Heyoka'S Mirror

About Heyoka'S Mirror

The spirit of a Heyoka is the Great Mirror. When you connect to a Heyoka, what you see in them will show you what you need to work on to evolve spiritually

Heyoka'S Mirror Description

Heyoka's Mirror is a Calgary based progressive rock /metal band with international roots.

Brought to life in the summer of 2015 by founding members Andrew Balboa and Omar Sultan, later that year joined by drummer Bayan Sharafi who found his home in Heyoka's Mirror.

The Band played their first show in the winter of 2015, a talent showcase /competition organized by Landmark Events, which the band won! Rahbek Salomons filled in for bass guitar for these shows and helped Heyoka's Mirror win and get their music out to Calgary and surrounding areas, Rahbek and Heyoka's Mirror parted ways shortly after that.

During this time, Andrew and Omar kept writing music for their first EP and wrote music for the entire first album by the end of 2016.

Jumping to 2017, Heyoka's Mirror is preparing to launch their EP: "Loss of contact with reality"

Among the Lakota people, the heyoka (heyókȟa, also spelled "haokah, " "heyokha") is a contrarian, jester, satirist or sacred clown. The heyoka speaks, moves and reacts in an opposite fashion to the people around them. Only those having visions of the thunder beings of the west, the Wakinyan, and who are recognized as such by the community, can take on the ceremonial role of the heyoka.

The spirit of a Heyoka is the Great Mirror. When you connect to a Heyoka, what you see in them will show you what you need to work on to evolve spiritually. The Heyoka’s mirror is one of emotion, for however you react to them emotionally is their guidance to reflect back to you.

For example, after being with one you may feel anger, feeling them to be arrogant yet the Heyoka’s mirror is showing you your need to be humble. Or you may feel great love, again the Mirror is showing you the path of self-love.

More about Heyoka'S Mirror

Heyoka'S Mirror is located at Calgary, Alberta