Jazba Corp

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Jazba Corp

We specialise in helping business owners, high net worth individuals and professionals to lower taxes and increase profits



Great networking at BNI Knights and presenting on Corporate Taxes
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It was great presenting to my favourite business team BNI Knights - Calgary, Alberta on how to save corporate taxes. I enjoyed and thank you for the great feedback and the appreciation
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We can help your business take the complexities out of taxes, accounting and financials through our accounting and tax services.
Have questions about incorporation, accounting, taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
#JAZBACORP #yyc #TAXES #giversgain #bniknights #referrals #bnialbertasouth — feeling happy at JAZBA CORP.


JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Incorporating your professional practice :)
Professional incorporation can confer many of the same tax and non-tax advantages enjoyed by other incorporated persons. However, professional liability will not be limited through incorporation and, in many provinces, the shareholders of professional corporations are required to be members of the same profession.
A key benefit of incorporation is the fact that corporations enjoy a considerably lower tax rat...e on income up to a certain amount.
It may also be advantageous to incorporate if you’re planning to sell all or part of your business.
We can help you with the setting up a professional corporation given your specific situation. We have helped a lot of doctors, dentists, chiropractors to set up a professional corporation
Have questions about incorporation, accounting, taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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Happy to receive great feedback from Laura Ewtushik a business owner about our accounting and tax services


JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Shareholder Agreements
If your corporation has more than one shareholder, a shareholders’ agreement should be drawn up to establish the ongoing rights and responsibilities of the shareholders in the ownership and administration of the company.
One of the more important aspects of the shareholders’ agreement is that it should specify what should happen in the event of the death or disability of one of the shareholders. Not only will this provide for a ...smooth transition of the business, but such agreements also generally establish a purchaser for the shares of the deceased, a formula for determining the purchase price and a method for funding the purchase. By arranging proper tax planning, the buyout can be orchestrated to minimize a drain on cash flow for the company and survivors. A sound arrangement can also minimize or defer the tax liability of the estate.
We can help you with the shareholders' agreement for your specific circumstances.
Have questions about incorporation, accounting, taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Salary vs Dividends
A corporation is a separate legal entity. To extract funds, you must either receive a dividend from the corporation or have it pay you a salary.
In addition, if you have loaned money to your company, you can arrange to receive interest on the loan. The payment of a salary is deductible to your corporation whereas dividends are paid from after-tax corporate profits.
... We can help you do the analysis to calculate the best mix of salary, interest and/or dividends for your specific circumstances.
Have questions about incorporation, taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Incorporate or Not!!
If you are currently carrying on a business as a sole proprietor consider whether you should incorporate. It depends on your circumstances and the amount of income you earn.
Business income earned as a sole proprietor or partner is subject to income tax at your personal marginal rates. However, if you operate your business in a corporation, income that qualifies for the small business deduction is taxed at a relatively low rate.
... If you incorporate your business and can retain earnings in the corporation for growth, you’ll be able to defer tax to the extent the earnings are not distributed to you as a salary or dividend
We can help you “crunch the numbers” and examine the advantages and disadvantages of being incorporated.
Have questions about incorporation, taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Income Splitting -Salaries
Business owners may also claim a deduction for hiring family members, and thus, they may deduct the salary paid to your child or your spouse under your employment, so long as the work they do is necessary for earning professional income.
Additionally, income splitting may allow you to be eligible for dropping your net income into a lower tax bracket.
... Have questions about taxes, payroll, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Employee salaries and benefits
As an employer, you can deduct your part of the amounts payable on employees’ remuneration with regards to the following: • Canadian pension plan (CPP) contributions • Employment insurance (EI) premiums... • Provincial parental insurance plan premiums (in Quebec) • Workers’ compensation amounts
Have questions about taxes, payroll, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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Cash flow problems are the main reason why a new business fails.
Have questions about taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Vehicle Expenses
Vehicle expenses include insurance, registration, lease payments, parking, toll charges, fuel, oil, and other maintenance charges.
To calculate your claim amount, divide your business mileage (in kilometres) by your total mileage driven during a calendar year. Multiply this amount by your total expenses to determine the deductible business part of your vehicle expenses claim.
... Have questions about taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Capital property II
Capital property is considered depreciable property (property that loses value over time), with a percentage of the purchase cost eligible to be claimed each year as informed by life expectancy of the item.
The annual depreciation amount rates of capital cost allowance (CCA) claims are determined by the CRA’s list of the classes of depreciable property.
... Have questions about taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Capital property I
Capital property refers to assets that are intended to provide benefit to your business for years to come, such as vehicles, furniture, fixtures, equipment, computers, or buildings.
Purchases of intangible property such as goodwill,... franchises, and concessions are eligible for this categorization as well.
Have questions about taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
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Join the million dollar club!
As a business owner and professional how you can save money through some smart tax tips and strategies. In the last 12 months, we have saved our clients 1.2 million dollars through our accounting, tax planning, and advisory services.
Learn tax tips and business-related expenditures that as a Canadian small business owner, you can take advantage of to lower taxes and increase the profits


