Joshua Winfield'S Cancer Fight Experience

About Joshua Winfield'S Cancer Fight Experience

Follow along with my cancer fight experience. I enjoy and am happy to share all the ups and downs of my journey.

Joshua Winfield'S Cancer Fight Experience Description

Personal Cancer Fight Experience of Joshua Winfield (diagnosed July 2017)



Update June 30th. I've got this :) (Fourth Video Update, Day 371) 🇦🇺️🇨🇦 Joshua Winfield Nicole Marie


I am able to be strong because I am surrounded by such love. My beautiful sister Holly May is here in Canada with me, and that has made me so happy and refuelled my ability to remain resilient. 300 days into my cancer fight and I’m still confident...I’ve got this 🇨🇦🇦🇺 Joshua Winfield


Working hard learning how to use my legs again! Day-to-day function (stairs, steps, pathways) 90% returned. Athletic ability 10% of what it once was. 5 months of Chemo done! 5 months to go. Video update on my cancer fight coming soon 🇦🇺️🇨🇦️ Joshua Winfield


Update Sep 19th. I've got this :) (Third Video Update, Hospital Day 88)


To start Chemo my wound needs to be all closed up. Plastics had a plan to make an elliptical cut and then clean, irrigate, debride and fully close and seal the wound. As surgery began the plan CHANGED - why? because there was no tissue underneath the surface of my wound, it was an open cavity revealing just bone. The staph infection has been eating away at me underneath the surface. The surgeon opted to then remove the bone around the L1 Spine area called the Spinous Process,... perform a Paraspinous Muscle Flap Closure (bringing healthy adjacent tissue into the cavity to promote healing), and then install a sponge and vacuum dressing to allow the wound to close up in a healthy way over the next week. In a weeks time hopefully the Plastics team can get me in for Surgery #4 and close me up fully and I can get back to fighting the cancer (very excited to do). NOTE: this video was 5 hours after surgery so I was still pretty loopy from the anesthesia.
See more


***GRAPHIC*** Basically need to get the spinal wound closed and healed before Chemo can begin so I can resume fighting the cancer - the wound has been all messed up due to the MRSA Super Bug Infection and the high dose of Radiotherapy I got just before my second surgery. The plastics department have come along in the last few days and cut some bad tissue off (see video below) and also did some cool surgery a few days later. I'm up to surgery #3 now (will post a surgery#3 vid tomorrow).


Tracking of Surgical Wound, MRSA Infection, Antibiotics Taken and Drug Eruption Rash Development. If you can't handle graphic medical content please turn off notifications for this album, otherwise please enjoy you sick freaks :)


Tracking of Surgical Wound, MRSA Infection, Antibiotics Taken and Drug Eruption Rash Development. If you can't handle graphic medical content please turn off notifications for this album, otherwise please enjoy you sick freaks :)


Let's (together) make a difference to children, teenagers and young families that battle with Ewing Sarcoma Cancer. I am super motivated to do something purposeful, and generating research funding to look for a cure is just that. I will kick things off with a $1,000 hit - 10k is the goal! 😜 Let's do this together! Joshua Winfield


Mum, sister, girlfriend and girlfriends mum all taking good care of me! lucky boy I am! I had lobster and steak to eat moments after :)


Update July 27th. I've got this :) (Second Video Update)


The fight is on!


Your a legend mate, through your videos you have opened up my eyes and thoughts about everything to do with cancer. Keep pushing through it all mate


You're such an inspiration Joshie. Stay strong because you've got this!


You're amazing!! Keep up the positive spirits Josh �


You are awesome Josh! We are all behind you. You can do this! :-)


Stay strong Josh, your positive attitude is amazing!


On ya Josh! You are the most positive person I have ever known! Your attitude is inspirational and I am with you all the way xxxxx


My own personal rockstar, as well as a selfless individual fighting to find to cure for Ewing Sarcoma for everyone!


Mate you're an inspiration to everyone! Keep it up!


I'm awe of you josh. Never have or will doubt you for a second! You've got this!!


I have always known you as a strong, tough and smart kid and you just prove it even more with all that is happening to you at the moment and still standing up, you are a good mate and legend through and through.


Great stuff mate. An inspiration to all 🙌

More about Joshua Winfield'S Cancer Fight Experience