Hardhat Marketing

About Hardhat Marketing

Derek Hill is a lifestyle entrepreneur who helps other solo entrepreneurs and small businesses manifest their definition of building the dream lifestyle they wish to attain through the power of the internet.





Working in the oilfield 14 hours a day to setting up a side hustle and earning a digital income in just a couple months!
... With an easy click by click academy!
That doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard to get to this point.....
I stalled about getting into this ... for 10 months because I was skeptical, then I found this system. We’re growing 75 members a day and hundreds of people are quitting their 6 figure jobs too!
‚Ė™ÔłŹWe‚Äôre a group of digital nomads that are leveraging social media.
‚Ė™ÔłŹWe figured out a way to duplicate what the big guys do.
‚Ė™ÔłŹWe are just getting started! Our business coaching is the best on the planet ūüĆé
Time square used to be where everyone advertised, now Rihanna can sell hundreds of thousands of sneakers in seconds from her Instagram account.
Because, that’s where eyes are..... social media!
ūüĒĆ Plug into our proven business model ūüí°
We show our members step by step how to build a digital income with an offer that on average nets 1100-1500.
It‚Äôs genius, really‚ÄľÔłŹ
The good new is that we’re accepting new students!!
Here’s what to expect.
ūüďĘ Duplicate the same business model. ‚Ė∂ÔłŹ Average Joe's making 6/7 figures from our phones.
ūüďĘ Plug into a proven franchise model ‚Ė∂ÔłŹ Created by Canadians ūüá®ūüᶠfor Canadians ūüá®ūüá¶
ūüďĘ Adopt an online community that has been through each step, and will help guide you with one on one mentorship. ‚Ė∂ÔłŹ Yep,... your own coach,... a real human!
ūüďĘ We take a no BS approach to teaching our newest members. ‚Ė∂ÔłŹ No fluff, just a fast track!
ūüďĘ The training is set up for anyone ūüŹÜ ‚Ė∂ÔłŹ From reading this post to placing your first ad on social media for as low as $1 day and as fast as a weeks time. ūüė≥
Saving the best for last!
We‚Äôre so confident in our model, we offer a 14 day free trial ūüė≥
Yes, that’s right.
14 days to take our training, learn our secrets and see what all the fuss is about.
In the few short months that I’ve joined,.... I’m mentoring hundreds.... of Canadians.
Now, we’re taking on more students!!
I‚Äôve had numerous friends run brick and mortar businesses before, and THIS is how we will always create an income, from now on.....from my phone ūüď≤
We‚Äôre in good standing with the BBB ūüďą We‚Äôre all-stars ‚ú®.... Digital nomads ūüď≤ People who care about people ūüĎę
Dr’s, oil&gas, stay at home moms, teachers, mechanics, tattoo artists, trades guys, retail workers,.... we’re all in!
If you want more information. ASK!
Comment “Teach me" or send me a quick message!
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https://www.facebook.com/505987824/posts/ 10155709845902825/


If nothing ever changes then nothing ever changes ūüėČ


ūüď£WOW! THAT JUST HAPPENED! ūüď£ 532 Awesome People have joined The Six Figure Circle in 24-hours!! ūü§Į
Shortly after announcing the Exclusive LIVE Training that my buddy Mathieu Jang and I will be putting on Monday, the requests to attend are coming in every minute!
This is awesome! Do you want the important information that has helped me transform my life from being a broke-personal trainer who was living out his car to now earning more in a month then I did back then!?
... If so, comment below "44 Freedom" and I will send you a link to this Exclusive LIVE Training that will be held in The Six-Figure Circle!
ūüö®PS: It jumped to 592 people since I started typing this!!ūüö®
Comment below now... and I'll see you on the inside! ūüöÄ
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The world is changing fast! Notice how a lot of large brick and mortar stores are closing their doors?
This is not a coincidence or because they are losing money.
... The reason being is the world is shopping online more and more every day!
Why would they pay all that money to run a brick and mortar store when they can make the same sales online for a lot less cost?? In fact they will make more sales this way!
Amazon has recently surpassed Walmart as the biggest retailer in the world! Has anyone ever seen an Amazon brick and mortar store? No because they don’t exist!
The biggest cost for any of these large companies is advertising, that’s where we come in!
They pay us to advertise for them because we can do it at a much lower cost.
The average person checks their phone 250 times a day and there are over 3 billion people using social media! 3,000,000,000 X 250 = 750,000,000,000!!
All I have to do is make an ad and put in on social media, not exactly back breaking work!
Ever searched something on google and then all of a sudden it’s showing up on your social media platform? Think that’s a coincidence? It’s not!
They are paying attention to what people like and putting it in front of them. Pretty smart advertising isn’t it?
Want to learn how to leverage that and benefit from it?
I’ve partnered with a 90% automated platform that is already proven to work.
All I have to do is the 10% which is growing my brand using social media and driving traffic!
We have all the training provided for you that anyone can do!
Here’s something to ask yourself, what if time and money didn’t matter?
Want to learn more about what I‚Äôm talking about? Comment ‚Äúteach me‚ÄĚ below or message me direct and let‚Äôs get on the path to change your life!
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Be the change you wish to see in the world ūüėĀ