Happy to receive great feedback from Robin O'Grady an entrepreneur and a business owner about our accounting and tax services. :)


JAZBA Business Tax Tip - Meals & entertainment expenses
Food, beverages, and entertainment expenses related to entertaining clients are 50% tax deductible.
Entertainment expenses include tickets and entrance fees to an entertainment or sporting event, gratuities, cover charges, and room/suite rentals. 100% deductions apply to staff events or parties and registered charity fundraisers.
... Have questions about taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we at JAZBA CORP can help you.
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Budget Deficit and Trade Deficit, very well explained!


Thank you Laura Ewtushik from ArcLife Installs on kind words and feedback on our accounting, tax and advisory services. 😀
Have questions about taxes, tax deductions or tax planning for your business, we can help you.
#JAZBACORP #yyc #TAXES #giversgain #bniknights #referrals #bnialbertasouth


Very professional and energetic team. Always take time to help and reduce work load


Thanks for everything you do! Your service is top notch!


Nasir is very on top of things. He is professional and takes the time to sit down and discuss your needs and how to better do things. Thank you Nasir


Nasir has been very helpful in both my small business and personal finances. He takes the time to find your needs and then follows through on what you need.


I’m using Nasir right now and have been for some time. His company is familiar and does a good job of using existing technology to make my life easier. As a small business owner this carries a lot of weight.


I highly recommend the services of Nasir Abbas, accountant with Jazba Corp. He has helped get my business accounting in order and saved us thousands of dollars in taxes. He is friendly, helpful and very knowledgeable. He was able to answer all of my questions and run me through the QuickBooks file that he set up.

If you, or anyone you know is in need of an accountant please don’t hesitate to contact Nasir Abbas with Jazba Corp.


Very professional and energetic team. Always take time to help and reduce work load


Thanks for everything you do! Your service is top notch!


Nasir is very on top of things. He is professional and takes the time to sit down and discuss your needs and how to better do things. Thank you Nasir


Nasir has been very helpful in both my small business and personal finances. He takes the time to find your needs and then follows through on what you need.


I’m using Nasir right now and have been for some time. His company is familiar and does a good job of using existing technology to make my life easier. As a small business owner this carries a lot of weight.


I highly recommend the services of Nasir Abbas, accountant with Jazba Corp. He has helped get my business accounting in order and saved us thousands of dollars in taxes. He is friendly, helpful and very knowledgeable. He was able to answer all of my questions and run me through the QuickBooks file that he set up.

If you, or anyone you know is in need of an accountant please don’t hesitate to contact Nasir Abbas with Jazba Corp.


Very professional and energetic team. Always take time to help and reduce work load


Thanks for everything you do! Your service is top notch!


Nasir is very on top of things. He is professional and takes the time to sit down and discuss your needs and how to better do things. Thank you Nasir


Nasir has been very helpful in both my small business and personal finances. He takes the time to find your needs and then follows through on what you need.


I’m using Nasir right now and have been for some time. His company is familiar and does a good job of using existing technology to make my life easier. As a small business owner this carries a lot of weight.


I highly recommend the services of Nasir Abbas, accountant with Jazba Corp. He has helped get my business accounting in order and saved us thousands of dollars in taxes. He is friendly, helpful and very knowledgeable. He was able to answer all of my questions and run me through the QuickBooks file that he set up.

If you, or anyone you know is in need of an accountant please don’t hesitate to contact Nasir Abbas with Jazba Corp.

More about Jazba Corp

Jazba Corp is located at 53 - 4620 Manilla Rd, SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 4B7
403 475 5430
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -