Entrepreneurial Freedom

Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Entrepreneurial Freedom

This is a community of entrepreneurs who are here to learn, share, inspire, be inspired, be accountable, to grow our businesses and to grow personally. The power in this community will help us all create the success that truly matters most to each of us!



If you don’t want to repeat a history in your business or life you didn’t like then you must prepare for the success you desire. A bit of Wednesday Wisdom for you that can lead to more work life balance and being the high achiever you want to be in the year ahead!


Don’t repeat last year’s fails. For a different success in 2019 it’s assessment first, then proper planning for your business and your life. It’s the key to being a high achiever and living with work life balance. https://www.entrepreneurialfreedom.ca/ass essment-first-bef…/


If all you can see are the barriers along the thousand mile journey of change you know you need to make, you might need coaching support in planning for and taking that first step. It can lead to the work life balance you want and in being the high achiever you want to be.


A very rare and exciting opportunity has recently come up for Mortgage Brokers in the Edmonton area. My BNI Elite chapter is now actively looking for an awesome Mortgage Broker to fill an available seat.
If you know the power of networking in BNI and what it can mean for your business, and understand how infrequently this opportunity comes available for Mortgage Brokers, you’ll want to jump on this.
Contact me for more details and to arrange to visit our chapter soon. We meet Wednesday mornings!


It all starts with this simple question. Are you happy? If it’s NO to any aspect of your business or life then change must happen. Otherwise what’s the point? Good coaching and proper planning can help with that change. https://www.entrepreneurialfreedom.ca/dad dy-are-you-happy/


After addressing the “keep you awake at night” priorities for change and setting your path of being a high achiever in your business WHILE ALSO having the work life balance to live your ideal life, periodically aligning your rudder is all that is needed to stay the course. Here are 3 steps I take to stay aligned. https://www.entrepreneurialfreedom.ca/ali gning-my-rudder/


One of the biggest benefits of executive and life coaching is helping you get past your biggest barrier... YOU!


As you do annual biz planning why not also create a personal plan to be a high achiever in your business and your industry in 2019 WHILE ALSO having the freedom and work life balance you need to live the ideal life you want. https://www.entrepreneurialfreedom.ca/suc cess-planning/


The 80 - 100 hour work week! Good for some. Not for most. Here’s how to know and how to have work life balance AND be a high achiever. https://www.entrepreneurialfreedom.ca/is- the-80-100-hour-w…/


It’s annual planning time for your business and your life. Want better results for 2019 than you had this year? What will you do differently?


The 80 - 100 hour work week! As a business owner, is it right for you? Here's how to know and how to have work life balance AND be a high achiever.


The end of the year is closing in quickly. Time to make your plans to have 2019 be exactly as you want it to be. Too often we business owners only plan for the businesses success. I’ll help you create the plan to ensure you are also the high achiever you want to be in your business and in your industry while also creating the balance to live the ideal life you truly want. There are only a limited number of spaces available for December and January so let’s connect soon!


Love this. “If you genuinely celebrate Friday you need to re-evaluate your entire f*$#@n’ game!” How many people do you know who hate their work, their business or their lives where their whole focus leads to the weekends as their escape or their reward for enduring Monday to Thursday. Life’s too short for that.


Coming upon Thursday. Two quality health related presentations and a trade show where I’ll be promoting how I help business owners just like you. 🙂Come on down and say hi.


Simply a way of being!


All 5 are great points but it really does start with... “Recognize the difference between urgent and important”. Not only that but prioritizing the important game changers first into your schedule so they don’t get bumped as they so often do.


If you know anyone who is experiencing the impact (direct or indirect) of breast or ovarian cancer then this event on October 25 is a must. My colleague, Mikolaj Raszek, is giving the keynote presentation and is a wealth of knowledge on this subject.


Have you ever considered using a coach? Here are 7 reasons you might want to and 3 reasons why you may not have... yet!


I was very happy to be a member of the first Entrepreneurial Freedom Mastermind Group for Entrepreneurs. Brent was able to create an accepting and comfortable environment for all participants to be able and willing to share their struggles and be open to recommendation and feedback. The main benefit of the mastermind, for me, is that is allowed me to learn more about myself in a non-intrusive way. I am now able to challenge myself in a more positive manner and better able to handle the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur. I am also able to use the thought process that Brent taught us during the mastermind to help my own clients. I highly recommend Brent and his Entrepreneurial Freedom Mastermind Group.


I recently attended Brent's workshop. Here I realized I am not working towards being truly free, in my personal and work life. Brent helped me set out clear goals to which I can plan in detail how I will be successful with my business and life step by step. After spending a few hours in his workshop, I felt a fog was lifted from me. I can't imagine what a benefit working with him on a regular basis will do! :)

Thank you, Brent, for helping me organize my goals, life and leading me on a path to become truly free!


I met Brent a few months ago and was thrilled when he announced that he was offering an Entrepreneurial Freedom workshop. I had been wanting a chance to attend and learn more about creating some work life balance and develop some new habits surrounding planning my business.

The workshop was a great event, Brent led the group through various activities and we had a chance to share some of what we were discovering about own businesses. It also gave each of us a chance to learn from each other too. Brent created a comfortable setting and made it easy for us to share and get feedback

After the workshop a group of us joined Brent's online coaching community. It is a monthly online meeting to continue working on some of the exercises we started at the workshop.

Working with Brent has been a great experience. I appreciate the ease with which he presents each concept, uses great examples from his own experiences, and gives everyone in the group a chance to share. I'd highly recommend for anyone looking to get some coaching or to join in to one of the groups your business will thank you and you'll be on your way to some work/life balance.


I highly recommend Brent for his wonderful coaching style.

I love how he gently meets people where they are at and helps them move forward.

It is inspirational to me how he brings everything together by celebrating the successes as well as the lessons from the difficulties

He has helped me see that I am the conductor of my symphony and I am the one who chooses which song is being played.


I have attended the Mastermind group sessions, I really enjoyed the leadership provided by Brent in leading the group. The various topics that were addressed by the group covered some really interesting topics and it was great receiving the feedback, suggestions and resources from the masterminds to address items that were relevant to all of us and our business' in some way. I would highly recommend trying the mastermind approach to coaching! Call Brent!

More about Entrepreneurial Freedom

Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -