Faces Education

About Faces Education

12 day summer camp where Alberta students in grade 9 can earn 15 high school credits by challenging themselves both physically and mentally.

Faces Education Description

FACES creates an opportunity for students to explore a new and exciting world. This new world is created as they are challenged to see themselves and their situations with new eyes, and with changed hearts. FACES is an experiential opportunity to discover their inherent and infinite personal worth. It is also filled with opportunities to grow their personal power. This 12 day summer camp assists the Albertan students to earn up to 15 high school credits. It has been said to be "an experience of a lifetime. "



Session 8 | Day 8 Yesterday we learned about congruence, keeping your thoughts, feelings, and actions aligned. As well as how uncomfortable it can be when these things are not in harmony. We also talked about paradigm shifts, a change in perspective. Our classes opened students eyes to realize we may be quick to judge others since we don't know what's going on under the surface. #FACES18


Session 10N | Day 1
Welcome to your daily insight of our final FACES session of the summer! Today we kicked off our 10N adventure after boarding the bus and arriving at GoldEye. Engagement was our main focus, as we spent time meeting and learning about our 40 new friends! We then jumped right into learning some wilderness skills, such as bear awareness, backcountry mapping, and tent setup. After a delicious dinner, we had our first large group session where we participated in more fun activities to get to know each other. We finished the day off learning our nightly rituals, then heading swiftly to bed! More fun awaits us tomorrow, and we can’t wait to share it with you!


Session 9 | Day 1
Well the last sessions begin. Session 9 met in Lethbridge this morning and started our journey. We put up tents, connected with new friends and learnt how to paddle a canoe.


Session 8 | Day 7 Yesterday we had our mask making experience. As the masks were built up students felt how constricting they can be, much like masks we may put on in our daily lives. When the plaster masks were removed, invisible ones were too. Our focus yesterday was around choice and responsibility, realizing we get to choose the paths we take and how we respond to obstacles. #FACES18


Session 8 | Day 6 This morning students had the chance to take a couple runs down the Brierley rapids. As these are some of the biggest rapids on the river it gave us the opportunity to really challenge ourselves. Before we wrapped up our time on the river we had time to do a small cliff jump to float down. After a fantastic lunch we loaded the bus to drive back to our home base. We want to give one last huge thank you to HeLa Ventures for all the fun we’ve had the last 2 days! #FACES18


Session 8 | Day 5 It’s been another amazing day for our session! Working with their partner, every student made it down the river and through the rapids. Communication skills grew immensely today, as students had to take on the rapids as a team. Tomorrow we have a play day on the last set of rapids before we head home!
We have also noticed your comments asking for more group photos, we will do everything we can to get more up tomorrow! Thank you for your patience. #FACES18


We are currently outside the proactive evacuation notice zone. We don’t foresee this impacting Session 7 parent night.
... We have changed our Session 8 & 9 out trip to avoid the fire zone and have backup plans should the situation change.
We will update parents personally if this changes.
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Session 7 | Day 11
We're back and better than ever! Time has flown by so fast. The out-trip was a powerful experience for all and we were so thankful to have our amazing hiking guide Heather, from Uplift Adventures with us.
This afternoon we returned to Gladstone for some well deserved showers and great food from the kitchen. We concluded our last night together by painting masks, having delicious apple crisp and doing our nightly routine.
... This has been such an awesome session thanks to all for your unwavering support.
Your Session 7 Squad
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Session 8 | Day 4 Today the other half of our group got to complete their rock climb. Again, those climbing made it to the top with an amazing amount of support and cheering from their friends at the bottom. After lunch we climbed aboard the bus to head to our next stop, Rocky Mountain House. Upon arrival we had an amazing lesson on river safety from HeLa Ventures. We can’t wait to get on the river tomorrow! #FACES18


Session 8 | Day 3 This morning after our routine run and yoga we hopped on the bus and travelled to the Crowsnest Pass to rock climb and rappel! Every student completed the rappel today with overwhelming support from their peers. This evening half the group conquered the climbing portion. Our focus today was to be aware of our thoughts. Many students realized how the ability to change negative thoughts into positive allows us to discover our personal value and power. Tomorrow morning the other half of our group will complete the climb! #FACES18


