Healthy Homes Calgary

About Healthy Homes Calgary

Healthy Homes Calgary specializes in assessing and reducing electropollution exposure levels in theenvironments you and your family live and work in everyday.

Healthy Homes Calgary Description

How we help?

We bring clarity to the complex and broad topic of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) regarding how it can affect one’s health through measurement, mitigation strategies, and education. More Specifically:

EMR Detection and Measurements: Making the invisible visible through the use of professional grade equipment to detect and measure harmful EMR emissions from cellphone towers, high voltage power lines, smart meters, wireless technologies, dirty power, home wiring and grounding errors along with other sources of electropollution.

EMR Reduction Strategies: Offer strategies, best practices and assist in selecting technologies that have helped others reduce the harmful effects of EMR.

EMR Presentations and Education: Providing presentations and information that allow others to make their own conclusions on risks and exposures to EMR with regards to their health.

More about Healthy Homes Calgary

Healthy Homes Calgary is located at Unit 1, 1519 - 34 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T2T 2B1