Drumheller Rocks Geotourism

About Drumheller Rocks Geotourism

Geological Tours of the Badlands of Dinosaur Valley

Drumheller Rocks Geotourism Description

Explore the "pages of time" in the Drumheller Badlands from the Cretaceous dinosaur bearing rocks to the glacial and recent deposits. and processes.

Every rock and landform has a story to tell. . . . Drumheller Rocks job is to tell that story.

Brent Noland, (B. Sc. Geology, UBC 1980) has a wealth of earth science experience and is a skilled educator. He makes it fun and reveals the deep connections we have with the earth.



Sue Sternberg and family on a GeoTour a few summers ago.
Sue, a published dog behavior expert, was on a trip to give a workshop in Edm and stopped for a tour.
I get the coolest clients. Sometimes I feel like I'm the tourist - I meet interesting earth respecting people from different places showing up in my own backyard. click the gif


Doing a monster GIS mash-up. Bringing together big data from different sources: topo, ice sheet thickness, max glaciation limits, Canada provinces, paleo sea level, etc
This is at 14000 years ago ... the ice-free passage opens up for the population of North America begins ...
Here's a snapshot in my workflow. Note the two "barriers" in the ice-free passage. These are interpolation errors that I fixed with subsequent refinement. GIS models must always be vetted for reasonablen...ess.
Standby for the 3D movie ... a chilling saga of rock, water, and ice.
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Amazing color.


Royal Tyrrell Speaker Series
Drumheller is most fortunate to have a weekly winter series of world-class speakers. Every Thursday at 11 am; this week:"
The Origins and Evolution of Madagascar’s Modern Vertebrates, Karen Samonds, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
... Beat the winter doldrums and take a day trip to the Badlands. Add in a driving GeoTour with Drumheller Rocks with lunch after the talk for a full Badlands experience.
Last talk Thursday, April 25th. Schedule attached,
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Royal Tyrrell Speaker Series
Drumheller is most fortunate to have a weekly winter series of world-class speakers. Every Thursday at 11 am:
The Origins and Evolution of Madagascar’s Modern Vertebrates, Karen Samonds, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
... Beat the winter doldrums and take a day trip to the Badlands. Add in a driving GeoTour with Drumheller Rocks with lunch after the talk for a full Badlands experience.
Last talk Thursday, April 25th. Schedule attached,
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Spectacular Mega Ripples
Located between Dinosaur Prov Park and Tide Lake. Field is 8 km wide East/West, wavelength = 0.5 Km, height = 5 meters.
The source of these ripples is from a mega-flood, possibly subglacial, coming from the outburst of an ice-dammed glacial lake. These "biblical scale" megafloods shape much of Alberta's landscape. Mega-ripples are quite rare.
... Similar, but larger (25 m), ripples are found within the Channel Scablands, Washington state... the classic location of mega glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs).
ps Have you ever noticed ripples of silt when you drain your bathtub? Similar hydrodynamic process. The 4th image is from Wash. state.
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Clean power,


I found a yummy new shapefile of the Geology of North America. I'm living in a great day to study and share geology!
I start my tours with the Big Picture: global geology and plate tectonics. I was lucky to have had some professors
Ultimately, the rocks of Drumheller record the plate tectonic collisions in the Cordillera. Each collision resulted in a pulse of mountain building and erosion that shed sediment into the interior of the continent.
... Image from GSA
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LOL science can be fun! Experiment and simulations are key to good science. Note how the "racers" crash into the valley walls when the direction changes. That's where erosion is active.

More about Drumheller Rocks Geotourism
