Sweet Ones🌟. Merriest of wishes on this Christmas Eve morn 💫. I know that the holidays brings with it a flood of memories and emotion. I see you. Know this: We are all connected in some way. Even if this is the first Christmas without him on this planet, or you are hurting because you haven’t spoke to her in years, I want you to find joy today. No matter how small. Something that makes your heart happy❤️. You deserve it sweet one. See, we are all here just walking each other home. Even if it’s dark today, find a spark. More importantly, if you can, be the spark. We need you love. 💛🥰 #bottomhandsonly 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


Live take 12: Not Throat-Punching Relatives at Christmas #drjodylive #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays


The last friggin day of the #drjodychallenge!! Get your stretchy pants on and stretch that body for 10 minutes! I want photos! 📸
And sweet ones. For those of you who journeyed with us on this first-ever (Re)connection Challenge: Thank you a million times. We have a few of you dedicated souls who have made the list for the book launch party prize!! We will announce the winners of the TWO TICKETS to the exclusive February 23rd book launch party tomorrow!
And to the 88 schools ...🏫 (!!!!) that participated in the challenge: I LOVE YOU!!! Your copy of Kids These Days will arrive in February!
I will be leaving love notes 💌here throughout the holidays, so stay tuned sweet ones. We have lots of excitement coming in 2019 and we can’t wait to share it with all of you - our (re)connected community! 💕❤️💕 #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays
Don’t forget that I am LIVE tonight at 8pm MST on Facebook and Instagram. We are talking about: Dealing with the relatives you want to throat punch (and getting more out of the ones you don't). 🙊
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Sweet Ones 🌟 Thank you so much for all your wonderful ideas 💡! There were so many but there was a topic that was trending in particular: Dealing with the relatives you want to throat punch (and getting more out of the ones you don't). ❤️🎄😉 Tomorrow at 8pm MST on Facebook and Instagram LIVE!! #bottomhandsonly #tistheseason 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


Day 22 #drjodychallenge. Listen more than you speak today. Makes me think of these words: The quieter you become, the more you hear”. Not always easy for us “fixer” types. Enjoy this Saturday dear ones. As you gear up for family and present craziness, Say these words a lot today, “Tell me more”, and watch the magic unfold. 🌟💛 #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


Sweet Friends!! 🌟💛🌟 We are now up to 88 schools! Isn’t that amazing?! We are so thankful for all you beautiful souls participating! 🥰 We have updated our list and checked it twice 😉 Please once again check the list - we really don’t want to miss any schools 🏫!! If you have “made the list” you will receive one copy of “Kids These Days” in February, 2019 for your school 📚. If you SEE your school on the list, Email the school’s mailing address to 💌kershia@drjodycarrington.com. Currently we have mailing addresses for 23/88 schools ❤️ Happy Friday Everyone!! #lastdayofschool 🍎


Day 21 #drjodychallenge. Read a favourite book from your childhood! Tell me one of faves. A Christmas book maybe? I have always loved “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch. Gets me in the heart every damn time. Read to your babies. Read it to yourself. Find a memory in the words that brought you joy, and just lean in. It’s Friday. 💕#bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


Day 20!! Can you even? Today I’d love it if you planned a date with one of your favourite souls❣️. A friend, one of your babies, or a coffee with just you and a journal. Slow it down today. Just for a few moments. I get an evening date on the Polar Express with my babes and my famous mother-in-law. I cannot wait! 🤗 And I’m dying to hear about a day with no social media! Did you swing it?! Can I tell you - the kids got to school on time in our house! I caught myself at least 20 times yesterday trying to click on Instagram or Facebook 😳. Rock your Thursday sweet souls.🌟👊🏼💛 #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays


Team🏆. Seriously🚨. Listen up🔊. If you're doing the #drjodychallenge with us - tomorrow is 24 hours with NO social media. This is my biggest challenge to you. Try it. Notice how much time you have. Look and really SEE the ones you teach, lead, and love. I'll see you all in 24 hours. I can't wait to hear all about it. 🌟💛 #bottomhandsonly #kidsthessdays


