Indicrow Energetics

About Indicrow Energetics

Katie IndiCrow

Indicrow Energetics Description

Katie IndiCrow is a wayshower and gridworker. She is here to assist in the creation of new earth and to inspire others to appreciate their ability to do the same.

Having trained much of her adult life, Katie studies an ever-expanding group of traditions including North American and Celtic shamanism, reiki, rays, and countless activations from which she draws in moments of creative inspiration. It is that creative connection to energy work that she wishes to foster in clients, colleagues, and friends.

A main way that Katie contributes to the co-creation of new earth is through grid work. Katie is here to help others connect with that process (and to connect with others doing similar work).

Katie works with clients who are actively working on grounding in ascension energies by teaching special topic classes and workshops. She also offers activations and 1: 1 mentoring to practicing energy workers and awakening souls. Truly talented at helping you see your gifts, Katie supports you in unlocking your creative potential. There is a master in all of us, and Katie focuses on helping students and clients get in touch with that aspect of their soul.

Katie strongly believes in cooperation with other energy workers. Coordinated effort, support, and open communication with one another can be both effective and enriching.

Katie: "My philosophy is very simple: We all bear the potential to be masters. It is my job as an energy worker and teacher to help ignite the spark of joy, creativity, and confidence in those with whom I work to trust their own heart, potential, and intuition as they move along their path. "

If you feel drawn to work with Katie, particularly on a special topic /issue, please get in touch through this page. She is not limited to the activities listed herein : ).



Greetings, friends!
... We are in the midst of a momentous transition where significant numbers of people are switching consciousness grids. We have also reached a point where ancient lightcodes from a time before Lemuria are being released into and through them. This is a big deal and a testament to the fantastic and love based work being done by an ever growing group of lightworkers, lightbringers, and conscious beings.
As part of our shift, it is so greatly important that we contribute to the efforts of fortifying and strengthening the connections within and between the crystalline grid. The higher vibration that we hold it at, the more pure the vibrational resonance from incoming codes will be. We know that there is a big influx on its way/happening now. It is a great time to contribute to the co-creation process by taking a few minutes today and each day on the weekend to help strengthen the grids by raising the vibrational light quality of it!!
1) Connect to the crystalline core of the Gaia, Terra Nova, New Earth
2) Call in the highest vibration of energy that you are able and allow it to cleanse and align your body. Feel your vibration raising and your body synching with this new, higher vibration
3) Intend to act as an anchor for high vibrational Christed/crystal frequency.
4) Intend that the energy you are anchoring is used for the highest vibration of ascension timeline that is available for New Earth.
5) Allow yourself to open up as a pillar of light and bring this energy down through your crown all the way to the crystalline core and expanding through you into the 5d plus crystalline grid.
6) Feel/imagine/see the energy flowing all around the crystalline grid, connecting every point.
7) Send a dedicated 2 minutes of pulsing to the power sites of the crystalline grids,known and unknown. (You are helping us power up the sacred sites!)
8) Receive one more pulse of love, this time directly to yourself and your own timelines.
9) Release all that does not serve you, including secondary and outdated timelines.
10) Disconnect
And so it is.
More from me soon!
In loving co-creation,
Katie IndiCrow
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Crow's Nest with Katie IndiCrow and Todd Medina
Live at 2 ADT: id=10217190844424351&id=1267764611

More about Indicrow Energetics

Indicrow Energetics is located at 2222 Oxford, Calgary, Alberta and