Evolution Energy Technologies

About Evolution Energy Technologies

Evolution Energy Technologies is a leading innovator of Measurement While Drilling sensor and telemetry technology.

Evolution Energy Technologies Description

Evolution Engineering (EVO) was founded in August 2011 as of today we have over 69 full time staff actively innovating across engineering, manufacturing, operations, and administration. The founding team has a history of developing and executing cutting edge telemetry technology for the downhole market, whether it’s Schlumberger’s (Extreme Engineering) XEM Electromagnetic MWD /XPulse Mud Pulse MWD, or XACT’s Acoustic Telemetry Network – in addition, The Team has had a hand in developing for many high profile MWD companies.
In most recent history, Extreme Engineering, we were the subject of an acquisition by Schlumberger in 2008 – as part of the acquisition the core team, made up of Evolution’s founding partners, were utilized as “skunk works” developers under the Extreme Engineering banner. Tough, unsolvable and often times rapid response problems were thrown at the core group – and this is where we excelled in innovation and execution. Most notably applicable to this proposal, The Team was assigned to work on existing Short Hop communication between Schlumberger’s rotary steerable and the MWD through a short range coil to coil system. Not the most ideal method of Short Hop due to design constraints within the rotary steerable (coil transmission already integral), Schlumberger had already sunk development dollars and manufacturing for this communication link. The Team was given the project and was able to bring a commercial product to market within the existing design constraints within three months from project hand off. The Team established itself as a formidable force in engineering design within the much larger corporate body through several large scale developments that involved multi-discipline, multi-department, and multi-country execution. When this core team left, it took with it the skillset to execute in this manner. As such, Evolution Engineering has positioned itself knowing full well the requirements and depth of design efforts required to be successful within a multi-national company’s world.
A key element we have an advantage in, as is evident by The Team’s performance in the example above, is our rapid response capabilities in engineering, operations, and manufacturing. The longer a product takes to launch – the less likely it will be a commercial success, or even make it to market at all. We follow the design philosophy that the real test is downhole, and that is where the learning and rapid improvement response is capable of quickly refining the technology to a state of commercial release – lab testing is frequently the reason companies fail in design, too much weight is put on perfection in the lab before going downhole. We have built this company based on designing a de-risked solution technology in a short time, responding quickly to the learnings from downhole operation, and R. I. S. E. ing as a team – failures happen, project scopes change, and technologies evolve, it is the response to those situations that makes “EVO”, who we are.
Regardless of the background, the present speaks for itself. EVO is currently focusing on the next generation of MWD with the development of EVO ONE, a novel and inventive approach to an antiquated and saturated replica market. At the present we focus on research, development, licencing, and knowledge transfer of technology dealing with proactive solutions for tomorrow’s downhole telemetry and sensor based problems. To date, EVO has spent over $20 million, just on new project development alone, since August 2011 – with no plan on reducing that spend rate, we aim to be part of the step change in the industry for full downhole and surface rig automation by actively pursuing key partnerships and ideologies that will bring this vision to light.
Guided by our core corporate beliefs of Reliability, Innovation, Simplicity, and Efficiency (R. I. S. E. ) we have built a foundation for success. Like the compass, our core values provide the direction we need on a daily basis to complete our mission of developing next generation platform technology in the downhole telemetry market. By empowering creative thought and relying on the strength of our core beliefs we will R. I. S. E. to the challenge and achieve our vision.
The vision for Evolution began with one idea; to develop a next generation step change MWD technology. We realized the conventional market demands access to more information, higher speeds, and from multiple points along the drilling network, not simply an MWD tool in the BHA. Our evolving product vision encompasses a complete purpose built solution of downhole technologies that creates a network of information, data points, and feedback loops to enable once far-fetched ideas of remote deployment and rig automation… Internally our vision of an information network is referred to as “The Data-Highway”.
The future of conventional land based drilling is that drilling guidance decisions will be made from the entire drilling assembly starting at the bit, rather than at a single point 90 feet back like today. Geo-steering decisions will come from a multitude of LWD sensors in the lower part of the BHA near the bit. Steering assemblies can provide real-time power outputs and efficiency indicators and in turn be given directional commands. And finally, a distributed sensor network along the drill string will analyze the mechanics of reactive torque, weight transfer and pressure readings. This live two-way sensor network from bit to surface, will provide on demand information associated with micro-doglegs, drag points, changes in pressure, zones of lost circulation, drill bit efficiency, and weight optimization – which can be used for both surface and downhole rig automation resulting in proactive two way directional guidance. This is EVO’s path – we have actively been pursuing this area to ensure freedom of operation through a multitude of PCT filings.
Each EVO technology developed is a complimentary addition and a proving ground to de-risk each future project, but without the technology from each of the prior projects, each additional technology is not possible. EVO ONE enables EVO@Bit, but EVO@Bit is not possible without de-risking the communication protocols through EVO ONE development. EVO’s Data-Highway is therefore a bit-to-rig integration and automation program aimed at enabling sensors where they are needed, at the telemetry speeds required for automated decisions, and the rig infrastructure to link all BHA components into the central logic system.
Every product we create is a novel idea with the end goal of becoming a commercial success. To achieve this we follow an approach and mentality that is as unique as the novel ideas created. We start with a preliminary brainstorming session, where the high level goals of the project are established, including: product functionality, market assessment, metrics for payback period, cost of service delivery, total product cost, and time to market. The Engineering department will then go into an inventive analysis mode as a team, where they can be effective at disregarding the industry norms. A proposal is then generated for specifications review by 3rd parties (operations, manufacturing, or an outside client). Outcomes of this provide identification of what resources can be allocated for a quick response feasibility study, where a proof of concept model is generated using the feedback of the affected parties. This is the most crucial stage of the engineering design and content creation, where ingenuity and multiple approaches are analyzed internally and concessions are made between multiple paths. We create a thorough design verification document utilizing engineering tools such as, computer aided analysis, engineering calculations, preliminary hardware design and layout, and engagement of economies of scale utilizing current EVO core technology if possible —all while engaging multiple disciplines of engineering in the process to ensure optimization of the engineered solution. Based upon preliminary design and sign off from engaged parties, the engineering department then begins to focus on optimizing the product for market release success; with the aim of user-ability, functionality, serviceability, and scalability in manufacturing. Throughout the entire process we eliminate the restrictions that big companies inherently place on their inventors, allowing for true ingenuity to flourish. We continually apply the IP strategy, assessing for novelty and patentability, while we engage multiple parties with varying points of view; constantly challenging the inventors. A quick to market approach is taken where risk mitigation testing is conducted so that immediate deployment to the field can be achieved for testing, following the mantra “fail often, fail fast… learn faster”.

More about Evolution Energy Technologies

Evolution Energy Technologies is located at #2, 1460 28 St NE, Calgary, Alberta T2A7W6
(403) 457-2564