Jkai 杰凯

About Jkai 杰凯


Jkai 杰凯 Description

Singer | Songwriter | Producer | Choreographer

Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Genres: Pop, R& B, Rock, Jazz
Awards: Much Music VJ Singing Contest 2003

Professional Experience:
Choreographer - Fairchild TV & Radio 2004 - 2013
Manager - Canadian Idol Billy Klippert 2006 - 2011
Singer /Songwriter 2012 - Present
Executive Producer - CZ Media 2005 - Present

Production Experience:
Leah Nogue - Freedom (2009 Album)
Play - Play (2009 Album)
J& D - J& D (2012 Album)
JKAI - Poison (2014 Album)
JKAI - Guai (2015 Single)
JKAI - UhOh (2015 Single)
JKAI - If You are Mine (2015 EP)
JKAI - I love you more than he does ( 2016 Single)
JKAI - Like Nothing (2016 Single)
JKAI - Can't live without you (2017 Single)

JKAI is the founder of Club Zero Entertainment and a well established singer /songwriter in China.
Since 2005, JKAI has participated in numerous concerts and local functions in Calgary. He has written hundreds of original songs and licensed them out to various Record Companies, Games, and TV commercials in Asia.

2014,極韻文化與海外品牌Club Zero首次合作,發行加拿大華裔歌手原創音樂人JKAI最新原創大碟《毒藥》,專輯受到眾多媒體推薦和聽眾一致好評,此次合作預示極韻文化將涉足全球海外華人原創音樂領域,並將陸續把海外華人的原創音樂帶到國內與大家分享。

JKAI集歌手、音樂制作人、編舞導師和詞曲創作人多重身份於一體,曾憑借《愛我別走》、《重裝機兵》《忐忑的無聊》等作品贏得超高人氣。新專輯《毒藥》共收錄十一首原創歌曲,同名主打歌《毒藥》和風格不同的音樂《過客》、《歌還做不做》、《愛你的決心》、《你最重要》、《余溫》、《Let Me Go》、《乖乖乖》、《Raindrops》、《小紅帽》、《秋葉》。本張專輯以愛情為靈感的主旋律,細膩的記錄了不同情境的感受。

More about Jkai 杰凯
