Inner Radiance Kundalini - Kundalini Yoga With Joti Sandesh

About Inner Radiance Kundalini - Kundalini Yoga With Joti Sandesh

Kundalini yoga is a complete yoga that consists of simple yogic techniques that can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of your age or physically ability.

Inner Radiance Kundalini - Kundalini Yoga With Joti Sandesh Description

Kundalini Yoga is known as the yoga of awareness. The word kundalini literally means 'the curl of the lock of hair of the beloved. ' It is a metaphor for describing the latent energy and consciousness that already exists in everybody waiting to be awaken. We raise our kundalini by awakening the energy through breathing exercises, kriya's (movement), mantra and meditation. The results of these practices vary from person to person. Some people literally feel the energy rise through the chakras. Others have a more subtle experience feeling more at peace, calmer and lighter after practicing. Many have the deep profound experience of "going home. "
The purpose of Kundalini is to help YOU be YOU. Connect to yourself on a deeper level . To experience your true self, your Sat Nam and be fully present and aware as you create your life.

As a registered KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) teacher, I am so grateful for the opportunity to be connected to the Yogi Bhajan lineage and help share the true sacred teachings of Yogi Bhajan himself. My teachers were directly connected to Yogi Bhajan for many years and helped develop many of his programs that are still being offered today. Its truly an honour to be connected to this great line of sacred teachings and extraordinary teachers.

Yogi Bhajan was a spiritual teacher and Master of Kundalini Yoga. He was the teacher of teachers. He came to the west from India in 1968. Everything you learn in class comes from this tradition and these sacred teachings. I am so very honoured to offer Kundalini Yoga to you as it was originally taught by Yogi Bhajan.
Many blessings,
Joti Sandesh Kaur (Natasha Canaday)

More about Inner Radiance Kundalini - Kundalini Yoga With Joti Sandesh

Inner Radiance Kundalini - Kundalini Yoga With Joti Sandesh is located at 7912 , Cedar Cove, Grande Prairie, Alberta T8W0H2