Sweet educators🌟💛!!!! I can’t even believe that we have 66 SCHOOL TEAMS who have participated in the #drjodychallenge.
We have educators across Canada 🇨🇦 and the US 🇺🇸, and even Australia 🇦🇺 participating!! If your staff has been a part of the challenge and you’ve sent us some beautiful shots📸, you have “made the list” 📝and will receive one copy of “Kids These Days” in February, 2019 for your school📚.
If you SEE your school on the list, email the school’s mailing address to kershia@drjodycarrington.com. If we’ve missed your school on this list and you have participated - we are SO sorry we missed you!! Send us a note, with a little staff proof ASAP and bam! You’re on the list!! xo 😘❤️


Day 18 🌟Taking care of your physical body has to come first - and the rest will follow. Even in the season of indulgence. Little things matter - eat the cake. Drink the baileys. Just take the stairs. 💛 😘! #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


Monday 🌟 Happy Monday Friends!! Let’s start the week off Celebrating an Accomplishment. No matter how big or small - CELEBRATE it 🎉 Recently I just submitted my final draft for editing 🙌🏽 I could not be more proud, scared and anxious all at the same time! I also got on the treadmill this morning💁🏼‍♀️ #nbd 💛 What are some things you are celebrating?! #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


Live take 11: THE GIFTS YOU BRING #drjodylive #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays


Good Sunday morning loves🌟💛Today is Day 16! Fix something that is broken. Now this one, loves, is wide open. What person, thing, goal, wish, needs a little love today? My motivation to workout is definitely broken. And so is a Christmas light that i’ve noticed needs some love. And there’s a few relationships in my world that could use a little love too. Get creative sweet ones. And meet me tonight at 8pm live! 💕 #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh... 📸: @leighagraf
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Well team👊🏼. This might be my most challenging day of the challenge! The whole day: No complaining! Stay in a place of gratitude today🧘🏼‍♀️. You have so much to be thankful for🙏🏼 . . . . And we will talk more about the gifts 🎁 you have to bring to this world tomorrow night on our Sunday night Facebook/instagram live! I can’t wait to see you there! 💛🌟 #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly
💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh... 📸: @leighagraf
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Look what I found at Wainwright Elementary!!! #drjodychallenge! Eeeeekkkk!


Today is a day where we want you to really think about my least favourite thing to do: Slow down 🌟💛. Just notice.
In this magical, crazy season🎄sink into the beauty of it all today. The powerful interactions and the intricacies of the living universe. When I stop and think, truly about the wonder of it all, it takes my breath away. Just notice today sweet ones💫. It’s good for your soul. And we need more of that.
#day14 #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly... 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf
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Hello Sweet Ones! 🌟Today I want you to take 5 minutes and write a care note to yourself📝. I want you to sit down and really listen to what your soul needs. This week has been busy but it’s almost over. These 5 minutes are for you. What do you need the most? ❤️ #drjodychallenge #bottomhandsonly #kidsthesedays 💄: @makeup.by.ashleigh 📸: @leighagraf


We are less than a week away from December 1st Sweet Ones! Where did November go?! We have so many exciting things planned 🎄! First up: We are so excited to announce the (RE)CONNECTION CHALLENGE 👊🏼! Every day (yup, every day) we have a small task for you to complete designed to ground you. ✨The grand prize✨?! Those who complete every task will be entered for an invite for TWO to our exclusive book launch party in February! 📝 . Are you friggen ready for this?! . Here is how yo...u are entered to win! 1️⃣ Post a picture of the daily challenge 2️⃣ Hashtag #drjodychallenge 3️⃣ Make sure that your posts are public so that we can see your photo! . Check out and print 🤓 out our December (RE) CONNECTION CHALLENGE: http://www.drjodycarrington.com/23dayreco nnection/ . It is that EASY!! Be sure to follow along because I will be kicking DECEMBER’S ASS 🍑💁🏼‍♀️
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This woman is an amazing speaker! ���


Thank you very much Dr. Jody Carrington. I was at your session on Friday at Bishop McNally and left feeling very inspired. I love my job as a kindergarten teacher and the joys i take away from it daily helps me to realize why this is so. The message of “ tell me more” resonated with me to be used with children and adults alike. Thank you again for putting it in perspective ...we all just want to be listened to and cared about ��


Thank you Jody for your entertaining, inspirational and emotional presentation last night for the Calgary Catholic School District. I was moved by your words and haven’t been able to get you out of my head today! Beautiful!


Loved this amazing lady she is as real as it gets and inspires us to be the best we can be!! Her words really made me feel better about how I am raising my kids cause I know I’m doing the best I can! 💕


Learned from this Incredible woman this last weekend and she has changed my life. Thank you so so much.


