Fierce Figures

About Fierce Figures

Lifestyle Empowerment Society & Unapologetic Life Coaching for Badass Babes

Fierce Figures Description

"Its about lifestyle, its about your perspective. Its about leaving your busy life for a moment, returning to health and keeping your standards high for the choices you make on a daily basis. Oh, you'll look good, Absolutely! This is ONE of the great pay-off's you will enjoy - but go deeper on this for yourself - Into the mind, spirit and depths of your chanel purse to bring out your inner greatness. Your energy levels will soar and you will find so much more in this life that awaits you. We are Fierce Figures. A tribe, a family. a sisterhood. See you on the inside, " - xoSD



I've been getting a lot of messages lately from people that have been following me for many years commenting on how my old "glow" is back. I'd have to say I agree, but it's about to shining next level. The thing is, it's not by accident. Yes, I went through some things that were not of my choosing that almost took me out but I decided that my story wasn't going to end with me tapping out like a punk. I made decisions and choices every single day that positively impacted my, even if they were small at first - I did them... and most of all, I believed. Often people think that change is sudden - and they will wake up one day and their life will magically be different - but it doesn't happen that way. It's been the small choices we make along the way that start to snowball into massive impact. It was doing the work when I didn't fucking feel like it. It was aligning with the right people. Saying yes to the opportunities that sat with me and it required me going ALL IN. Stop sitting on the sidelines of your life and make a decision to BOSS the hell up. A big goal of mine is to help 1k women make an extra $1k+/month this year. I know how much making that extra has impacted my life and how it could change yours. And the best part? It's only up from there. What about 10k a month? How could your life change? This doesn't happen by accident. It happens by choice. I'm inviting you to join me this Sunday at 3pm MT if this resonates with you to learn what I do and how you can make some bank and surround yourself with amazing women on their GLOWUP. Message me with your email address if you're in. 😘💅🏼💰💪🏽🤳🏼💋🔮< br> See More


The look of women in business is changing. I was listening to a @mastinkipp podcast the other day and he was saying that statistically speaking, if you are a woman following your passions, you will live longer and be more successful. That's the data ladies. The world needs more of us right now.... we are destined for success of our passions. Giving a F*CK about our lives and our future.... Now is the time. You've got the power. ✨
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With this day and age of the Internet and smart phones we have so much leverage and potential to live a lifestyle of our own design. Did you know that making $100 extra a day equates to $3000/month?! Do you think that if you created a side hustle out of something you loved or were passionate about that you could make $100/day selling/teaching/applying it? Girl, I know you can! I do it every day (plus+++)... Before you go to bed tonight I want you to make a list of 5 things you want to do, sell or create to increase your flow. You may surprise yourself about how many things you are good at or talents you have. Feeling stuck? No problem - message me. I'll give you the same tools, access to product and business model I use to do the same. #igotyouboo #yougotyoutoo
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What would you do with an extra $1000/month? What about when that $1000 turns into $2000, turns into $4000 and so on... and so on... How would your life change? Money isn't everything but it sure is a handy tool to have around to ensure you have the ability to better help yourself and therefor others. Yesterday I woke up with deposits and residuals coming from 4 different places (one that I actually even forgot about 😅) and it made me cry happy tears because I still remember... what it feels like to survive off instant ramen and air and not be sure how exactly I was going to make it... But the thing is I made it. We don't always get to chose what happens to us and the situations we are put in, but it is our choice to stay there. We have the power to rewrite our stories and it starts with a single decision to do so. Now I wake up early with a fire in my belly to help other women get unstuck and take control of their bodies and bank accounts. There is peace that comes with taking back your power. There is satisfaction that comes with putting yourself on. There is a joy that comes with knowing you are living your best life. So this weekend are you doing things to help your come up or hurt your come up? Are you getting money or spending money? Are you sabotaging your body or nourishing it? You have a CHOICE to be and do better. Make it. Glow UP. #weekendresponsibly 📷:@tattooed.skier
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✖️P A I T E N C E ✖️is often the most highly under rated form of action you can take. Everyone is always in a rush. Mistakes get made. Things get cut short in infancy. Ideas and works never make it full term. Those that persist often come out the most victorious. ✖️Stay The Course ✖️... #patiencewithapurpose
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🖤✖️Live in gratitude, but expect greatness. ✖️🖤


