Imaginea Ai

About Imaginea Ai

Build better AI. Faster. Together.

Imaginea Ai Description

Build better AI. Faster. Together.



If you're thinking of adopting AI for your business, see Nav Dhunay's latest article on AI Business - Cognitive Changeover: Your Guide To Putting AI In The Driver’s Seat. er-guide-putting-…/
#artificialintelligence #AI #technology


#ArtificialIntelligence isn't Sci-Fi, the profound impact this technology will have on society will solve real world problems 🌍.
See why Humans & #AI make the perfect partners in the latest article on inside BigData:


"...many of the ‘disruptions’ we hear about are, in reality, simply iterations on what’s already in place."
Check out latest byline from Nav Dhunay from Imaginea Ai on MinuteHack which explains why true innovation is hard and a shiny new spoke doesn’t mean a disrupted wheel.…/the-change-gam e-innovating-in-busi…


The token economy is arriving and venture capital is on the front lines. In the coming years, #blockchain tokens will offer #VC funds a new mechanism to raise capital and maintain control of the investor base. That way is through Security Token Offerings (#STO). Read more about the future of STOs and its disruption on VC here:


Congrats to Imaginea's Co-Founder and President Nav Dhunay for being featured in Business Chief Canada.
Find out why he thinks #Calgary is an attractive place to start and grow a business. #yyc /sliderIssue?id=125


#artificialintelligence / #MachineLearning and #Blockchain are technologies that are capturing headlines. The question remains, how can they work in tandem? View this article to find the possibilities of these technologies.


#artificialintelligence is the cutting edge technology that will lead humanity to greater achievements. Unless, of course, it doesn’t spiral out of control and prove corruptible. This is why @Amazon, @GoogleAI, and @Microsoft all agree that #AI ethics are a prerequisite to the technology.


According to the founder of #artificialintelligence outfit ScriptBook, Sony Pictures could have saved a fortune from 2015 to 2017 by using the company’s algorithms instead of human beings to reject or greenlight movies. “If Sony had used our system they could have eliminated 22 movies that failed financially,” said Azermai.


Security tokens have the potential to become the go-to form of funding for more established startups and for companies that want to tokenize their securities offering instead of listing shares on a stock exchange. Read about the recent past and future of security tokens.


Every business, regardless of the industry is asking itself the same question: How can #artificialintelligence help me? Here is a list of ten realistic ways #AI will help businesses regardless of what industry they work in.


#BigData and #MachineLearning is for companies of all sizes not just large tech companies. However, this doesn’t mean that the forward thinking learning optimization is without disadvantages. Understand what pitfalls should be avoided with machine learning in this article:


🇨🇦 Happy Canada Day, from the Imaginea family to yours! 🇨🇦


Artificial intelligence has the potential to dramatically enhance our research efforts and supplement human problem-solving skills. With advanced AI, we can more effectively research the most pressing problems of the world and develop realistic, effective solutions. To understand just how valuable AI is, it’s important to consider what it can do for people, the planet, and profits.…/making-use-of-arti ficial-minds-how-ai-…


By 2100, it's likely that average global temperatures will be 3˚C higher than in pre-industrial times. But we have a whole new tool to help us combat the devastating effects of climate change: artificial intelligence (AI):


In the race to dominate the #artificialintelligence space, Europe is a clear laggard behind the US and China. So what can Europe do about it? Read more about their plan to catch-up in this race:


While all types of businesses will eventually be affected by the income of #artificialintelligence, there are five industries that will likely experience an overhaul once artificial intelligence is introduced.


#Blockchain is the reason why #Bitcoin is successful, not the other way around. An investment in any #cryptocurrency is an investment in blockchain technology. Read more about the blockchain platform here:


A new report issued by @Deloitte has found that #blockchain technology will become a critical asset to the retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry and businesses which fail to enlist the power of the blockchain “risk falling behind.”


The adventure continues. All great discoveries require some risk, some adaptation and lots of courage.


Imaginea is the future for our world! we have to embrace collaboration and an open mind view if we want to make a change all togheter.


The adventure continues. All great discoveries require some risk, some adaptation and lots of courage.


Imaginea is the future for our world! we have to embrace collaboration and an open mind view if we want to make a change all togheter.

More about Imaginea Ai

+1 844-462-4446