High River Kraft Hockeyville 2018 Finalist

About High River Kraft Hockeyville 2018 Finalist

High River was named a 2018 Kraft Hockeyville Finalist in 2018.



You are all amazing for putting this together! Win or lose, you are rock stars and the way the community has rallied is heart warming! Love this town! �


We � our town. Thank you to everyone who put in so much work to make this happen!!!!


Thank you all for the wonderful job you all did in promoting High River and rallying the community. It’s that spirit and pride that makes High River a great place to live and why we still won regardless of the outcome of the vote.


You are all amazing for putting this together! Win or lose, you are rock stars and the way the community has rallied is heart warming! Love this town! �


We � our town. Thank you to everyone who put in so much work to make this happen!!!!


Thank you all for the wonderful job you all did in promoting High River and rallying the community. It’s that spirit and pride that makes High River a great place to live and why we still won regardless of the outcome of the vote.


You are all amazing for putting this together! Win or lose, you are rock stars and the way the community has rallied is heart warming! Love this town! �


We � our town. Thank you to everyone who put in so much work to make this happen!!!!


Thank you all for the wonderful job you all did in promoting High River and rallying the community. It’s that spirit and pride that makes High River a great place to live and why we still won regardless of the outcome of the vote.