Games Workshop: Kingsway

Monday: 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 19:00
Friday: 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 17:00

About Games Workshop: Kingsway

Games Workshop Hobby Centre: Kingsway

Games Workshop: Kingsway Description

Manager: Kyle Black



Oh my...the Meks have been very busy.
Speed worth waiting for indeed! That is one mean looking Buggy!!!


All right’s that time of year again.
Armies on Parade is coming! We’ve got another super fun parade day planned his year with multiple categories spread across both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 collections!
Got a cool idea for a display? Come in and we will help you make it a reality. We are now selling the individual 2’x2’ Tiles if you wish to use one for your display board too!
... What is Armies in Parade you ask?’s a special day for you to enter a 2’x2’ display board of any fully painted army/collection of your choice, display it all day alongside your fellow hobbyists to show off your talent and creativity. It’s also a great day to get new hobby tips and meet a ton of cool new folks. Come on down to the shop for more info, or visit the armies in Parade website to see last years info!
Parade day is on October 13th for 2018.
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Next Saturday is going to ROCK!!!
New Space Wolves boxed set with all new Genestealer Cults Models and Space Wolf bits, and of course the Space Wolves Codex!!!
... Can’t wait to pre-order Tooth and Claw at the shop at 11 on Saturday!!
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Kill Team Commanders- the moment you’ve trained for approaches. You’ve built your team, planned out your roster and painted them for maximum awesomeness. Now it’s time to take to the field!
Today we are playing a Kill Team Tournament!! Bring your kill team models, Rosters, dice and measuring tools to report for your first mission: Flashpoint Alpha!
Today will also be registration start for the upcoming Kill Team organized play Campaign. What do you need to register?
... - A Kill Team Command Roster Of maximum 12 models. Your models should be fully build and at least basecoated - with the understanding that they must be finished painting by the end of season one to qualify for the awesome prizes. If you’ve been participating in our Muster, you should already have this!
Hope to see you there, it’s gonna be a blast!
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Attention Kill Team commanders...your mission should you choose to accept it, is to now paint the most elite Kill team possible - hand picked specialists and warriors to be sent in the most dangerous and difficult missions in the Dark Imperium. If you’ve got what it for duty at Games Workshop Kingsway. And prepare for WAR!!
It’s time for round 2 of Kill Team Activities!! We are hosting a very special series of Activities at Games Workshop Kingsway to get you... ready for our in store Kill Team organized play, and also a chance to reward you with some special cards that will be usable in the upcoming organized play too.
The second of these activities are centred around Painting and finishing planning your new Kill Team. The idea is that you are coming up with a customized team, including names and backstories that will come into play throughout their careers. The painting event is a great chance to get basecoats down and discuss some potential paint schemes with us here in the shop.
What do you need?
-paints! -brushes! -your fully assembled Kill team, preferably primed and ready for basecoats!
There will be staff on hand to help, all of paints and supplies you will need are stocked and ready to be purchased if you don’t have them yet, and other Kill Team commanders to help you plan and talk you through your organized team.
Looking to use models you’ve already got painted but want to participate? Easy! Why not pick up some of the new Kill Team terrain - if you build and paint the new terrain with us in store while we run the event that can earn you the special card and points too!
Please register by clicking “going” on the Facebook event as space for the activities may be limited! Hope to see you there!
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Attention Kill Team commanders...your mission should you choose to accept it, is to now paint the most elite Kill team possible - hand picked specialists and warriors to be sent in the most dangerous and difficult missions in the Dark Imperium. If you’ve got what it for duty at Games Workshop Kingsway. And prepare for WAR!!
It’s time for round 2 of Kill Team Activities!! We are hosting a very special series of Activities at Games Workshop Kingsway to get you... ready for our in store Kill Team organized play, and also a chance to reward you with some special cards that will be usable in the upcoming organized play too.
The second of these activities are centred around Painting and finishing planning your new Kill Team. The idea is that you are coming up with a customized team, including names and backstories that will come into play throughout their careers. The painting event is a great chance to get basecoats down and discuss some potential paint schemes with us here in the shop.
What do you need?
-paints! -brushes! -your fully assembled Kill team, preferably primed and ready for basecoats!
There will be staff on hand to help, all of paints and supplies you will need are stocked and ready to be purchased if you don’t have them yet, and other Kill Team commanders to help you plan and talk you through your organized team.
Looking to use models you’ve already got painted but want to participate? Easy! Why not pick up some of the new Kill Team terrain - if you build and paint the new terrain with us in store while we run the event that can earn you the special card and points too!
Please register by clicking “going” on the Facebook event as space for the activities may be limited! Hope to see you there!
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Hitting the shelf today are the much anticipated Nighthaunt and Stormcast reinforcements - Multipart Chainrasp Hordes, Bladegheist Revenants, Dreadscythe Harridans, Evocators on Dracolines, and multipart Sequitors. The two heroes joining the forces are the Lord Ordinator and Liekoron the Executioner models! Come in today to add them to your growing Soul Wars forces!