FACES '18 sends out our final 2 sessions on Monday. We current have open spots on those sessions.
1x Student 2x Camera Crew
... Session 10N | Aug 13th - 24th Anyone want the spot contact Sam now.
sam@faceseducation.com | 4036274412 | Facebook Message #FACES18
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#FACES18 Students, are you looking for an opportunity to complete your volunteer hours? Here is a fabulous opportunity!
#PincherCreekProRodeo #PincherCreek


Session 8 | Day 2 What a fun day! This morning we had our first class to learn and understand more about ourselves and others. We talked about thinkers, feelers, and actors and about their strengths and weaknesses. Next we went back to the lake to practice our strokes from yesterday and learn a few new ones to prepare for the river later this week! We wrapped up our day with team building games and relaxation. #FACES18


We have an opening in Camera Crew Session 10N.
This is an opportunity for a Past FACES student or Student Leader (Grade10-12) to get some hands on photography and video experience. No previous knowledge is required. We will provide DSLR & all training needed.
Student will also gain 10 High School CTS Credits, as well as take part in all the awesome FACES activities.
... Contact us now to register for this spot. FB Message | 403 627 4412 | sam@faceseducation.com
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Session 7 | Day 8
Today students started the day with an awesome 5km run; everyone finished strong! Our classes consisted of self-empowerment and integrity and we had more time on the waterfront and showers as well. Students finished the day learning backpacking skills and made preparations for our out-trip, which we leave for in the morning.
Due to fires in the area, we will be doing our out-trip in a different location than usual. We have hired a guide to lead us through... Beehive Natural Area, located just west of highway 40, with the approximate latitude of Claresholm.
We'll update you Thursday evening with photos!
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Session 8 | Day 1 Welcome to session 8! Today our focus was to engage, which we saw consistently throughout the day. We began our adventure with icebreakers and name games, after lunch we headed down to the lake to begin our canoeing lessons. We can’t wait to see what this session will bring! #FACES18


Session 7 | Day 7
Today we had a well deserved sleep-in and late morning breakfast. Then, a classroom that discussed choice and response-ability and made masks. Students showed their partners wonderful support and care throughout the mask-making process. We are now winding down the day with popcorn and the movie, Forever Strong.
It was a great day!
... #FACES18
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Session 7 | Day 6
It has been a very busy, fun and eventful past couple of days! We returned to Gladstone earlier this evening, students rejoiced their successes throughout the week by having a dance party. We celebrated around the fire with s'mores and music!
Here are some catch-up photos that were captured in the past few days.
... #FACES18
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Session 5 | Day 13
Wilderness south has finished. We hope you had a fantastic time. We look forward to seeing you at retreat.


as a Grandmother, of three Granddaughter's who have attended this camp, I can not thank you enough for what it has done for all of them. They have gained so much and will carry it with them for years to come. They have continued to run each day and have their Mother's joining them - the Mother's are suffering but will gain so much too. They have learned to follow their Hearts, and are more successful with many parts of their lives. Again a BIG THANK YOU for this camp It was Amazing !!!!


Where do I even begin! Absolutely out of this world opportunity for these kids. A lot of happy tears watching these kids overcome so much. My daughter was sad to come home...amazing friends made and a new sense of accomplishment and growth��

I will definitely be sending the rest of my kiddos to Faces when they are old enough!!!

So much more than just a regular camp�

Thank you everyone at Faces!!!!!!!!!!!


What a great experience for these kids!! FACES Education camp is a MUST if you have a Grade 9 student. Hosted at Gladestone Ranch, my daughter went this year and she LOVED every minute of this camp. Can't say enough great things about this program.


What a fantastic program!

My son attended Session 2 in 2018, and 3 days later still hasn't stopped talking about his experiences there!

This is an amazing opportunity for our young citizens to learn about leadership, and about themselves, all while also enjoying an incredible outdoor experience bonding with 39 other wonderful children.

I am extremely thankful that the Livingstone Range division promotes this camp, as otherwise I would have never known about it. This is a huge opportunity for growth, and the 15 high school credits for the full experience are nothing to scoff at either.