Do it!


Believe it ūüėČ 97% who quit are employed by the 3% that never gave up!


True story


Had a thought this morning as I was being grateful for my health. So I wanted to do a quick survey, if you had to put a dollar amount on your health, what would that be?
Post your answer in the comments ūüôā


For all the haters and those who believe what we do is a "scam". What I offer is not a "get rich quick scheme" it's a long term solution to freedom.
It's funny how people will discredit or hate on something they don't understand or something they tried and failed at.
... If that's the case then I think the gym is a scam! I paid a monthly membership, went when I could but never did get in shape! Such a scam!
All the tools for me to get into shape were laid out for me but because I didn't use them daily I never got into shape, what a scam I tell ya! ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ū üėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£ūüėāūü§£
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How many times have we all had that moment? Where everything just gets to be too much?
... I know I’ve been there before, too many times but not anymore! I've got optimism in my mind again, ambition since starting up my laptop business!
I want more time to be with my family doing things I love like enjoying a football game!
This is why I’m so passionate about helping people, so nobody has to go through that again!
I was on the fence for a long time, even after seeing my friends crushing it I was still skeptical.
Even after seeing people hit 5 and 6 figures monthly! It blows my mind daily!
Change and new experiences can be scary, but I took a chance. I stepped out of my comfort zone.
Now I’m never looking back!! Let me give a little insight into what I do.
I partnered with a 90% automated platform that is proven to work.
We do the 10% which is growing our brand, using social media and driving traffic.
The platform does the rest for us to free up our time!
All while working with some of the most incredible, positive people I’ve ever met.
If you’re stalling about getting into digital marketing, get it out of your head!
· We are a group of digital nomads that are changing the way people use social media
· We are just getting started! The business coaching in the best on the planet!
· Little to no experience needed, it’s all laid out for you!
Plug into our model, we show our members step by step how to build a laptop business, it’s genius!
We’re taking new students in July and August, here’s what to expect….
· Duplicate the same business model as many others making 5/6/7 figures from their devices
· Plug into a proven franchise model
· Get the exact blueprint and formula being used over and over to create results
· Adopt a community that has been through each step and will help guide you one on one
· We take a no BS approach to teaching our newest members
We are so confident in our business model that we offer a 14 day free trial!
Yes, that’s right! 14 days to take our training, learn our secrets and learn what all the fuss is about.
It’s a win win situation!
Imagine being able to take your income anywhere in the world?
It’s unfathomable what can be achieved when a person believes in themselves!
I’m not financially free yet but I’m on the right track!
Everyday I am creating the lifestyle I’ve always envisioned but couldn’t figure out how without working 24 hours a day. Then I seen a system that worked 24 hours a day for me!
Ready to have a personal secretary run 24 hours a day for you too?

