Entrepreneur By Design

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Entrepreneur By Design

Entrepreneur By Design is a Calgary entrepreneurial and small business consulting company. Our certified coaches are successful small business owners that have a true passion for helping others achieve their goals.

Entrepreneur By Design Description

Entrepreneur By Design is owned and operated by Wendy Fedoruk. She has a Business Diploma from SAIT and is a graduate of the Certified Coaches Federation. Wendy formerly owned US Property 101, a successful real estate coaching and mentoring company. During this time she assisted Canadians purchasing investment property in the United States. This involved assistance with financing options and arrangements, property prospecting and analyzing, property management, smart solutions to tax and legal liabilities, legal entity structuring, IRS compliance and small business strategies.

Wendy furthered her business and coaching experience through joining a team of independent business consultants and is currently contracted by the Business Development Bank of Canada as a business coach and consultant.

Strengthening her knowledge and building strategic business alliances led to the creation of Entrepreneur By Design … a niche entrepreneurial small business coaching company that specializes in helping entrepreneurs and small business owners reach their goals.

Wendy has been an active real estate investor for 15 years and currently manages all aspects of an international real estate portfolio. She has published work in The Canadian Real Estate Magazine, Globe and Mail, Profit Canada and Philip McKernan’s bestselling books, “South of 49” and “Fire Sale”. Wendy found that what she loved most about her real estate business was coaching and helping others reach their goals. Still having a passion for business and entrepreneurship she transitioned to entrepreneurial coaching naturally.



If you could have one 'do over' in your life, what would you do differently?
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What is your answer to this fill-in-the blank ... If I had to give up Facebook or Google, I would give up ________.
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Free download "How to get 5000 Likes on your Facebook Business Page in less then a week! " https://buff.ly/2na0Tbn ___________________ For small businesses, committing to continually strive to provide the best customer service possible is especially important because:
1. Customer loyalty is crucial to most small business’s bottom line:... Good customer service is the prime driver of customer loyalty. On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase according to the White House Office of Consumer Affairs.
2. Good customer service saves small business’s money: Depending on which study you believe, and what industry you’re in, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one (Harvard Business Review).
3. Businesses (especially small businesses) can’t survive long-term bad press: Customers judge the customer service of every business they deal with — and they’re much more likely to share bad ratings with other people than good.
4. Providing top-notch customer service is one of the few ways small businesses can compete with larger retailers: In fact, as Daniel Butler, vice president of Retail Operations for the National Retail Federation, points out, this “buyer experience” is where owners of small stores have a big advantage over their chain-store counterparts.
They can actually be in touch with their customers and make a personal connection. _________________ -SUSAN WARD ( #SmallBusiness ) #CustomerLoyalty #LoyalCustomer #CustomerService
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Free download "How to use your Google My Business Listing to get 10x more local search traffic!" https://buff.ly/2na0Tbn _______________ Customer feedback is a great tool for improving customer service and customer loyalty. Your customers are literally telling you what they like or don’t like about your products or services regularly in person, through email, by phone or through social media. Use these interactions to identify consistent issues and act upon them.
You should ...make sure that you also seek the opinions of your less vocal customers, by conducting customer assessments and/or using customer surveys.
For small businesses, the watchwords for customer service should be assessment and improvement. Upgrade Your Customer Service in 3 Steps will show you how you can improve the basic elements of the customer service your small business provides. _______________ -SUSAN WARD ( #SmallBusiness ) #Feedback #CustomerFeedback #CustomerLoyalty #LoyalCustomer
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Free download "How to get 5000 Likes on your Facebook Business Page in less then a week! " https://buff.ly/2lDdLWK ______________ Sometimes you have to dig a little for a good bargain. When making purchases from vendors or contracting with suppliers, try negotiating for a better deal. Don’t forget to examine purchase terms like late payment penalties and grace periods when making a decision. Sometimes being given an extra 30 days to pay can save you more than a 5% discount off the top. _______________ -ALYSSA GREGORY ( #SmallBusiness )


