Fruit Loop

About Fruit Loop

Fruit Loop is a non-profit arts and cultural organization that supports the LGBTQ + community.

Fruit Loop Description

Fruit Loop is designed to be more than just a typical night out. We work with talented local performers and artists to offer an evening of unique and creative entertainment. Proceeds from each event are then reinvested back into a variety of GLBTQ + community programs and initiatives. Fruit Loop has been around for 4 years and has helped to raise over $100 000 for community partners.

Between events we engage our community online with sharing content that is of interest to people who follow our page. Fruit Loop shares content that is noteworthy. It may be news, opinion pieces, entertainment or satire. Sharing content does not indicate that Fruit Loop agrees or endorses the perspectives or viewpoints.

When is Fruit Loop?

Usually each month.

Where is Fruit Loop?

Various locations around Edmonton.

How do I become a Fruit Loop member?

Like us on Facebook! Invite the most fruitiest, fabulous and fun people you know, connect with other members of the community, and 'get in the loop'. Donate at the door, tip your performers and show your support.

Who is Fruit Loop?

We are a non-profit organization consisting of a collective of creative individuals who are donating our time, talents, resources and energy. We are not affiliated with any one organization, business or venue. You can do your part by showing up and sharing the news about Fruit Loop.

Check us out on Instagram @ fruitloopyeg

Fruit Loop welcomes all members and supporters to share content. Differences of opinion are welcome as long as they are respectful. Please be courteous and respect people asking questions and have friendly discussions.

Any post deemed to be anything else will be deleted. We have a zero tolerance policy for people being disrespectful in any way. Any posts that violate this will be removed and the poster will risk being banned from our page – no warnings and no exceptions.

The following types of posts will be deleted from the Fruit Loop page:

- Posts that violate Facebook guidelines
- Posts that may be perceived as misleading, false or inaccurate.
- Posts that would be perceived as offensive or discriminatory based upon race, national origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or gender expression.
- Posts related to advertising services, vendors or products that are not affiliated with our organization or supportive of our organization.
- Personal posts that have limited interest or value to our members or supporters.

Our preferred method for your questions and feedback is to send us a message.

We will continue to monitor posts update our guidelines and encourage respectful posts and discussion. As a volunteer organization we do our best to monitor posts in a timely manner.

A giant rainbow with multiple colors. Fruit Loop events and social media platforms are open to adults of every race, religion, sex, ethnic origin, gender expression and sexual orientation.
We want your perspective. Probe, analyze, inform. Challenge, advocate, debate. Inspire, entertain, enjoy. Your contributions make our events and social media richer, the conversations more lively and diverse.
Tell us your story, be a part of the conversation. Fruit Loop wants you to participate in sharing your comments, ideas and thoughts.
Fruit Loop social media platforms are not for anonymous users and pseudonyms are prohibited. Fruit Loop reserves the right to disable any comment if there exists a doubt as to the identity of its author.
When you share your comments with us:
1. Keep your comments relevant to the topic and avoid repetitive posting.
2. Be respectful and courteous, as if you were having a face-to-face discussion.
3. If you are writing about legal issues, remember that people are innocent until proven guilty (that may mean using words such as "allegedly").
4. Use English for all of your exchanges and comment. Other languages cannot be used except for an occasional word.
5. We want to hear your own opinion. Your comments must be created and owned by you. Breaking copyright rules is not permitted (that includes copying and pasting excerpts from other sites without permission and attribution). If the majority of your comments are written or created by someone else, even with a proper credit, it won’t be accepted.
6. Any of your comments that are offensive and likely to expose an individual or a group of individuals to hatred or contempt on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age or mental or physical disability is prohibited.
7. The following kind of comments are also prohibited:
a. Pornography, vulgarity, obscenity or sexually explicit content
b. Anything illegal
c. Hate speech
d. Threats, harassment
e. Personal attacks, insults and defamatory statements
f. Threats or suggesting committing a criminal act
8. Respect other people's privacy by not including personal information in your comments (such as phone numbers and email addresses) or private dialogue.
9. Be sensitive in your comments regarding the death or injury of private individual, especially children.
If you violate any of these guidelines, your comments will not be accepted and your account may be suspended or blocked or reported.

More about Fruit Loop

Fruit Loop is located at Edmonton, Alberta