Falling Walls Ualberta

About Falling Walls Ualberta

Falling Walls UAlberta is seeking some of UAlberta's most outstanding Next Gen researchers and innovators--from any research discipline or faculty.

Falling Walls Ualberta Description


Amazing Ideas in 3 Minutes.

Falling Walls Lab is a fast paced format—a little TEDtalk and a little Dragon’s Den, designed to showcase the quality, talent and passion of Next Gen researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs. Lab participants present their work, idea or innovation in 3 minutes to a jury from academia, government, industry and the media.

Please send your official application through the Falling Walls website provided below, and a quick 2-minute video about your research to us at fwlab@ualberta. ca in order to apply.
http://www. research. ualberta. ca /FWLab /FWLab2017. aspx

The 2017 application deadline is August 23rd:
http://falling-walls.com/lab /applyold?location=30

For FAQs and information on who can apply:
http://www. falling-walls.com/lab /faq1

Up to 25 UAlberta participants will be selected to compete in a bootcamp on September 8th from 2-7 pm.

A semi-final will be held the next morning, September 9th at 10 am, those who move on to the next round will have a second bootcamp from 2-7 pm the same day.

The UAlberta Falling Walls final will be held on September 20th at 5: 30 pm in room 150 Telus Centre for Professional Development, University of Alberta
87 Avenue & 111 Street

The international competition will take place in Berlin on 8 /9 November, 2017.

-Our lab is independently organized from the official Falling Walls Conference in Berlin-

More about Falling Walls Ualberta

Falling Walls Ualberta is located at 116 street 85th avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R3