Edmonton Safe Parent

About Edmonton Safe Parent

The Mission of the Safe Parent Association is to
provide safety and guidance to the citizens of Edmonton,
especially children and seniors, by providing safe
homes and education programs

Edmonton Safe Parent Description

The Edmonton Safe Parent Association is unique to Edmonton and came to being in 2006. A Safe Parent is a responsible, police screened adult who is willing to offer assistance to someone in an emergency situation. Safe Parents display a red, black and white sign of a skunk holding a child's hand. These signs are displayed in a window and indicate there is an adult home who can render assistance. Anyone of any age may go to a Safe Parent home for help. Please go to a Safe Parent home if you are feeling threatened in any way, feeling ill, lost or having car trouble.

Even though anyone may come to a Safe Parent house for assistance, our focus is on children and seniors. This is the most venerable sector of our community. Unfortunately, bullying is a concern for both age groups. This is a serious and underrated problem. It is not a normal part of growing up, or, ageing and should not be tolerated. Bullying comes in many forms. Direct bullying includes threats, hitting, taking or destroying possessions and name calling. Indirect bullying may be gossiping, shunning, saying or writing (texting) bad things and internet harassment. Your child, or older family member, may become withdrawn, depressed, weary, schools grades going down. Be aware and ask questions, let them know it is not their fault. Let them know you are on their side and will help in any way possible.

More about Edmonton Safe Parent
