Inspired Me Meditation & Wellness

About Inspired Me Meditation & Wellness

Ready to take the next step on your Meditation journey? Deepen your practice with FREE Weekly Meditations, Scripts & more! Become certified as a 200hr Meditation Teacher.

Inspired Me Meditation & Wellness Description

"Meditation is about so much more than sitting with your eyes closed and mind calm"

Meditation is a Practice. It is our natural state of BEing. When we deepen our practice of Meditation, we find a greater connection with the present moment and with those around us.

Ready to take the next step on your Meditation journey? Deepen your practice with FREE Weekly Meditations, Scripts & more! Become certified as a 200hr Meditation Teacher.



The pups are finally up for long walks down by the river And by long, I really mean half an hour or so It’s incredible how fast they are growing!! Silver (our pup) has gained 5lbs in 2 weeks 😮 These sweet little ones bring so much love to our lives ❤️... . . #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #naturelover #meditateeverydamnday #discovermeditation #mindfulness #wintersolstice #mindfulnessmeditation
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#Repost @createthelove Check out Mark Groves’ page for more awesome inspiration like this 👆✨🦄 ・・・ This isn't saying don't need each other. It's also not saying to live selfishly. What's it's saying is to take care of you. Allow others to take care of themselves. Compromise when it doesn't mean self-abandonment, and love yourself as fiercely as you would want another to love you. #createthelove
... #inspiration #quoteoftheday #meditateeverydamnday #love #truth #behappy #spreadthelove #selfgrowth #selfdevelopment #vision #visioning
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{WINTER SOLSTICE GATHERING} How are you holding yourself through this seasonal transition? Do you feel loved, supported and well nourished? I invited you to join Timmie of and I for a Winter Solstice Celebration that will ✨feed the desires of your soul... ✨ready your mind and body for the shift in season ✨and help you find connection in community ❤️ Happening this Friday, Dec 21, 7-9pm Investment of $40 Link in bio 👆 or below 👇 ce-ritual-and-ecst… . . #wintersolstice #solstice #yegevents #solsticeyeg #t8n #t8nevents #enjoycentre #stalbert #meditateeverydamnday #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #discovermeditation #ecstaticdance
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Have you heard the call yet? The deep knowing that it is time to step into the HIGHEST Vision for your life Have you been playing small? Or perhaps simply don’t have the clarity yet to know exactly what is seeking to emerge through you? Your Vision exists within you... It waits patiently for your willingness to welcome it in Visioning is a 💥powerful💥 process that will help you get clear on your Vision and support the journey of aligning with it ✨ Join us for the upcoming Vision Your Life 2019 e-course beginning January 1, 2019 and start your year off right! Investment of $99 Link in bio 👆 or below 👇 -your-life-2019/ ✨ ✨ #visionyourlife #vision #newyear #inspiration #newyearresolutions #resolutions #visioning #visioneering #visionwork #inspiration #motivation #soultruth #cosmiccreations #spiritualgrowth #spiritualempowerment #spiritual #intentions #affirmations #consciousness #awareness #soultruth #beyourownguru #yegwellness #yegwomen #yegmeditation #yegyoga #yegcrystals #yegpreneur #soulpreneur #womeninbiz #wellness #entrepreneur #mindfulness #meditation #quoteoftheday #meditateeverydamnday #quotestoliveby #goddesslife
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{WINTER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION THIS FRIDAY} Lately, I have been feeling a build of energy The gathering of inner resources as we near the important Solstice transition And so I turn within To sit with the process... Connecting with the teachings being offered Solstice offers balance Pause A call to rest To bring in mindfulness Intentionality The Holiday Season easily pulls us into busy And creates a sense of disconnect from Self when we allow the busy in The key to honouring this time of natural transition is to slow down Notice Honouring the shift that is happening As out, so within ❤️ Join us as we honour Solstice Friday, December 21, 7-9pm @ Wellness Within in St. Albert Led by Caroline Stewart of @theinspiredme and Timmie Horvath of $40 investment Link in events 👆or below 👇 ce-ritual-and-ecst… . . #solstice #wintersolstice #ecstaticdance #ecstaticdanceedmonton #meditation #turnwithin #connection #love #peace #inspiration #mindfulness #retreat #vision #meditationtraining
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Meditation is simple We make it complicated 🤷‍♀️ It’s hard not to We are ‘meaning makers’ Our brain is designed to create meaning out of all things... And truly, this is ok In fact, to understand this is to realize deeply why we think, feel and often act the way we do The beautiful thing about Meditation is that it doesn’t care if you apply meaning or not It is there to connect you To remind you of your Divine origins In this way we commune with Spirit Meditation does not discriminate based on religious beliefs, political views, history, or even your ‘ability to Meditate’ Meditation embraces all religions and spiritual beliefs And also all belief beyond It has been used for thousands of years within the religious context And also outside of it We make of it what we wish Remember, we’re meaning makers after all ❤️ . Multiple opportunities for connection to share in the practice of Meditation ✨Learn to Meditate Workshop - Jan 12, 1-3pm @wellness.within.stalbert ✨200hr Online Meditation Teacher Training starts Feb 4 ✨Level 1 Onsite Meditation Teacher Training is March 23 & 24 @wellness.within.stalbert ✨ Check out links in Page events 👆 . #meditateeverydamnday #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessquotes #learntomeditate #discovermeditation #meditationteacher #meditationteachertraining #becomeameditationteacher #yegevents #t8n #t8nevents #inspiration #love #spirit #consciousness
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Heart explosion 💗 I have a story to share... We’re currently living with my parents. They have generously offered for us to stay with them during transition out to our new piece of land in March. My parents have been looking for a pup to join the family for some time now. One day, a few weeks back, they found exactly what they were looking for!... We all went to go visit the pups and see which would be the right fit. I brought the kiddos so they could take part in the process. Part way through I notice Owen is getting really attached to one of the pups (Oakley). We start entertaining the idea that we also bring home a pup. I have never seen him so happy, and so disappointed when we couldn’t come to agreement by the time we left. He was heartbroken. On the way home, Avery says to me (in her typically wise fairy way 🧚‍♀️), “Owen never asks for anything. I think we should give him this.” Holy heart wrenching! And it’s true. He doesn’t. Ever So, this is exactly what we did. A pup that is his responsibility. A companion as we transition out to rural living. Friends for life 💝 . . #gratitude #love #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #labradoodle #giftsoftheheart #wisewords #fromthemouthsoffairies #love #fureverfriends
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Try out this super simple exercise that shows you what it means to Meditate ❤️


This means that Visioning isn’t truly about achieving goals, but rather about following the clues, desires, and alignments that bring us in the flow of it’s evolution. ✨ When we see our Vision as the overarching ‘reason’ and foundation for our lives, it becomes much less about the goals and more about what will bring us more in alignment with our Vision. ✨ This means that yes, we may set goals and not achieve them, but that there is NO WRONG STEP or CHOICE. It’s all part of ...the whole. Whether a lesson, a strengthening of your inner/outer resources, or even a stepping stone into a much larger Vision, it’s not possible to get ‘nowhere’. ✨ What is helpful in these circumstances is to look at how we feel - the more joyful, purposeful, motivated, loving we feel, the more we are in the flow. The flow is really the sweet spot. ✨ Join us for the upcoming Vision Your Life 2019 e-course beginning January 1, 2019 and start your year off right! Investment of $99 Link in bio 👆 or below 👇 -your-life-2019/ ✨ ✨ #visionyourlife #vision #newyear #inspiration #newyearresolutions #resolutions #visioning #visioneering #visionwork #inspiration #motivation #soultruth #cosmiccreations #spiritualgrowth #spiritualempowerment #spiritual #intentions #affirmations #consciousness #awareness #soultruth #beyourownguru #yegwellness #yegwomen #yegmeditation #yegyoga #yegcrystals #yegpreneur #soulpreneur #womeninbiz #wellness #entrepreneur #goddesslife #mindfulness #meditation #quoteoftheday #meditateeverydamnday #quotestoliveby
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How do you start living your dreams and achieving your goals? Just start. Really, it's that simple. Easier said than done though, right? ✨ There's a lot of discomfort that creeps in when you start pushing your boundaries and limiting beliefs. ✨ Here are 5 simple steps that will guide you on the path of realising your dream or goal:... 1. Vision - create a written vision that defines the foundation of what you are creating 2. Release - let go of limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you and your new dream or goal 3. Evaluate - determine where you’re at - what’s already upholding your Vision & where there are some growth gaps 4. Schedule - list out the steps you need to realize your Vision then schedule them! 5. Align - working with your Vision, determine the feelings, beliefs and actions that support your dream or goal, then actively integrate these into your daily life ✨ Join us for the upcoming Vision Your Life 2019 e-course beginning January 1, 2019 and start your year off right! Investment of $99 Link in bio 👆 or below 👇 -your-life-2019/ ✨ ✨ #visionyourlife #vision #newyear #inspiration #inspiredmepodcast #wellpreneur #thewealthywellpreneur#thewellpreneurnetw ork #yegwellness#yegbiz #yegfitness #yegwomen#yegmeditation #yegyoga #yegreiki#yegcrystals #yegpreneur #soulpreneur #yeglifecoach #mompreneur#womeninbiz #socialmediamarketing #wellness #entrepreneur #wellpreneursrock #goddesslife #mindfulness #meditation
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✨ SWEAT YOUR PRAYERS ✨ . Join us for an evening of Ceremony + Freeform Dance! No alcohol, no drugs - just amazing music, dancing, and NATURAL high vibes ✌🏻 . RITUAL ✨ Through ritual, we connect. We establish a clear channel to our deepest intuition and rest in the space of transition. Feeling into the shift. When shared in the space of ceremony and community, this Solstice Ritual offers deep rest and powerful potentiality for rebirth.... . The ritual portion will be guided by Caroline Stewart @theinspiredme. We will start the workshop with ritual. Beginning with the all important journey from head to heart. After the Ecstatic Dance, we will return to ritual. Grounding into our experience and carrying forward the light of our deepened awareness. . ECSTATIC DANCE ✨ Unleash your creativity and enjoy sensual expressive movement! The Ecstatic Dance portion is non-choreographed and you will be encouraged to move in a way that you choose, in a safe and supportive setting. . The dance portion will be guided by Timmie Horvath and will include a gentle warm-up and a refreshing cooldown. This is all about YOUR personal experience, and you can be as expressive and involved as you like. . DETAILS ✨ Friday, Dec 21, 7-9pm at Wellness Within (The Enjoy Centre, 101 Riel Dr, St. Albert). Tickets are $40, available through link in profile. Wear whatever makes you feel good and bring a water bottle! This event is open to all people, at all levels of experience and ability. . #t8n #yegreiki #yegcrystals #sacredwellness #sacredwellnesstribe #yegaromatherapy #yegherbalist #yegyoga #yegyogi #yegfitness #yegfit #iamyegfit #yegmoms #yegkids #yegwellness #spiritjunkie #essentialoils #yegessentialoils #wellpreneur #thewealthywellpreneur #witchesofinstagram #greenwitch #wiccan #soulpreneur #mompreneur #yegbiz #shoplocalyeg #yeghealing
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Soooo...I’m in the process of creating FREE content to share with you all about Meditation! And this means if I truly want to be of service, I better ask what it is that you need? What questions do you have about Meditation? What kind of support would you find helpful? ❤️


