Elated Mind

Monday: 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:30
Friday: 09:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Elated Mind

At Elated Mind we are dedicated to making the world a happier, more peaceful place - one mind at a time.

Elated Mind Description

At Elated Mind we are dedicated to making the world a happier, more peaceful place - one mind at a time. We believe that each person possesses the potential to live their life joyfully and entirely on their terms, and it is only societal conditioning that makes us think otherwise. Conscious creation and a life based on choice isn’t simply wishful thinking, but instead is the by-product of understanding and silencing the fear-based limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Through the channelling experience, we are able to access both the conscious and subconscious mind to give a clear understanding of your fears and motivations. As each person is unique, the road to discovering what is limiting your potential can take time with traditional coaching and counselling services. However, within the channelling experience we are able to read and analyze the subtle energies of the human body to allow for an extensive analysis of self, in as little as one session. Our goal at Elated Mind is to help you better understand yourself and your mental conditioning, so that you can lead a life based on what you truly desire. In understanding the function of the mind, your current situations, emotional state, thought patterns and points of attraction - we can best assess where changes can be made to create your own heaven on earth!



True power comes from accepting the neutrality of every situation. Within neutrality lies the power of choice and the option to direct your reality as you see fit. The calmer you remain during chaos, the more absolute is the universe’s instructions to bring more calm and peace into your life. How you respond, determines what you are asking for in your future moments. Embrace neutrality and accept that each situation is merely an energetic mirror to your thoughts, feelings and emotions - and from this conscious place of power your life will transform ❤️


When one learns to master the mind and energies within - potential exists all around. From this space, the world is not filled with problems - but instead challenges. Challenges that are neither good nor bad and are simply opportunities to create solutions and move forward. Embrace the challenge and rise - becoming the power that has always resided within #channeling #heavenonearth #lawofattraction #magic #manifestation


Embrace all aspects of your journey. In accepting self and every experience that shaped you into who you are, you free yourself from the limitations of guilt, judgment and fear. See the neutrality within all of life’s experiences and become inner peace #innerpeace #channeling #heavenonearth #lawofattraction #love


Release your inner Magick and watch the miraculous unfold around you #magick #lawofattraction #realitycreation #ancient #hermes #channeling


Use YOUR mind as a tool, do not let it use you. Master your mind - master your reality!#lawofattraction #realitycreation #channeling #heavenonearth


Working with Amanda has radically changed my life.

She has supported my work in ascension to 5D, learning to channel, understanding myself, and feeling connected to my power.

This is a perfect quote for her: "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have the faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."

She is full of prophecy, knowledge, faith, integrity.. and most of all LOVE. She is a lightworker who is in the field, DOING IT. So you can look to her for guidance, and you can look to her for inspiration. <3


The session I had was incredibly insightful and I'm so happy that everyone has a chance to experience what I did. Amanda has a true gift, the reading was very unique and I will remember the messages forever. They really did change my life. Forever grateful for meeting and connecting with the channeller Amanda


The reading I received was very helpful and informative !!! Extremely accurate. Very pleased with my experience :)


The experience I was fortunate enough to have was very eye-opening and amazing. I hope everyone is able to learn about themselves as much as I did and take from it great advice and life lessons which help you to grow so much as an individual. It is a hectic world we live in and the slightest amount of insight is truly comforting, but the insights I was able to take from Amanda's channeling have helped me overcome mountains and obstacles I would've never imagined. An experience I will never forget and bring with me throughout my whole beautiful adventure of life! :)


Thank you Amanda for introducing me to my "tribe". You are amazing and you have an incredible gift. xo


If you truly want to change yourself and your life I highly suggest you work with this amazing woman xx


I really wasn't sure what to expect going into my session. I was actually pleasantly surprised how much clarity I gained and how awesome the session was! Amanda went into areas of my life I kinda brushed aside and I loved that she shined light on them. I was also surprised how much "knew" me! :) I would definitely recommend Amanda for anyone who wants to gain insight and clarity. Cannot wait to listen to the recording! <3 Thank you!


Amanda is an amazing person with messages that can change your world..

More about Elated Mind

Monday: 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:30
Friday: 09:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -