Iskcon Edmonton



Janmashtami Darshan!


Darshan! 29th March'2018­¤ÖÅ­¤Æ¢


Jai Jagannath Balabhabra and Subhadra Maharani!


Sunday Darshan! 19th NovemberŌĆÖ2017­¤śŹ­¤Öé


Govinda Ji on Diwali!


Our Govinda Ji!­¤śŹ


Gaura Morning!!


Sravanananda das: While in Madras we had a nice facility for Srila Prabhupada to stay at in a life memberŌĆÖs home at night. But during the day he would come to the temple.
One day I was asked if I would cook for him. I said that I had never cooked for Prabhupada before, so Harikesh said, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖll cook.ŌĆØ We made a little sitting area for Srila Prabhupada and when I brought him his plate, he touched the chapati and said, ŌĆ£Chapati means hot.ŌĆØ
... I ran back to Harikesh and told him what Prabhupada said. He said, ŌĆ£Okay, IŌĆÖll cook the chapati and you run it into his room.ŌĆØ The floors were made of marble so I was literally sliding to give it to Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada again tapped the chapati, and again he said, ŌĆ£Chapati means hot.ŌĆØ
Again I ran back to Harikesh and said, ŌĆ£Prabhupada is not eating the chapatis! He said, ŌĆśChapati means hot!ŌĆÖŌĆØ So he puffed up a chapati the next time like a puri. I ran and slid to Prabhupada, putting it on his plate.
He poked the chapati that was puffed up and this time steam came out. Prabhupada said, ŌĆ£Ahhh, that is chapati.ŌĆØ IŌĆÖve always remembered that cooking instruction.
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Radharaman Laal's 500 years old kitchen....


AGTSP One morning Prabhupada arrived in the park, stepped out of his car, and waited for the devotees who had come in another car to join him. Lilavati had difficulty getting out of the car because she had her baby, Subhadra, in a carrier on her back. When she finally did get out of the car, Prabhupada turned and laughed at her, saying, "Ah, burden of affection." "Yes, Swamiji," Lilavati replied. They all began to walk together along the path.
"So there are two ways to carry ...a baby," Prabhupada said, tapping his cane on the ground in time with his regular stride. "There is the monkey way and the cat way. Do you know this?"
"No, Swamiji," said Lilavati.
"Well, which way do you think is better?" Prabhupada asked her. "The monkey way or the cat way?" She couldn't understand or imagine what he meant.
Prabhupada continued, "The monkey baby climbs on the back of the mother and holds on, and this is the way he travels. And the kitten is carried in the teeth of the mother. So which is better?" Lilavati could still not understand which way could be better; they both sounded very difficult to her.
"Well," Prabhupada said, "the monkey baby is very small and very weak, and he is holding on to the mother by his own strength. But the kitten is being supported by the strength of the mother. So which way do you think is better?"
And then she understood. "The cat way is better."
"Yes," Prabhupada said, "that is the difference between the yogi and the devotee. The yogi is trying to climb on the back of the Absolute Truth by his own strength, but he is very weak, so he will fall. But a devotee, he cries out for Krsna"-and as he spoke the word Krsna, Prabhupada held his arms up high and looked up at the clear morning sky-"A devotee cries out for Krsna, and Krsna picks him up."
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Hold on my Dhoti...Srila Prabhupada.....
At the end of one lecture Srila Prabhupada told the devotees, "If you become 90% Krishna conscious, you will go back home, back to Godhead." Looking out into his audience, he saw that the devotees looked crestfallen. So then he said, "If you become 80% Krishna conscious, you will go back home, back to Godhead." Still the devotees expressed doubt that theycould become even 80% Krishna conscious. So then Srila Prabhupada said, "Ok,70%," and then the devotees responded with a big Jaya! But as Srila Prabhupada was returning to his quarters, another devotee expressed concern that he would not be able to become even 70% Krishna conscious. So then Prabhupada said, "Ok, you just hold on to my dhoti. I have the key to the back door." ŌĆö


ŌĆ£Child-like Prabhupada has no anxietyŌĆØ
I do not feel old. I feel exactly like your little child, and I am taken care of by my so many fathers and mothers like you. So I have no anxiety.
----------------------------------------- ... From Srila Prabhupada's letter to Nandarani -- New Vrindaban 23 May, 1969
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Srila Prabhupada...""To the self-deceitful person, who considers that the science of devotional activities is the monopolised property of a certain class of flesh and blood, professional and hired spiritual masters may be considered as Mahajans. To the pseudo devotee, the imitators, of the transcendental feats of Thakur Haridas and Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu may be considered as Mahajan. To such devotees imitation incarnation of Godhead like Jackel Vasudev, mystics like Putana..., Trinabarta, Vatsa, Baka, Agha, Dhenuka, Kalya, Pralamba who were known as the demons and atheists like Charbaka, Poundraka, Sukracharya, Bena, Sugata, Arhat-all these may be considered as Mahajan. And to the foolish half-educated persons, clever self-styled Mahajan in the garb of a Sadhu, who can attract the attention of his foolish followers by enchanting and flowery languages, can also be accepted as Mahajans. But all these different types of Mahatmas or Mahajans are rejected by the authoritative revealed scriptures like Bhagwat Geeta and Sreemad Bhagbatam. " Srila Prabhupada's Back to Godhead Magazine Volume 3, Part 2, March 16, 1956, The Mahatma and the Mahajan :
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All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
Share! Share! Share! His glories....


Srila Prabhupada..."These are Vedic injunctions. One must take shelter of a self-realized spiritual master, not a materially educated scholar or politician. One must take shelter of a niskincana, a person engaged in devotional service and free from material contamination. That is the way to return home, back to Godhead" SB 7.5.32 Srila Prabhupada's Purport


Hare Kß╣øß╣Żß╣ća dear friends! Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to ┼Ür─½la A.C. Bhaktived─ünta Sw─üm─½ Prabhup─üda!
"Krishna has given some the opportunity to serve Him by nice writing, some by good business ability, some by nice cooking, and so on, but these various services are all accepted equally by Krishna. On the transcendental plane, one service is as good as another. There is no question of higher or lower. We are very tiny, and so we cannot really do very much. S...imply we can engage our time and energy, and that is all Krishna sees. He sees this boy or girl is spending his time in My Service, and He is pleased."- Letter to: Hamsaduta and Himavati Los Angeles, March 3, 1968
Jai ┼Ür─½la Prabhup─üda!­¤ÖÅ
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hare krishna

hare rama.



The people are amazing. The gurus and cooks are very friendly and welcoming. The book store / gift shop is stocked with everything youŌĆÖd need to assist you on your journey back to Godhead. I was at Sunday kirtan on March 25, 2018. One of the best experiences of my life. I will be going back every Sunday I possibly can.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Joi Sri Radhe-Krishna

Joi Radha Madana Mohana

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Joi Srila Pravupada Ki joi


Hare krishna Hare krishna krishna krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ’┐Į’┐Į




hare krishna

hare rama.



The people are amazing. The gurus and cooks are very friendly and welcoming. The book store / gift shop is stocked with everything youŌĆÖd need to assist you on your journey back to Godhead. I was at Sunday kirtan on March 25, 2018. One of the best experiences of my life. I will be going back every Sunday I possibly can.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Joi Sri Radhe-Krishna

Joi Radha Madana Mohana

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Joi Srila Pravupada Ki joi


Hare krishna Hare krishna krishna krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ’┐Į’┐Į



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