{ECSTATIC DANCE CELEBRATION} The movement of ecstasis Flowing without constriction Moving as the spirit is drawn In the upcoming Winter Solstice Ecstatic Dance Experience, you will be guided gently as you explore this beautiful movement practice... Looking within for guidance Nurturing the deeply loving connection with Self Ecstatic Dance will help you to meet the Winter Solstice with intentionality and openness We welcome you to join us Friday, December 21, 7-9pm @ Wellness Within Health Centre in St. Albert Led by Caroline Stewart of Inspired Me and Timmie Horvath of Sacred Wellness $40 investment Link in event 👆or below ce-ritual-and-ecst…
. . #solstice #wintersolstice #ecstaticdance #ecstaticdanceedmonton #meditation #turnwithin #connection #love #peace #inspiration #mindfulness #retreat #vision #meditationtraining
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The difference between Visualization and Visioning ✨🦄 Visualization is all about the past and repeating images that we know. Visioning taps into a deeper part of Self that is connected with the Quantum Field - the dimension of infinite potential and possibility.
If you’d like to learn more and explore the Vision Your Life 2019 ecourse check out the link -your-life-2019/


Beauty has nothing to do with perfection And everything to do with honesty With the true expression of what is seeking to emerge All is welcome The joy, the sorrow... The polished, and unkept You don’t need to know what others want to hear in order to speak your truth Or what they want to see in order to create Their approval will only limit you The true expression of you So create those beautiful things!! Simply for the sake of creation And listen to YOUR heart sing with the subtle joy of appreciation
Join us for Vision Your Life 2019 e-course beginning January 1. Registration now open! -your-life-2019/ . . #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday #quotes #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #retreat #selfexpression #truth #speakyourtruth #creative #inspiration #morganharpernichols #energyhealing #vibrationalenergy #love #vision #visionyourlife2019
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Yesterday we connected deeply with the land We are very near to finalizing our purchase of an incredibly special property located on the North Saskatchewan River, 20 minutes south of Stony Plain She calls to us Sometimes quietly Others with a deep low bellow... She asks that we love her Without pretence Without condition And promises her unending support in return The divine feminine at her finest Dancing beneath the New Moon of possibility A call to commune To connect with her And each other Offering a space of rest, of reconnect She will call to you also Her song is not for the few But rather the many All who are ready to hear Who long to touch into that place deep within that begs to be united once again Pacha Mama Gaia The Divine incarnate . . #nature #retreat #gaia #love #naturelovers #pachamama #divine #divinefeminine #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #inspiration #connection #river @ Holborn Hall
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This one hit me hard A reminder of how important it is to be like water 💧 To embrace, to touch, to envelop completely Not to turn away from that which seems undesirable I have a tendency to withdraw when I am triggered... To turn away from rather than toward People, situations, emotions And yes there is beauty in rest But not in order to avoid or lick my wounds so that I don’t have to face them I know better than this now I have learned the importance of being with the darkness Of holding the child within and reminding her that all is ok And so I choose now to love better . . #quotestoliveby #quotes #quoteoftheday #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulness #nikitagill #truth #love #spirit #divine #divinefeminine #energyiseverything #quantum #meditationtraining #inspiration
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Self-care this morning looks like hot yoga @lahariyoga ❤️ Keeping warm and cozy on this chilly day What are you doing today for self-care? . .... #selfcare #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #yoga #yegyoga #stalbert #t8n
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More about Inspired Me Meditation & Wellness

Inspired Me Meditation & Wellness is located at Stony Plain, Alberta T8N 1N3