Essential Oils 4 Body, Mind & Soul With Nicole Riesen

About Essential Oils 4 Body, Mind & Soul With Nicole Riesen

Hi there!
My name is Nicole or as some call me Nikki.
I strive to promote a healthy, happy and balanced Lifestyle. Therefore, I created Essential Oils 4 Body, Mind & Soul where like minded people can come together to learn and share.



One of the reasons i love Young Living. I am the proud winner of our Ningxa Nitro.
**And we have a winner from July’s promotion! Nicole Riesen-Weber congratulations and thanks so much for participating by adding a NINGXIA product to your July order.**


What a wonderful month. The rewards for August are a great way to either get started, to continue or to restart a healthy/natural lifestyle.
I for myself, look forward to all the free goodies that will come with my next order
Note: Must be enrolled in ER and place a qualifying ER order to earn the ER exclusive bonuses.
... Not a YL member yet?!? Are you interested?? Message or email me at I would love to get you started or to reignite your original spark.…
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5 Healthy Habits from dawn to dusk.
What great ideas to utilize the oils in our daily life.
The Ningxia Banana Berry Smoothie s a great way to start your day. It is also a great mid-afternoon snack, that's when i have my Smoothie😍
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I found my new favorite drink. 💕Love the Ningxia Red and Zyng. Individually and together.
Totally refreshing and almost better then coffee 😉
... Ningzia Red Combo Pack: Retail: 252.30 / Wholesale: $191.75
Starter kits are also available.
Interested in a starter kit? Just PM me for more information.…
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Ningxia Red, Ningxia Zyng and some other goodies.😁


Got my my difuser and maid my own rise and shine mixture. It smels so good my husband asked for obe too.


Received my first NFR order today. I am exited to try out my new shower gel and Deoderant. And it is natural product☺

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I got this toothpaste as a sample. It is a non toxic with Essential Oil infused toothpaste.
As with everything new i try, i was skeptical. But today at the dentists office that skepticism was taken away.
Until recently my gums were really bad, but today for the first time in a very long time i was told that the overall health of my gums has improved and are looking healthy again.
... They even told my husband to start using this toothpaste.
💡last week we went camping and I forgot my toothpaste so i used my husband's Crest toothpaste. I never thought i would say this, since it use to be my favorite too, but i will never use that one again.
It looks like I am going toxin free more and more every day😁
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Since 3 month without any over the counter pain medication. All thanks to YL Essential Oils!


This is the Premium Starter Kit that started all. My favorite oil is.. ALL of them and then some.
not from the Starter Kit
... Deep Relief - helps to reduce my back pain and head ache Basil - together with Peppermint or Deep Relief help my head ache and migraines
Tea Tree - together with Frankincense helped me to get rid of an infection within 3 days.…
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More about Essential Oils 4 Body, Mind & Soul With Nicole Riesen