Jody is one of the most amazing speakers I've had the privilege to listen to. She uses laughter and compassion to get to the heart of the matter and rejuvenates the weary-hearted - all the while wrapping it up in love and sass. I consider her a part of my 'herd'. :)


Jody is for real. Makes me feel good about myself and being a good enough parent. Enough said


Jody is AMAZING! She spoke at the 4-H Alberta Leaders Conference this year and I have learned so much as a 4-H volunteer. She is personable, bubbly and tons of fun to listen to. She is clearly passionate about what she does and I would love to hear her speak again.


In my line of work (and maybe a bit because I am older) I have seen so many presentations/speakers and attended many workshops! Let's just say I may be a bit 'jaded'.

BUT...Dr. Carrington has made me sit up and take notice! Her messages are real, relevant, relatable and really really good!

Thank you Dr. Jody Carrington!


I was at Portage College in St Paul where she spoke last night and she is amazing in both the way she speaks and the information and education she provides! I walked away feeling that I had learned an insane amount from her!! Thank you so much!


I think that you nailed it as it was up lifting as sometimes the kids get away with to much in the schools and they need to talked to, I was so encouraged today as you came to bring this topic and the opportunity for our staff to attend today.


I seen you speak in Kananaskis and to say it was life changing is an understatement. What you taught us about parenting will change the world and enable us to raise confident children.

Our training was a couple weeks ago but I became especially thankful today while I was at the airport and watched a mom interact with her two young girls, maybe 6 and 4 years old. The 6 year old was crying and the mom was yelling at her angrily saying “we missed our flight because of YOU” “I have no idea why you don’t want to get on the plane and what you’re scared of” “YOU made us miss it”. Now I’m not judging this mom because when you know better you do better, but I just wanted to go up to this sweet girl and tell her mom to give her the biggest hug she could, get her a snack and a drink of water and get the mom to ask her daughter to “tell me more”...

Thank you Dr. Jody, now I know better so I’m trying to do better... (30% of the time �)


I love how you tell it as it is :) Loved your sense of humour :) I could go on and on!!!!


I just listened to Jody and I can say she filled my bucket. I laughed,cried and learned so much about connection. I am so grateful I got the chance to be in this women's presence. She is amazing and I will be a better human for what I learned today. If you ever have a chance to see this women talk, do not miss the opportunity. THANK YOU JODY you are so wonderful keep rocking it.


I had the privilege of hearing Jody speak at Teachers Convention.

I initially went to her session on trauma and was so impacted by her wisdom, I immediately signed up for her Friday morning session as well.

She is real, honest, heartfelt, funny and so incredibly wise.

If you ever have the opportunity to hear Jody speak - GO! You will walk away with a new found perspective on teaching/ parenting/being in relationships and how connection is the key to pure joy.

Thank you Jody! Your impact is far reaching.


Had the privilege of seeing Jody Carrington speak on Friday. She was amazing. I highly recommend her if you have relationships.....with anyone.

My favourite quote, I think, was:

Somebody’s got to be crazy about that kid. That’s number 1, first, last and always. That’s it. End of story. I mean light up crazy, lose your friggin mind crazy. @JodyCarrington

Just awesome.


Dr. Jody is amazing! She gets it! So real!


Dang, Jody, you nailed it today in Wainwright! Never before have I left a day of professional development feeling so encouraged, stretched, fed, challenged, affirmed or exhausted. Your message of connectedness is one that will resonate for the rest of my days. It may be Friday, but Monday's coming and I feel a little "light-up crazy" coming on! From the bottom of my heart I thank-you.


Completely changed /validated my role in my job. Funny, intelligent, kind, caring ..and not necessarily in that order. If you've not had an opportunity to listen to this amazing person share a message, you need to make it a priority.


This woman is an amazing speaker! ���


Thank you very much Dr. Jody Carrington. I was at your session on Friday at Bishop McNally and left feeling very inspired. I love my job as a kindergarten teacher and the joys i take away from it daily helps me to realize why this is so. The message of “ tell me more” resonated with me to be used with children and adults alike. Thank you again for putting it in perspective ...we all just want to be listened to and cared about ��


Thank you Jody for your entertaining, inspirational and emotional presentation last night for the Calgary Catholic School District. I was moved by your words and haven’t been able to get you out of my head today! Beautiful!


Loved this amazing lady she is as real as it gets and inspires us to be the best we can be!! Her words really made me feel better about how I am raising my kids cause I know I’m doing the best I can! 💕


Learned from this Incredible woman this last weekend and she has changed my life. Thank you so so much.


Jody is one of the most amazing speakers I've had the privilege to listen to. She uses laughter and compassion to get to the heart of the matter and rejuvenates the weary-hearted - all the while wrapping it up in love and sass. I consider her a part of my 'herd'. :)


Jody is for real. Makes me feel good about myself and being a good enough parent. Enough said


Jody is AMAZING! She spoke at the 4-H Alberta Leaders Conference this year and I have learned so much as a 4-H volunteer. She is personable, bubbly and tons of fun to listen to. She is clearly passionate about what she does and I would love to hear her speak again.


In my line of work (and maybe a bit because I am older) I have seen so many presentations/speakers and attended many workshops! Let's just say I may be a bit 'jaded'.

BUT...Dr. Carrington has made me sit up and take notice! Her messages are real, relevant, relatable and really really good!

Thank you Dr. Jody Carrington!


I was at Portage College in St Paul where she spoke last night and she is amazing in both the way she speaks and the information and education she provides! I walked away feeling that I had learned an insane amount from her!! Thank you so much!


I think that you nailed it as it was up lifting as sometimes the kids get away with to much in the schools and they need to talked to, I was so encouraged today as you came to bring this topic and the opportunity for our staff to attend today.


I seen you speak in Kananaskis and to say it was life changing is an understatement. What you taught us about parenting will change the world and enable us to raise confident children.

Our training was a couple weeks ago but I became especially thankful today while I was at the airport and watched a mom interact with her two young girls, maybe 6 and 4 years old. The 6 year old was crying and the mom was yelling at her angrily saying “we missed our flight because of YOU” “I have no idea why you don’t want to get on the plane and what you’re scared of” “YOU made us miss it”. Now I’m not judging this mom because when you know better you do better, but I just wanted to go up to this sweet girl and tell her mom to give her the biggest hug she could, get her a snack and a drink of water and get the mom to ask her daughter to “tell me more”...

Thank you Dr. Jody, now I know better so I’m trying to do better... (30% of the time �)


I love how you tell it as it is :) Loved your sense of humour :) I could go on and on!!!!


I just listened to Jody and I can say she filled my bucket. I laughed,cried and learned so much about connection. I am so grateful I got the chance to be in this women's presence. She is amazing and I will be a better human for what I learned today. If you ever have a chance to see this women talk, do not miss the opportunity. THANK YOU JODY you are so wonderful keep rocking it.


I had the privilege of hearing Jody speak at Teachers Convention.

I initially went to her session on trauma and was so impacted by her wisdom, I immediately signed up for her Friday morning session as well.

She is real, honest, heartfelt, funny and so incredibly wise.

If you ever have the opportunity to hear Jody speak - GO! You will walk away with a new found perspective on teaching/ parenting/being in relationships and how connection is the key to pure joy.

Thank you Jody! Your impact is far reaching.


Had the privilege of seeing Jody Carrington speak on Friday. She was amazing. I highly recommend her if you have relationships.....with anyone.

My favourite quote, I think, was:

Somebody’s got to be crazy about that kid. That’s number 1, first, last and always. That’s it. End of story. I mean light up crazy, lose your friggin mind crazy. @JodyCarrington

Just awesome.


Dr. Jody is amazing! She gets it! So real!


Dang, Jody, you nailed it today in Wainwright! Never before have I left a day of professional development feeling so encouraged, stretched, fed, challenged, affirmed or exhausted. Your message of connectedness is one that will resonate for the rest of my days. It may be Friday, but Monday's coming and I feel a little "light-up crazy" coming on! From the bottom of my heart I thank-you.


Completely changed /validated my role in my job. Funny, intelligent, kind, caring ..and not necessarily in that order. If you've not had an opportunity to listen to this amazing person share a message, you need to make it a priority.


This woman is an amazing speaker! ���


Thank you very much Dr. Jody Carrington. I was at your session on Friday at Bishop McNally and left feeling very inspired. I love my job as a kindergarten teacher and the joys i take away from it daily helps me to realize why this is so. The message of “ tell me more” resonated with me to be used with children and adults alike. Thank you again for putting it in perspective ...we all just want to be listened to and cared about ��


Thank you Jody for your entertaining, inspirational and emotional presentation last night for the Calgary Catholic School District. I was moved by your words and haven’t been able to get you out of my head today! Beautiful!