Free download "How to get 5000 Likes on your Facebook Business Page in less then a week! " https://buff.ly/2lDdLWK ______________________
There are so many reasons not to mix your business and personal accounts, including tax issues, personal liability, and jumbled accounting records, just to name a few. When things get tight, resist the urge to secure your business finances with personal funds because it will surely create a mess you will have to deal with later on.
... The best way to maintain clear separation of your expenses is to set a personal budget and a business budget. Adhere to them strictly and separately so that credit cards and loans for your business don’t get used for your personal finances and vice versa. Your bookkeeper and accountant will thank you for not muddying the money waters when it comes time to manage your books and pay your taxes. _________________ - Alyssa Gregory (Small Business)
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I have an acquaintance who recently stepped in as part-owner of a restaurant. The restaurant is well-situated and ultimately successful, but with a slow-down in businesses in the area, they have to work extra hard to keep enough customers walking through the door and keep them leaving happy.
After one particularly harrowing night when everybody in town decided it was the place to dine and not enough wait staff were scheduled, their patio was drowned out with rain, and one of ...their head chefs walked out, the owners made some snap decisions during the aftermath. One of their decisions was to double the number of wait staff on shift all the time. It is my feeling that they didn’t truly see this idea through to conclusion before implementing it; they now characteristically have way more wait staff than necessary on shift. The hourly wages paid out are increasing exponentially (and unnecessarily). Each servers’ share of the tips has significantly decreased, and often a number of them get cut before the night is over. The restaurant will likely lose their best servers because of this.
You may say “so? Big deal. Hire more servers,” but servers are the front lines of a restaurant. Poorly trained or inexperienced servers can be the death of a perfectly good restaurant; retaining the good ones is crucial. This was a snap decision may be a critically detrimental one.
________________ #BusinessManagement #BusinessTips #PlanningStrategy
Nora Dunn ( #Entrepreneur)
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A long sailing trip, such as the one you are planning, involves many risks and requires careful consideration. You need to identify and set priorities that will help you stay the course to your vision. For instance:
#Safety You will not take any unnecessary risks while you are on the trip.
... #Family and friends You will stay in touch with those who support you to keep them abreast of your journey.
#Health You will find ways to exercise, eat properly and get enough rest on your trip.
#Fun You will make time to indulge in activities that are fun and exciting, and you will do your best to maintain a positive attitude.
What you have done is just created a mission statement for your trip. As you plan your trip and your actions, you will use these priorities to guide decisions. For instance, if there is a strong storm in the forecast, rather than rushing to get to your destination, you will instead take the necessary measures to assure the safety of you and anyone traveling with you.
__________________ Peter Gasca ( #Entrepreneur )
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Paul Tiffany, a senior lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and co-author of Business Plans for Dummies, suggests three steps for articulating your company’s primary purpose.
1. Ask key employees to write a draft statement about what the company does—but tell them to keep it short. “Preferably only two or three sentences,” Tiffany says, “employing simple and straightforward language.”
2. From their answers, craft a single statement that... includes language describing how the company differs from its competitors (keeping in mind that a mission statement is neither a vision statement nor a statement of values).
3. Circulate the draft document to a range of external stakeholders. Encourage their response, revise as necessary and send the revision to select advisors. “Lastly,” Tiffany says, “finalize the mission statement based on everything you now know,” and publish the document both internally and externally. _________________ #Mission #BusinessMission #BusinessObjectives #BusinessPlan
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Expanding a #business is an exciting next step for owners. To determine whether or not you’re ready to pursue an expansion agenda, ask yourself what you expect from the expansion and how quickly you hope to achieve those expectations. If you know what you want and have assessed that you have the right team, marketplace conditions and funding in place to help you get there, you might just be ready to move into the next stage of your business’ lifecycle.
#BusinessExpansion -Daniel DeMeo ( #Entrepreneur )


Outside our comfort zone is where we can grow, learn, and achieve things that we never thought possible. Not a lot of people like to stretch outside their comfort zones but in truth this is where the magic happens. It is human nature to avoid things that we are afraid of or make us uncomfortable but don't let the fear stop you. Work on convincing yourself why you should consistently push through these limiting thoughts. Have a great Sunday. Wendy
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Anyone who is a sales professional or has a sales team - check this out - super cool!.
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More about Entrepreneur By Design

Entrepreneur By Design is located at 700, 1816 Crowchild Trail NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 3Y7
403 701 1199
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -