Janis Stolson Health Coaching

About Janis Stolson Health Coaching

I am a health coach in Brooks that believes in working at living my best life ever and in helping others to do the same.

Janis Stolson Health Coaching Description

A few years ago, pain in my body was telling me to stop but since I wasn’t really in tune with my body I never listened to it. Like all of us do, I continued to push myself to try and be the best mom, wife, employee and every day I stayed laser focused on what needed to be done to reach that unattainable standard. Pain and damage took its toll on my body and life! Work at both my job and my life were no longer manageable without invasive procedures. It took an event of this magnitude to shift my priorities; one that is a continual process. After time off, I attempted a return to my previous position but couldn’t due to the pressure it caused on my neck muscles and nerves. Returning to my previous fitness levels was also terrifying both because I was mentally scared and exercising triggered muscle spasms that weren’t controllable without medication. To say the least my identity was shaken because I was like most of us who base our identity on our work, our families, our physical appearance, our fitness, our finances. The aftermath left a feeling of "what can I possibly contribute to myself and to others".

After much reflection, I have a unique understanding of what it feels like to want something so bad and no longer be able to have it. To understand how hard, it is to say “I CAN’T” do something and have to learn to deal with the aftermath to pride and ego. The impact food and lifestyle have on health. That there are so many obstacles within the body and mind that we must let go of to feel blessed. AND to understand that I am not the only one! ! !

So, if I can help just one person have an easier time managing, dealing or coping with changing themselves into the best version they can possibly dream up then this is a blessing I feel privileged to be a part of!



Reminder to allow your love for yourself shine through in all you do🥰🌹🌹


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Beautiful People 💘❤️ How are you showing the people in your life that they are loved and how do you want them to show you? A lot of this relates back to when we were young and what we were taught about love. Was it expressed freely and openly? Was it a private affair? What did people do then and now and how does it compare? ... I would love to hear what you are doing on such a special time 🥰 Share your comments below
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I would love to hear who you remember feeling love for the very first time...siblings, parents, friends, different family members? How did love first show up in your life❤️


It’s a week and month dedicated to LOVE 🥰 so let’s dive deep into it!
I am a Libra and all about the love so I love feeling it and embracing it. I think life is meant to be wrapped in love for everyone. Just like that fun box of chocolates.
I know it isn’t though. I know it is the one thing that can throw everyone of us into a whirlwind of fear, anxiety and vulnerability to bliss, engagement, and confidence all in a matter of seconds.
... Do you fully love who you are?
Do you feel safe to share all that love out or do you keep it tucked away protecting your own heart?
What do you use to represent love in your life?
We will keep talking about love over the next week. Feel free to share and ask questions. I love to hear how everyone is feeling around Valentines 💘 and what this holiday means for you
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The statistics are staggering when you look at the impact mental illness has on our country, community and right down to the families and individuals who live in fear and isolation.
If you know someone who needs to talk or you do yourself, please let’s all take a step forward into healing 🙏🏼💕 #letsendthestigma #Bell #letstalk #mentalhealth


Happy Sunday ☀️ This is something that has been crossing my mind lately.
How often (if you sat and really thought about it) would you have changed your thoughts, feelings or actions because of what the people around you would think?
... Whether it is family, friends, co-workers or people in our community the truth is we do often act to please or to avoid disappointing people.
Sometimes our need to avoid exposing parts of ourselves we deem as unworthy, painful or shameful can result in more pain to others and ourselves than anticipated
This is just a reminder that shutting yourself off in order to stop feeling judged rarely works and ends up isolating you and the people you care about.
Open your heart! You may feel like you are risking pain or suffering but the fact is that the weight of something carried alone is a lot heavier than if shared with others❤️❤️❤️
Our character will be defended when we do things with or in love of ourselves and others.
Our reputation is transparent and people rarely stay up to defend egos
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It seems like the perfect post for this week; a time to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr and the contributions he made to accepting and loving one another regardless of our differences.
Life can be lonely at times and the challenges can feel overwhelming when we take them on by ourselves.
Celebrate the love you share with family, friends, co-workers and your community.
... Come together to give support and take some for yourself!!
Stick with LOVE you deserve it 💖✨
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Are the things you are putting in your body aligned with your goals?
I cautiously promote diets because I see what happens when the diet ends. What it does to our mental and emotional states. But I do believe we have to understand what we are doing and putting in our body and what response our body is having. >>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>> Decoding your body’s wisdom is really what it’s all about!!
... If you could tune into your body’s needs, reaching your goals becomes so much easier.
Following the path the body and mind has laid out for you is less about following rigid rules and a lot more like following the yellow brick road to your goal💛🧡💛🛤🏃🏻‍♀️🏃 🏻‍♂️
The important thing to understand is that your body, mind and soul is all interconnected! You can’t change one system without recognizing how the rest will feel the impact
If you are ready to tune into your own body’s wisdom and get off the diet rollercoaster, please call or message me✨
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Is this where your mindset get stuck?
So many of us use our weight as a reflection of our health but the truth is we can be healthy at any size.
What do you see when you look in the mirror at your body and face?
... Do you judge all the places that don’t fit into your idea of perfect or so you see the beautiful healthy self you are working at being?
Changing your mindset about what being healthy looks and feels like to you is a huge leap forward!!
Take the steps to love yourself fully, accepting your accomplishments along the way.
Your health is a journey that combines not just what you eat.
If you need help with your underlying mindset beliefs or help getting off the constant dieting roller coaster, I can help💖
You are beautiful and telling yourself that daily is a powerful tool
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What happens when you start to falter on your plans for success, healthy eating and exercise?
Do you start to feel the doubts creep in?
Do you start feeling this is just like all the other times I couldn’t get there? I am unsure what I should do now? Or I just don’t have the energy-life is just really busy right now?
... And do you start to support those feelings by thinking if only I had someone else to do it with, to help me it would be so much easier!
Or maybe you start getting defensive and justifying that life isn’t supposed to be so structured and rigid. That you deserve to enjoy yourself by eating and drinking what you like and relaxing a little more so you have the energy!
There are so many things that start to creep into our minds and life when we feel the stress and anxiety around not achieving what we set out to achieve.
You are unstoppable and you can do this!
Maybe you need to make more manageable steps.
Maybe you need to lean into the uncomfortable feeling of change.
Maybe you need to get clear on why you are actually wanting to achieve this instead of just doing what you think you are supposed to.
There are ways we can get you to a place where those steps become easy and less stressful!
For now, spend some time visualizing what these actions look and feel like. How good it can feel and what it brings to you in your life!
Don’t let a few stumbles derail you from achieving your goals.💕
And if you need help gaining clarity and focus around your goals, call or message me. Sometimes a little guidance can make all the difference
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We are 3 days into our New Year and New You!!
So how are you feeling?
Have you made time to focus your energy on what you value this year?
... Have you been focusing on where you are winning in your life?
I like to compare it to sports. Players not only look at where they want to improve but they focus on where things are working.
Align with what you value, where you feel most alive and supported.
Keep your steps small and manageable and work your plan!
If you need help creating a plan that allows you to bring more of what you love into your life, call me or message me!
My 6 week program is a great way to kick start your new healthy year.
My cleanse program allows you to determine which foods are creating discomfort and disease in your body. It allows you to eliminate what is necessary and find nourishing ways to eat that are fun and easy.
My 90 Day Program is fantastic for anyone wanting to create long lasting change in multiple areas of your life.
Having a coach is a great way to learn to focus on what is necessary and let go of what is holding you back from having your perfectly aligned life❤️💜
I believe you are capable of great things!!✨
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Happy New Years Eve 🎉 Most of us are reflecting on the past year and looking at where we want to make changes for 2019.
This is a great tool for growth but I would like to remind you of one thing...we are more likely to sustain lasting change when we feel empowered!
... The place where we recognize how amazingly strong, capable and energized we are.
We all want to bring more of what we love and feel energized by into our lives for 2019!!
So in 2019... >if you want to eat healthier remember times of how good and easy it was to choose healthy, nourishing options >if you want to be more active remember how amazing it feels and how much energy it gives you >if you want to feel financially free focus on when you have made good financial decisions (not just when you spend but when you choose not to as well and not because you couldn’t but because it fit with what you desire) >if you want to feel loved; connected and supported then tap into what that truly feels and looks like
Attract what you want by recognizing it instead of looking at what you need to change! Instead of looking at the place where we feel vulnerable, insecure and judged.
Let go of the how and step into why this is important to you!
I wish you the healthiest, most energized and successful year in 2019🎉🙏🏼💃🏻🥂💖✨
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We have so many things to be thankful for!
Celebrate the beauty of each and every moment.✨
Don’t let it pass you by while you are waiting for things to feel perfect; absorbed in the busyness to the point of not realizing you are surrounded by love and joy.
... Rushing to create the feeling of a perfect moment can take away the beauty of what is actually happening.
Take a moment and breathe in the beauty in your life; the fresh cool air; the heat coming off your coffee; the taste of good food that fills your belly; the smiles and laughter of loved ones.
Whatever it is...today be thankful 🙏🏼💖🌟
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The holidays are so amazing and exciting but can also bring out our feelings of where we struggled to fit with our family and friends.
If you are worried about how you will manage getting through the holidays; without yelling at someone or needing to hide in the bathroom with your phone and a glass of wine, take a deep breath and remind yourself of your worthiness!!
It wasn’t always easy growing up and hearing differing opinions or lack of acceptance of our life, love, frien...ds and decisions. Every thing can sit in our hearts for years and come right back to the surface when we least expect it, like at a Christmas dinner. A time we put our hearts on the line and hope for the absolute perfect holiday and to finally be seen, heard and accepted for who we really are!
What if YOU felt worthy of that acceptance now? - could you let go of having to prove why your decisions are right
What if you let go of the painful reminders of past situations you felt judged or that you didn’t fit or belong? - could you relax, laugh and learn something about each other
The truth is you are worthy of love, belonging, safety and acceptance in life.
Not because of the decisions you are making but because of the love you are bringing and sharing. 🌟🎄
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SHOULD- a word we use all the time without realizing the destructive power it can have.
Looking forward into the holidays and new year what are you telling yourself you should be doing?
You shouldn’t be indulging so much?!
... You should be spending more time with people who are important in your life?!
You look at loved ones passed and think you should have listened more, loved harder?!
I should get healthy and fit next year?!
Should is a word that puts us into a critical, judgemental state. Thinking we aren’t good enough, doing enough or having enough.
We can’t be our most powerful self-the one who is strong enough to grow and change when we are being judgemental and critical.
If you really want to improve your health, heal and improve happiness you need to release what you think you should have, should be doing and thinking.
Let this be your gift to yourself ❤️🌟
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All lit up and it all reminds me of Kayana’s tattoo ‘Lights Will Guide You Home’ 🌟💫
That girl sure had some amazing reminders to live by!!
Light in our heart, our life, and our loved ones always have a way of grounding us and bringing us back home.
... Remember to find a place where you can open up, let the light in and be guided back home✨
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So true for so many of us!!!
How complicated is change for you to make?
How does your mind step in to let you know everything that needs to be in place before it is okay for you to change or to become everything you are dreaming!
... I want to get healthy but first I need to...
There are ways to silence that and become what you desire without needing everything to be perfect!
Open up to removing and releasing everything that is complicating your growth!
It is possible and I can help💖✨
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Hope, Health & Happiness!! I want 2019 to be full of these feelings, actions and beliefs for myself and the people around me.
For this reason I am creating a group for people who would like to meet every 6 weeks and find ways to focus on bringing this into your self, your life and your family.
... It is so much easier to take action and steps to heal when you are encouraged and supported by people who share and understand our journey.
If you would like to share in this journey message me and I will be creating the group for people to sign up.
I am so thrilled to be sharing this journey with you and look forward to many shared experiences and successes 💖✨
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When I had started my journey in health coaching I had no idea what I was in for, I was just excited to spend some time with Janis. I knew my life was not how it should have been, but I had made myself comfortable while eating without any thought of what I was putting into my body. I had been dealing with anxiety attacks for a few years and it was practically controlling my life. I have now done almost two 90 days sessions with her and my whole life has changed. I LOVE food, always have. But now I have a different love for it. I pay attention to not just what I eat but HOW I eat it. I exercise regularly, can meditate without having a major panic attack, and started school again with a clear mind and goals. Anxiety isn't controlling me and I rarely even have anxious feelings. It's not just about what I learned though, it's about how Janis made me feel through it all. She is so supportive and patient with me and I am proud of the person I am today because of her. Janis and her services comes HIGHLY recommend from me. 💜


