Easy Wheels

About Easy Wheels

EasyWheels is a campus bike rental service. Just find the nearest EasyRack, swipe your UniCard and go!

Easy Wheels Description

Attending classes is already a chore for students even before you factor in the effort it takes to get to them. For students who live off campus, they have to either deal with unreliable public transit or pay expensive parking fees. Even students who live in residence are situated a 15 minute walk from most buildings. There has to be an easier way to get to class! Easy Wheels is a universal bike rental service for University of Calgary students and staff. The bikes will be located all around campus for both students and staff to rent and ride from one building to another. This service will benefit those who have tight schedules or who struggle to make it to class on time. It will also cut the long walk from campus to the C-Train station in half for those off-campus students who have to rely on public transit. The bikes can also be used to travel to Brentwood Shopping center just off of campus. This will accommodate residence students who need easier access to grocery stores and banks. Lastly, Easy Wheels promotes healthy and active lifestyle for the university population. Exercise is difficult to maintain with a busy school schedule. Easy Wheels can enhance your physical and academic fitness at the same time!

More about Easy Wheels

Easy Wheels is located at 2500 University Drive, NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4