Loved this amazing lady she is as real as it gets and inspires us to be the best we can be!! Her words really made me feel better about how I am raising my kids cause I know I’m doing the best I can! 💕


Learned from this Incredible woman this last weekend and she has changed my life. Thank you so so much.


Jody is one of the most amazing speakers I've had the privilege to listen to. She uses laughter and compassion to get to the heart of the matter and rejuvenates the weary-hearted - all the while wrapping it up in love and sass. I consider her a part of my 'herd'. :)


Jody is for real. Makes me feel good about myself and being a good enough parent. Enough said


Jody is AMAZING! She spoke at the 4-H Alberta Leaders Conference this year and I have learned so much as a 4-H volunteer. She is personable, bubbly and tons of fun to listen to. She is clearly passionate about what she does and I would love to hear her speak again.


In my line of work (and maybe a bit because I am older) I have seen so many presentations/speakers and attended many workshops! Let's just say I may be a bit 'jaded'.

BUT...Dr. Carrington has made me sit up and take notice! Her messages are real, relevant, relatable and really really good!

Thank you Dr. Jody Carrington!


I was at Portage College in St Paul where she spoke last night and she is amazing in both the way she speaks and the information and education she provides! I walked away feeling that I had learned an insane amount from her!! Thank you so much!


I think that you nailed it as it was up lifting as sometimes the kids get away with to much in the schools and they need to talked to, I was so encouraged today as you came to bring this topic and the opportunity for our staff to attend today.


I seen you speak in Kananaskis and to say it was life changing is an understatement. What you taught us about parenting will change the world and enable us to raise confident children.

Our training was a couple weeks ago but I became especially thankful today while I was at the airport and watched a mom interact with her two young girls, maybe 6 and 4 years old. The 6 year old was crying and the mom was yelling at her angrily saying “we missed our flight because of YOU” “I have no idea why you don’t want to get on the plane and what you’re scared of” “YOU made us miss it”. Now I’m not judging this mom because when you know better you do better, but I just wanted to go up to this sweet girl and tell her mom to give her the biggest hug she could, get her a snack and a drink of water and get the mom to ask her daughter to “tell me more”...

Thank you Dr. Jody, now I know better so I’m trying to do better... (30% of the time �)


I love how you tell it as it is :) Loved your sense of humour :) I could go on and on!!!!


I just listened to Jody and I can say she filled my bucket. I laughed,cried and learned so much about connection. I am so grateful I got the chance to be in this women's presence. She is amazing and I will be a better human for what I learned today. If you ever have a chance to see this women talk, do not miss the opportunity. THANK YOU JODY you are so wonderful keep rocking it.


I had the privilege of hearing Jody speak at Teachers Convention.

I initially went to her session on trauma and was so impacted by her wisdom, I immediately signed up for her Friday morning session as well.

She is real, honest, heartfelt, funny and so incredibly wise.

If you ever have the opportunity to hear Jody speak - GO! You will walk away with a new found perspective on teaching/ parenting/being in relationships and how connection is the key to pure joy.

Thank you Jody! Your impact is far reaching.


Had the privilege of seeing Jody Carrington speak on Friday. She was amazing. I highly recommend her if you have relationships.....with anyone.

My favourite quote, I think, was:

Somebody’s got to be crazy about that kid. That’s number 1, first, last and always. That’s it. End of story. I mean light up crazy, lose your friggin mind crazy. @JodyCarrington

Just awesome.


Dr. Jody is amazing! She gets it! So real!


Dang, Jody, you nailed it today in Wainwright! Never before have I left a day of professional development feeling so encouraged, stretched, fed, challenged, affirmed or exhausted. Your message of connectedness is one that will resonate for the rest of my days. It may be Friday, but Monday's coming and I feel a little "light-up crazy" coming on! From the bottom of my heart I thank-you.


Completely changed /validated my role in my job. Funny, intelligent, kind, caring ..and not necessarily in that order. If you've not had an opportunity to listen to this amazing person share a message, you need to make it a priority.


This woman is an amazing speaker! ���


Thank you very much Dr. Jody Carrington. I was at your session on Friday at Bishop McNally and left feeling very inspired. I love my job as a kindergarten teacher and the joys i take away from it daily helps me to realize why this is so. The message of “ tell me more” resonated with me to be used with children and adults alike. Thank you again for putting it in perspective ...we all just want to be listened to and cared about ��


Thank you Jody for your entertaining, inspirational and emotional presentation last night for the Calgary Catholic School District. I was moved by your words and haven’t been able to get you out of my head today! Beautiful!