✖️How about you? ✖️ Are you just spending money this weekend or are you at least working on those ROI's? Is there always enough or never enough? Next week we're talking all about that #moneymentality - stay tuned. 🥂💰🥂


Just a part of practicing #RadicalSelfEmpowerment. #getithowyouliveit


Often times we have to remember that we are the only ones getting in our own way. Sometimes when shit goes sideways it is our own fault. Sometimes we create it all. ...the good news? We have all the power within us to turn it around and create some really, REALLY amazing stuff in our lives.... ... comes when we believe we deserve it and take the little steps every day into making it happen. This life is yours - LEARN HOW TO TAKE IT. #unpoligetic #RadicalSelfEmpowerment
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#PaloSanto aka "The Holy Wood" is a favourite of mine to burn lately for several reasons. Not only is the fragrance calming and relaxing, it also includes a heap of physical and metaphysical benefits including: ✖️easing of depression and traumatic symptoms such as anxiety and stress ✖️raises energetic vibration & clears negative energies ✖️enhances clarity, creativity and joy ... ✖️helps you connect deeper to your inner consciousness and divine power If you aren't a regular user of palo santo I would highly recommend incorporating it into your daily routine. 🖤
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What does it mean to be a BADD girl? BADD is our acronym for Babe(s) Achieving Dreams & Destiny. For those who get up every day and make progress towards making it happen - to live their most PURPOSEFUL life! The life of their dreams & design. ...and to do it unapologetically (and probably a little unorthodox as well 😎) Like we always say.. it's sexy to give a f*ck...... ...about your life ...about your future ....about your relationships ....about your body/health ....about your mindset. You DO have the power within you to live the life of your wildest dreams. Have the courage to pursue that call. #RadicalSelfEmpowerment #baddgirlsdoitbetter
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This is a major key right here. Without execution your brilliant idea will stay just that. An idea. Start executing now!


Be proud to be the small percentage of people that have the courage to say "f*ck the status quo" and live a lifestyle by their own design.


✖️5 Facts About FF creator SD✖️ 🖤Stefanie has been self employed since she was 19! (She's 32 now so she's got a few years experience) 🖤She's been working in the beauty industry for 17 years with a passion for holistic hair & skin care and better-for-you products that still make you look & feel sexy. Inside & out. 🖤Stef has competed 4x in Bikini Fitness competitions placing top 5 in both the US & Canada and has lost over 90lbs! 🖤Now Stefanie focuses on mindset, personal deve...lopment and what she calls "Radical Self Empowerment" to coach and educate clients to see results in many different areas of their lives including weight loss, entrepreneurship and purpose ignition. 🖤Her goal for 2018 is to help 1000 women through her personal and group coaching sessions, unleash their inner BADD girl and live boldly in the life of their wildest dreams. @ Fierce Figures
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The 90's were the shit.✔️ If you are a badass woman who has something to say, you have your own business or you are an expert in your field - I would love to have you share your piece with Fierce Figures. By women. For women....just the real shit you need to make moves in your life. DM me! ✔️🖤🔌


Or vegan leather if that's your thing. If you don't have a leather jacket as a staple wardrobe piece yet than what are you really doing with your life?! 😂💅🏼🏆😎 ps. @chelsealeifken makes my favourite customized leather jackets. You should probably go check her out.


Fellow BADD Girl @angelslice talks Radical Responsibility today in the blog - check put her words of wisdom over at 🖤Link in bio 🖤


#mood 🖤✔️😎🥂 What are you doing to personally develop this weekend? I am working on a new Vibration Board to set off some good vibes and intention for the new year. What productive shit so you have planned? If you are not where you want to be, the weekend isn't a time to take it easy... it's a time to take those small steps in the direction of your goals. ... Have a sleep in and get to working on what LiGHTS YOU UP!🔌🔋💡🕯🙌🏽
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The revolution starts with YOU. Have courage.

More about Fierce Figures

Fierce Figures is located at Fierce Figures HQ, Calgary, Alberta