Johnson Taber Corn & Potatoes

About Johnson Taber Corn & Potatoes

We are a family farm located in Barnwell, AB and we love Taber Corn!

Johnson Taber Corn & Potatoes Description

Johnson Fresh Farms is a fifth generation family farm near the village of Barnwell, which is located 7 km west of the town of Taber on highway #3. It is situated in the heart of the M. D. of Taber. The Johnson family has been growing Taber sweet corn for over 80 years, serving our family, friends, farmers markets and a few roadside markets. Johnson Fresh Farm’s primary focus is specialty row crops such as Taber sweet corn, potatoes and sugar beets. We are an irrigated farm using the latest irrigation technology with our water source being snow pack from the Rocky Mountains. The combination of fine, fertile, sandy loam soil, top sweet corn varieties, pure irrigation water, abundant sunshine and cool nights, provides the perfect combination for the sweetest most delicious corn you have ever tasted.

In 1998, our sweet corn operation expanded to include the production and marketing of Tanner Farms Taber sweet corn. Jim Tanner was an early pioneer in the Taber sweet corn industry. This created opportunities to further expand the marketing of Taber sweet corn to the southern Alberta, Calgary and Edmonton markets.

In 2013, a partnership was formed with G. Valgardson Farms. This farm was owned and operated by Gary Valgardson who was known to many as “The Taber Corn King”. He was also a pioneer in the sweet corn industry and with Gary’s continued involvement and expertise in the business; our marketing network further expanded into the southern, central and northern parts of Alberta as well as Saskatchewan.

Johnson Fresh Farms is a family based operation, with significant contributions made by many members of our family. The sweet corn division is managed by James and Joe Johnson, who looks after marketing and Marty Johnson who manages production. Each of our marketing locations is provided with a certificate of authenticity. Our sweet corn has won many awards for quality, freshness and taste and is currently being marketed under the following names:

Johnson Fresh Farms
G. Valgardson Farms
Tanner Farms

More about Johnson Taber Corn & Potatoes

Johnson Taber Corn & Potatoes is located at Box 8, Taber, Alberta T0K 0B0
+1 403-635-2052