Janis has been my health coach for many years now!! Constantly encouraging me to be better and do better in all areas of my life in very positive ways. She may be my wife but if I need a coach to be better it would certainly be her!! I would recommend you call her to get started on your encouragement soon!! She is currently working with all my Agents at RE/MAX and doing a fantastic job for them as well.


Janis continually exceeds any expectations in her role as a health coach. One of her abilities is her effective communicate in various complex topics. Her innovative and creativity can successfully improve anyone's needs for health improvement. I always look forward for her daily uplifting quotes! She has been a great friend and I am beyond proud of her dedication to improving people's lives. ��


When I had started my journey in health coaching I had no idea what I was in for, I was just excited to spend some time with Janis. I knew my life was not how it should have been, but I had made myself comfortable while eating without any thought of what I was putting into my body. I had been dealing with anxiety attacks for a few years and it was practically controlling my life. I have now done almost two 90 days sessions with her and my whole life has changed. I LOVE food, always have. But now I have a different love for it. I pay attention to not just what I eat but HOW I eat it. I exercise regularly, can meditate without having a major panic attack, and started school again with a clear mind and goals. Anxiety isn't controlling me and I rarely even have anxious feelings. It's not just about what I learned though, it's about how Janis made me feel through it all. She is so supportive and patient with me and I am proud of the person I am today because of her. Janis and her services comes HIGHLY recommend from me. 💜


Janis has been my health coach for many years now!! Constantly encouraging me to be better and do better in all areas of my life in very positive ways. She may be my wife but if I need a coach to be better it would certainly be her!! I would recommend you call her to get started on your encouragement soon!! She is currently working with all my Agents at RE/MAX and doing a fantastic job for them as well.


Janis continually exceeds any expectations in her role as a health coach. One of her abilities is her effective communicate in various complex topics. Her innovative and creativity can successfully improve anyone's needs for health improvement. I always look forward for her daily uplifting quotes! She has been a great friend and I am beyond proud of her dedication to improving people's lives. ��


When I had started my journey in health coaching I had no idea what I was in for, I was just excited to spend some time with Janis. I knew my life was not how it should have been, but I had made myself comfortable while eating without any thought of what I was putting into my body. I had been dealing with anxiety attacks for a few years and it was practically controlling my life. I have now done almost two 90 days sessions with her and my whole life has changed. I LOVE food, always have. But now I have a different love for it. I pay attention to not just what I eat but HOW I eat it. I exercise regularly, can meditate without having a major panic attack, and started school again with a clear mind and goals. Anxiety isn't controlling me and I rarely even have anxious feelings. It's not just about what I learned though, it's about how Janis made me feel through it all. She is so supportive and patient with me and I am proud of the person I am today because of her. Janis and her services comes HIGHLY recommend from me. 💜


Janis has been my health coach for many years now!! Constantly encouraging me to be better and do better in all areas of my life in very positive ways. She may be my wife but if I need a coach to be better it would certainly be her!! I would recommend you call her to get started on your encouragement soon!! She is currently working with all my Agents at RE/MAX and doing a fantastic job for them as well.


Janis continually exceeds any expectations in her role as a health coach. One of her abilities is her effective communicate in various complex topics. Her innovative and creativity can successfully improve anyone's needs for health improvement. I always look forward for her daily uplifting quotes! She has been a great friend and I am beyond proud of her dedication to improving people's lives. ��


When I had started my journey in health coaching I had no idea what I was in for, I was just excited to spend some time with Janis. I knew my life was not how it should have been, but I had made myself comfortable while eating without any thought of what I was putting into my body. I had been dealing with anxiety attacks for a few years and it was practically controlling my life. I have now done almost two 90 days sessions with her and my whole life has changed. I LOVE food, always have. But now I have a different love for it. I pay attention to not just what I eat but HOW I eat it. I exercise regularly, can meditate without having a major panic attack, and started school again with a clear mind and goals. Anxiety isn't controlling me and I rarely even have anxious feelings. It's not just about what I learned though, it's about how Janis made me feel through it all. She is so supportive and patient with me and I am proud of the person I am today because of her. Janis and her services comes HIGHLY recommend from me. 💜


Janis has been my health coach for many years now!! Constantly encouraging me to be better and do better in all areas of my life in very positive ways. She may be my wife but if I need a coach to be better it would certainly be her!! I would recommend you call her to get started on your encouragement soon!! She is currently working with all my Agents at RE/MAX and doing a fantastic job for them as well.


Janis continually exceeds any expectations in her role as a health coach. One of her abilities is her effective communicate in various complex topics. Her innovative and creativity can successfully improve anyone's needs for health improvement. I always look forward for her daily uplifting quotes! She has been a great friend and I am beyond proud of her dedication to improving people's lives. ��

More about Janis Stolson Health Coaching

Janis Stolson Health Coaching is located at 47 Upland Crescent, Brooks, Alberta T1R 0P9