If you have a child in Grade 9, sign them up for this camp. They will not be disappointed!


Very thankful that our daughter had such an amazing experience. Thank you for all that all of you do it making this opportunity available to young people in Alberta!


This workshop/camp should be highly promoted and available to all Alberta grade 9 students. The lessons they learn are remarkable. They come away on a cloud, thinking positively and feeling loved. There's credits for high school but best of all they have a higher sense of self. The people who run it are as special as the program making it what it is!


These kids are so lucky to have this program offered to them! They learn so much about themselves and those around them. How to walk in a good way in society. I have much gratitude for the leaders and organizers of this camp. They did an excellent job!! Every child should take this opportunity! It is well worth it!!


Thank you to all the hardworking staff that make this program available to our young people. These kids should be so proud of what they have accomplished these 2 weeks and the staff/film crew/returning student leaders etc should also be very proud of their efforts and contribution. The community atmosphere that was created is remarkable. The kids who stood up and spoke so candidly about what they gained and the way they all supported one another was beyond what I've witnessed in any regular classroom. I wish all grade 9/10 students had this opportunity and am so grateful to have "stumbled" upon it.


Thank you so much. I have seen a huge change in my son since FACES. He just passed up a free trip to Vancouver Island regarding Marine life (which he likes) because he feels he needs to spend that time studying. He has grown so much. Thank you cannot express how I feel.


See previous post but best thing for teens u have ever seen! Should be manditory for ALL grade 9/10 students. My daughter learned more in 12 days than a year of classes.


Oh my goodness.... what an experience you have gifted my son with!! Thank you, thank you, so very much.... Physically, emotionally, mindfully and so much more besides. He was fabulous in my eyes before he went lol, but came back even MORE so!! Wow!! I sense the community that was made there and which he enjoyed so very much, and it makes my eyes leak! Grateful for the challenges that they take away with them, giving them goals and focus. His heart has grown even bigger. I thank you, with all of mine....


My son absolutely loved every moment ... he described his achievements, the friends hed made and the inspirational leaders. He really did feel he gained a lot of positive influences and experiences from the camp.


My heart is so full of gratitude. This opportunity you’ve given my son is something so special. I know he will have these awesome memories & experiences for the rest of his life.

From the bottom of my heart I thank each and every person that make Faces possible for our young people.


My daughter Madelyne went to session 4. This is what she needed ANd. This is what we needed wauw great change. She quite 1 job (she had 2 too busy)

She picked up playing guitar she runs in the morning more aware politer friendlier. And we picked that up .more time together more talking.

Best thing happened for our family.

Amazing camp


Just picked up our boy from Session 4. He had the best time!

A sincere thank you to everyone that works so hard to make this possible for our children.


I would like to thank everyone from FACES 6n for running such an amazing summer camp for all of the kids that were able to attend. My daughter has taken away so much from that camp not just the physical challenges that she overcame but the friendship she made and the coping mechanisms for dealing with life! The staff and volunteers were absolutely amazing!! Thank you for taking such time and care with her. And of course Debra with the food! I was so proud of my daughter on presentation night presenting her mask but I was also proud of all the other kids and the profound things they were saying and what they had learned also. Such an extraordinary experience she can't wait to come back to the retreat.


I loved Faces. I meet a bunch of new friends. Challenged myself, lots of out door actives. Rock climbing, hiking, swimming, so many eye opening things you get the chances to do. It's a one and I lifetime option and I was so very thankful I got to go. ❤️


Hard to find the words to express the AWEsome brilliance and impact of this camp; a gift in so many ways. Thank you FACES for creating a space that reveals the magnificence of each of these students unto themselves and one another. Thank you for helping them find their value and opportunity to impact every relationship and community they are part of. Thank you for your dedication and support. The future looks bright - this program and the youth it serves are the change the world needs now. AB Ed would be wise to make this part of the core curriculum. Transformative.


FACES was an incredible experience! Coming in I had a hard time thinking that a "measly" summer camp can change your life, but this incredible program really did change my life! I would strongly suggest signing up if you are thinking of going!

More about Faces Education

Faces Education is located at Gladstone Ranch, Pincher Creek T0K 1W0