At 11 am today, pre-orders will go live for a game of Titanic proportions!
Adeptus Titanicus is a game of Titan Warfare. Some of the Largest Warmachines of the 41st Millennium stomp and blast their way through cityscapes, making towering masses of molten metal out of each other in a never ending war on an epic scale. So don’t miss your chance to get in on the action.


Heads up Warlords, Adeptus Titanicus goes LIVE for Pre-Order tomorrow at 11 am!
*TOP PRIORITY INCOMING TRANSMISSION* Titanicus products will be direct order only. We will not carry these awesome items directly in the shop but they will be available through our in store Order Point. If you want these items on release day, please support us and order in the shop this weekend!


It’s Warhammer 40,000 night at Games Workshop Kingsway tonight and that means at 5 pm the table will come alive with war! We have a second week of Kill Team Games tonight too with your chance to play out skirmish battles on one of the new Killzone Boards, or learn to play with the Starter set too. The Kill Team section of the store is live as well so be sure to check that out tonight, but copies are flying off the shelf faster than we can lee them stocked so don’t be late to the party!
We are also all drooling over the new Adeptus Titanicus models and boxed set that goes for pre-order on Saturday so expect some excited talk about that too. Can’t wait to see you!


This Saturday at 12 noon, we will be hosting our second Build and Plan Kill Team Muster event - the goal of this Muster is both to start putting your Kill Team models together as well as start putting your rosters together for in store campaign play. With other Kill Team commanders there to help you plan, it’s a great chance to bounce some ideas back and forth and come up with some great unique Kill Team models too.
If it’s anything like last week, it’s gonna be a blast! Feel free to bring in your Kill Team Terrain to work on as well if you haven’t yet built it, as that too can earn you the special Campaign Card!


When you see the models from the Adeptus Titanicus box, it’s hard not to be impressed at the level of detail - the Imperial Knights in the photos look almost identical to their larger scale counterparts! Check out this video for some insight with the design team in just how we managed to pull that off...


Adeptus Titanicus looms on the horizon - would you like to learn more about the titanic God-Machines that the games is centred on? Check out this lore video, and if that piques your interest you should dive in to some of the awesome Black Library literature about them, such as Warlord: Fury of the God Machine, or the awesome audiodrama The Binary Succession, in preparation for Adeptus Titanicus!


Hey Warband leaders - don’t forget we have our second tournament of the season coming up for Shadespire, Saturday August 18th!!
Make sure to register to play for prizes and Glory in the mirrored city!


Holy Terra, it’s finally here!!
Adeptus Titanicus!
Pre-orders commence next Saturday, including a very cool Grand Master Edition - this is a huge release that many of you have been counting the days for so you won’t want to miss your chance to pre-order in Store!!


Hey Warlords and Kill Team Commanders!
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow, Monday August 6th we are open from 11-5.
Also - join us for our second build and plan Kill Team Muster on Saturday August 11th to join the fun of our organized Kill team store activities and learn more about the upcoming organized play!


Our Kill Team Muster is well underway with Commanders furiously building their Kill teams up and planning their rosters!
Join us next Saturday August 11th too for the next event to participate and earn that special event card for the Campaign!

More about Games Workshop: Kingsway

Games Workshop: Kingsway is located at Kingsway Mall, Edmonton, Alberta T5G 3A6
Monday: 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 19:00
Friday: 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 17:00