If interested please leave a comment below or message me direct!
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What is holding you back from living your best life?
Stress about money, too busy to think about it, don‚Äôt know where to start and what direction to take? ūü§Į
... I can show you how to ditch all of those concerns, navigate your way to freedom and financial success, and live the life you have always wanted!
The time is now.
In a year, you’ll be so thankful you started today.
PM me for further info ūüėČ
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What do you do for work? I pull dragons out of the ground ūüėČ


Ever feel stuck in a rut? That there has to be more to life than working to pay bills and die? Or maybe you're a stay at home parent who's bored and looking for something extra?
I know I do, I have a job that I love but putting in 12-15 hours a day, 21-24 days straight doesn't leave me much time to have a life. Working upwards of 300+ days a year to boot.ūüėīūüėĶūü§™
... With any job I've ever had I've always strived to be the best at it. I've always learned fast, adapted and moved up the ladder but I've also ALWAYS been on the search for something better. Always looking to level up! ūüĎćūüĎÜ
I started to notice some of my friends getting into the marketing world and I would always shake my head or roll my eyes. I couldn't believe my friends were being roped into these "scams". ūüĎŅ
After about 6 months passed and I started to see them doing really well with it I stopped being a hater and started listening to what they had to say. It blew my mind to see how well they were doing and had I not seen my own friends do it, I never would have ventured out and tried this on my own! ūü§Įūü§Įūü§Įūü§Į
So glad I stopped following the masses ūüßü‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ (careful, the "M" is silent) and started thinking maybe these people are on to something?
After reading up on stats of there being over 3,000,000,000 people on social media I started to see that this is basic common sense! Why not leverage that and take advantage of it?!?!ūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§ Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ēūü§Ē
Nothing extraordinary came from something ordinary! ūüôĆūüôĆūüôĆ
If you're not one to follow the masses and want to learn how to generate a digital income, then reach out to me to learn more by leaving a comment or messaging me direct!
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To be the 1% you have to do what the other 99% won't!!


Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent


So many people, including myself, are running on a hamster wheel and are finding it difficult to get ahead.
Sound familiar?
... It seems that food, gas, and living expenses keep going up but today’s wages don’t seem to reflect that. This forces us to work longer hours or multiple jobs to make ends meet and takes away from spending time with family and friends.
Seeing my kid for 1-2 hours a night is not enough.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not afraid to work hard to take care of my family. I’ve been doing that for years. But why work harder when you can work smarter?
So what did I do about it?
I decided it's time to get off the hamster wheel. Not only that, but smash it and say ‚ÄúNEVER AGAIN!‚ÄĚ Plant my feet firmly on the ground and start making progress towards my goals.
I made a choice to join an amazing group of SUPPORTIVE and GOAL-ORIENTATED entrepreneurs and learn a new skill. I learned how to be a digital marketer.
I have worked in the oil and gas industry for the past 7 years, before that I was a sub contractor. Digital marketing wasn't even something that was on my radar. But in the last couple of months I've been able to learn a new skill and it has already changed my life for the better.
The best part is that I'm able to spend more TIME with my family and doing other things I love such as traveling and camping. Instead of being away from home working a second job, I‚Äôm able to work from a computer (or my smart phone) from anywhere with an internet connection. ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüíĽ
We are meant to LIVE and ENJOY our life, not be worked to death. Times are changing. This is an amazing opportunity if you’re willing to work hard and put in the effort.
Time to smash that hamster wheel and seize the day.
"In order to become the 1% you have to do what the other 99% won't"
Let me be your coach and teach you how to become a digital marketer.
If you want to learn more comment “Teach me" or message me direct!
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ūüėÄūüôĆūüôŹ SO GRATEFUL ūüôŹūüôĆūüėÄ
I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has liked my page so far, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
Even though I'm stuck at work right now I'm very grateful to have such a great job that has allowed me to live an amazing life ūüôā
... I'm even more grateful for my friends who have brought me into this wonderful opportunity and starting my online business! THANK YOU!
1 more year of this work stuff while I grow my business and work towards the life of my dreams! I'm so excited and forever grateful to be on this adventure ūüėÄ
If any of you are still curious about building a digital income and would like to learn more about it then message me! I don't bite and I thoroughly enjoy helping people!
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Derek is a stand up guy with a passion for life and ready to help anyone share that passion.

Switching from hardhat to online has its challenges, however Derek has the tools for you to easily win!

More about Hardhat Marketing
