
About Epic-Army

EPIC "Extraordinary People Inspiring Change" ARMY was created as a way to connect individuals looking to help out in their communities, to causes and events that align with their values and beliefs. Be a part of the change and join the EPIC ARMY.

Epic-Army Description

At Epic Army we believe the world provides us with Epic adventures, Stories, People, and Opportunities to discover and share every day. We are a community of individuals who want to inspire others to be part of the change they want to see in the world.

Extraordinary People Inspiring Change - EPIC Army will be a place for people to connect to whatever cause is close to their heart. We want to be a resource connecting people to opportunities within their communities.
The page will share positive content with people contributing to a greater good. EPIC Army will be a refreshing perspective inviting members to share the light in their life and engaging with others who are doing the same.
Get out in your community and share your experience with us.



Message from Kayla Caravan...please message her directly if you would like to help out!
Hey FB tribe!
Do you have a copious amount of plastic grocery bags that you don’t know what to do with? I’ll be doing a “plastic bag drive” Saturday afternoon to collect for the Calgary Food Bank, who are ALWAYS in need of these! DM, call or text me if you have some that I can take off your hands :)
... Also, if anyone wants to co-pilot, the fur child and I will gladly take the company. Must love coffee, country music, and be tolerant of my not so great singing!
#epicarmy #beEPIC #inspiringchange #everydaybattles #epichealing #armyofchange #getLOUD #betheChange #positivechange #EPICinfo #mentalhealth #suburbanaddiction
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Better late then never Bell Lets talk. Mental health affects us all


Happy New Year Epic Army!!
We are busy making plans for events throughout 2018, and will be updating this page soon!
"May our love give us the strength to overcome each and every darkness, and make beautiful beginnings together this New Year"
... All The Best in 2018 Epic Army
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What is something about mental health that makes you uncomfortable to talk about?
Lets have a safe conversation about this and try to learn something about how people could be feeling.


Hello All, tomorrow is our first event! If you want to join us in handing out Christmas bags to some of the men and woman living on the streets of Calgary meet us at the CHARBAR parking lot at 7pm tomorrow December 6th.
This is Tami's birthday wish and we are making it happen!
... Bags contain the following items, if you wish to add tot he bags please bring units of the item to add.
Blanket Hand knitted Scarf Hat/Toque Gloves Oral Hygiene kits Soap Shampoo/Conditioner Razor Sanitizer
Our goal is not only to share some cold weather essentials but to talk to some of Calgary's homeless and find out their story. FInd out what we can do to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
IF you want to join us please let us know, wear your EPIC Army shirt - or join us and pick one up! Comment if you are bringing some coffee/doughnuts so we don't double up!
We look forward to seeing you there!!! THank you to all who contributed to these bags. I am sure these gesture will go a long way to making someones day and we can spread some light on Tami's birthday :)
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Wednesday December 6th the EPIC Army will be handing out some Christmas joy. We have stuffed 15 bags with some essentials for those living on the street.
We will be handing out these bags with some hot coffee and doughnuts to meet some of the people we see every day on the drive home.
... We want to start a conversation. We want to know what we can do to help, this is a step but our next event will be held giving people what they really need and not just what we assume.
So far each bag has the following items. (If you have 15 if anything to add please contact us, if you have cash towards the bill, send it over! Every bit helps and goes right into these bags. I will post receipts so everyone can see money sent to our foundation is put right into the care packages :)
We volunteer our time for this and love it!! Join the fun! And give from the heart.
So far in each bag: Blanket Hat Mitts Socks Hand knit scarves by Tami!! Toothbrush kit Toothpaste Hand sanitizer Razor
What we could use: soap, small shampoo/conditioner. Have 5 of each. Need more
Non-perishable snacks. Feminine hygiene products Anything you can think of!!
Lets make this an EPIC one!!!
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Growing a Mo?
We at Epic-Army are passionate about doing good in this world and we like to support as many causes as we can. As it is November 1, 2017, we feel like we should start the push to get our Epic Army troops motivated to grow the best #mo they can, as well as help Epic Army hit our fundraising goal of $2500.
Join our Epic-Army team and help us hit our team goal of $2500.
... 2 Epic Army prizes will be given out to the #mo that is the most shared and the most liked #mo. Get out there grow your mo, raise some money, spread awareness.
You must be an Epic-Army member (like the page) to be eligible.
Please share as much as you can and join our Epic Army team!
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Hey Epic Army!
Sorry for any confusion but the last #movember team I posted did not work due to it being located in Australia. Not sure how I did that but I solved the issue.
Please join our team and the fun of our #movember team. Be sure to send this page to anyone as our team is all-inclusive and open to anyone who wants to get involved.
... Be sure to post your best Mo Pics as Dec 1, 2017, we will be giving away Epic Army prizes for most liked and most shared Mo's!
Help us reach our team goal of $10,000!
Let's help make a difference for this great cause!
The Epic Army,
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It’s getting cold outside and with the chance of season we can make room in our closets by donating some of our old clothes and jackets.
Purge your closet! Saturday and Sunday this coming weekend (21 & 22) we will come by to collect and do a massive donation from the EPIC Army!
Comment or message us so we know to coordinate a pick up!
... Invite your friends! Family! Go-workers!! Collect from them and we will pick it up from your house and make it that easy for you!!
Lets get a goal of 20 bags!
Don’t forget-rags are recyclable too. Put them in a bag labeled rags so they don’t go through them but socks with holes and other textiles should not go in landfills. They are used as insulation, stuffing or furniture, all kinds of things!!
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We can think of every excuse to push things off but at some point you just have to start. Thats what we are doing, starting something that will hopefully grow into something meaningful and positive for our local community, province, country and maybe one day World!
This page will be the beginning, a regiment group has begun to honour Codi Harder and ensure donations and funds raised for his cause go to his family and other CCSA members.
The primary page will be for all memb...ers to get a change to start conversations about making a positive change. If you are inspired to see changes happening in the world; start here. Talk about it, get others involved, come up with ideas to take action and GO!
So although this is a small step, its one in the right direction.
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Thank you to the Extraordinaries for allowing a Troop from Epic Army to engage in active duty!
Community leaders from Calgary came out to raise money for Alzheimers research and education society.
... From their site -"Current numbers suggest that over 40,000 people in Alberta suffer from some form of Dementia and the numbers will continue to grow. Given these alarming statistics, Gordie Howe C.A.R.E.S will be well positioned to support this ever increasing population. This initiative will be focused on Calgary and surrounding area."
Donations can be made on the link above with information about upcoming events in the Calgary area.
Thanks again to all the Extraordinaries for allowing me to help out for the 3rd year in a row :) I will be ready to deploy again in 2018!
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It's been way too long to get this together, and to my brother Codi"The Epic One" Harder my apologies and I miss you and love you like you wouldn't believe. Please come check out the EPIC ARMY store on our FB page, and support young Atticus and other families with victims of substance abuse by purchasing an EPIC ARMY T-shirt. 80% of proceeds will be going to Atticus and 20% to CCSA (Canadian Centre of Substance Abuse).
Please share this with everyone that knew Codi that I may not have on FB, as well as anyone that want's to support a good cause.
https://www.facebook.com/Epic-Army-551291 63…/…/251458316228/


What are some of your New Years resolutions? Is it something that the Epic Army can help you to achieve? Let us know how we can help.


Unbelievable generosity! What would you do with your lottery winnings?

More about Epic-Army

Epic-Army is located at Calgary, Alberta