About How To Build A Brand Ltd.

Business Type: Business Corporation
Business Number (BN): 745681098
Registry ID: 9960708
Registered Office Location: Calgary, Alberta
Jurisdiction: CC
Status: Active
Status Date: 2016-10-27
Incorporated Date: 2016-10-27

Federal Corporation Data
Business Number (BN): 745681098RC0001
Governing Legislation: Canada Business Corporations Act - 2016-10-27
Registered Office Address:
4216 12 st ne
Calgary AB T2E 6K9

Wael Badawy
67121 northland Village
Calgary AB T2L 2L2

We also found extra-provincial registration information from:

Jurisdiction: ON
Registry ID: 3142592
Business name (if different): HOW TO BUILD A BRAND LTD.

More about How To Build A Brand Ltd.

How To Build A Brand Ltd. is located at 4216 12 st ne Calgary AB T2E 6K9 Canada