Loved this amazing lady she is as real as it gets and inspires us to be the best we can be!! Her words really made me feel better about how I am raising my kids cause I know I’m doing the best I can! 💕


Learned from this Incredible woman this last weekend and she has changed my life. Thank you so so much.


Jody is one of the most amazing speakers I've had the privilege to listen to. She uses laughter and compassion to get to the heart of the matter and rejuvenates the weary-hearted - all the while wrapping it up in love and sass. I consider her a part of my 'herd'. :)


Jody is for real. Makes me feel good about myself and being a good enough parent. Enough said


Jody is AMAZING! She spoke at the 4-H Alberta Leaders Conference this year and I have learned so much as a 4-H volunteer. She is personable, bubbly and tons of fun to listen to. She is clearly passionate about what she does and I would love to hear her speak again.


In my line of work (and maybe a bit because I am older) I have seen so many presentations/speakers and attended many workshops! Let's just say I may be a bit 'jaded'.

BUT...Dr. Carrington has made me sit up and take notice! Her messages are real, relevant, relatable and really really good!

Thank you Dr. Jody Carrington!


I was at Portage College in St Paul where she spoke last night and she is amazing in both the way she speaks and the information and education she provides! I walked away feeling that I had learned an insane amount from her!! Thank you so much!


I think that you nailed it as it was up lifting as sometimes the kids get away with to much in the schools and they need to talked to, I was so encouraged today as you came to bring this topic and the opportunity for our staff to attend today.


I seen you speak in Kananaskis and to say it was life changing is an understatement. What you taught us about parenting will change the world and enable us to raise confident children.

Our training was a couple weeks ago but I became especially thankful today while I was at the airport and watched a mom interact with her two young girls, maybe 6 and 4 years old. The 6 year old was crying and the mom was yelling at her angrily saying “we missed our flight because of YOU” “I have no idea why you don’t want to get on the plane and what you’re scared of” “YOU made us miss it”. Now I’m not judging this mom because when you know better you do better, but I just wanted to go up to this sweet girl and tell her mom to give her the biggest hug she could, get her a snack and a drink of water and get the mom to ask her daughter to “tell me more”...

Thank you Dr. Jody, now I know better so I’m trying to do better... (30% of the time �)


I love how you tell it as it is :) Loved your sense of humour :) I could go on and on!!!!


I just listened to Jody and I can say she filled my bucket. I laughed,cried and learned so much about connection. I am so grateful I got the chance to be in this women's presence. She is amazing and I will be a better human for what I learned today. If you ever have a chance to see this women talk, do not miss the opportunity. THANK YOU JODY you are so wonderful keep rocking it.


I had the privilege of hearing Jody speak at Teachers Convention.

I initially went to her session on trauma and was so impacted by her wisdom, I immediately signed up for her Friday morning session as well.

She is real, honest, heartfelt, funny and so incredibly wise.

If you ever have the opportunity to hear Jody speak - GO! You will walk away with a new found perspective on teaching/ parenting/being in relationships and how connection is the key to pure joy.

Thank you Jody! Your impact is far reaching.


Had the privilege of seeing Jody Carrington speak on Friday. She was amazing. I highly recommend her if you have relationships.....with anyone.

My favourite quote, I think, was:

Somebody’s got to be crazy about that kid. That’s number 1, first, last and always. That’s it. End of story. I mean light up crazy, lose your friggin mind crazy. @JodyCarrington

Just awesome.


Dr. Jody is amazing! She gets it! So real!


Dang, Jody, you nailed it today in Wainwright! Never before have I left a day of professional development feeling so encouraged, stretched, fed, challenged, affirmed or exhausted. Your message of connectedness is one that will resonate for the rest of my days. It may be Friday, but Monday's coming and I feel a little "light-up crazy" coming on! From the bottom of my heart I thank-you.


Completely changed /validated my role in my job. Funny, intelligent, kind, caring ..and not necessarily in that order. If you've not had an opportunity to listen to this amazing person share a message, you need to make it a priority.

More about Dr. Jody Carrington

Dr. Jody Carrington is located at 2nd floor, 5037 50th Street, Olds, Alberta T4H 0C9