Eleven Eleven Collective



Big Talk at Eleven Eleven is a monthly speaker series featuring various speakers talking about things that matter.
SeptemberŌĆÖs featured speaker is Lissa Daub from Makobe River Coaching. Lissa is a Transformational Strengths Coach who works with individuals and business teams to uncover and develop their unique strengths to live their best lives.
... Addicted to Addiction Journey from Codependence to Independence
In any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians experiences an addiction problem. There isnŌĆÖt an addict alive that doesnŌĆÖt have someone who loves them.
Come and listen to LissaŌĆÖs story of walking side by side in addiction with those closest to her. SheŌĆÖll talk about the relationships with people she tried to fix to the point that she gave up and walked away until it affected a relationship she couldnŌĆÖt walk away from.
Left with no choice but to fix herself, hear how she broke the chains of codependence and stepped fully into Independence.
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­¤Ü© ATTN YOGIPRENEURS ­¤Ü© . Are you a yoga teacher who is passionate about building your business? . Are you looking for a space to grow? ... . Eleven Eleven is passionate about heart centred entrepreneurs and we are excited to offer YOU the opportunity to SHINE! . We have (limited) space available this fall for your classes at the following times . MondayŌĆÖs 5:30-6:30pm . Tuesdays 9-10am (SOLD) 4:30-5:30pmo . Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm (SOLD) . Thursday 9-10am 5:30-6:30pm . Friday 9-10am . Saturday/Sunday 8-9am . All sessions are 8 weeks for $299 and includes: studio space, props, co-host on our Facebook events, links in our weekly newsletter. . **please note as a rental space Eleven Eleven is not responsible for filling your classes . Please email elevenelevencommunity@gmail.com for inquiries
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BIG TALK with Feel Good Friday


Monday night!
DonŌĆÖt miss our first talk with Julie ­¤ī¤


Big Talk at Eleven Eleven is a monthly speaker series featuring various speakers talking about things that matter.
We are excited to host our first Big Talk event on August 13th featuring Julie Thulin.
Julie is a Coach, Belief Repatterning Practitioner, and a Certified Assertiveness Coach. Julie will take us on a 2 hour journey with takeaways on how we can Show Up and Shine in our lives.
... ­¤ī¤Show Up and Shine­¤ī¤
WeŌĆÖre all meant to shine. YES, even YOU. LetŌĆÖs talk and uncover the things that prevent us from showing up and shining. ItŌĆÖs easier than you might think.
So what does it mean to ŌĆ£show up and shineŌĆØ. It isnŌĆÖt about putting on a brave and happy face. It isnŌĆÖt about having the job or relationship or possessions that other think are great. ItŌĆÖs deeper, warmer, truerŌĆ”ŌĆ”.
ItŌĆÖs about allowing that spark of light within you to grow brighter and stronger each day. You know the spark. The one you feel when you are in a state of gratitude. The one you feel when doing something for the pure joy of it. The one you feel when you show up as who you are meant to be.
This workshop will -help you rediscover your spark if you feel itŌĆÖs lost -give you tools to keep the spark shining in good and not so good times -help you navigate the changes you may be experiencing in your life -allow you to practice showing up in a safe and fun environment ŌĆ”ŌĆ”.and so much more.
­¤ī¤So wonŌĆÖt you join us? IsnŌĆÖt it time to ŌĆ£Show Up and Shine"­¤ī¤
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Meditation Drop in at 8:15pm
See you tonight ­¤ī¤


Tonight Kelsey is bringing us on a journey to meet our guides! 2 spots left! Grab a ticket through the link below ­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć


Intro to Crystals with Nicole Starker Campbell­¤ÆĢ Hit the ticket link in the event details to grab your spot!


Kelsey has opened up some extra spots for readings this month due to travel plan changes!
Grab a spot at elevenelevenbooking.as.me


Eleven Eleven is excited to have Heidi Crozier join the dream Team!
Heidi is a Belief Specialist in Belief Repatterning and is starting TOMORROW!
If youŌĆÖre interested in a 30 or 60 minute session, check out her availability using this link­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­ ¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć
... https://ElevenElevenBooking.as.me/ŌĆ”
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Grab a ticket here
https://www.facebook.com/1536140623363102 /posts/1975678296075997/


Back to back drop in yoga and meditation!!


­¤ÆÄHave you shopped our crystals yet?
­¤ÆÄwe are open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-4


The shop is closed Friday June 22 because sometimes you just gotta rest!
We will be open for retail hours again Tuesday 9-3
Have a fantastic weekend!


Group reading alert ­¤Ü©
What happens when a Medium and a Life Coach team up??
Come find out!
... Book your spot here
https://ElevenElevenBooking.as.me/?appoin tmentType=7141368
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All of our books are $20 this week ­¤ōÜ
Pop by today, Thursday or Friday!


Warm and welcoming. Loved the Full Moon cleansing on Friday night. Look forward to more! ’┐Į’┐Į


My friend Leanne and I taught an Access Consciousness Bars Class here a week ago, and I was impressed by how lovely the space truly is! Kelsey is very accommodating and supportive, and the space itself is beautiful and has great energy!


Held my first Women Inspiring Women class at Eleven Eleven on November 2nd. It's a beautiful venue with great energy. Kelsey is a dream to work with! We are blessed to have a space like this in the Park to nurture our souls and spread our light.


Warm and welcoming. Loved the Full Moon cleansing on Friday night. Look forward to more! ’┐Į’┐Į


My friend Leanne and I taught an Access Consciousness Bars Class here a week ago, and I was impressed by how lovely the space truly is! Kelsey is very accommodating and supportive, and the space itself is beautiful and has great energy!


Held my first Women Inspiring Women class at Eleven Eleven on November 2nd. It's a beautiful venue with great energy. Kelsey is a dream to work with! We are blessed to have a space like this in the Park to nurture our souls and spread our light.


Warm and welcoming. Loved the Full Moon cleansing on Friday night. Look forward to more! ’┐Į’┐Į


My friend Leanne and I taught an Access Consciousness Bars Class here a week ago, and I was impressed by how lovely the space truly is! Kelsey is very accommodating and supportive, and the space itself is beautiful and has great energy!


Held my first Women Inspiring Women class at Eleven Eleven on November 2nd. It's a beautiful venue with great energy. Kelsey is a dream to work with! We are blessed to have a space like this in the Park to nurture our souls and spread our light.

More about Eleven Eleven Collective
