Karl Masters - Life Benefits Coach

About Karl Masters - Life Benefits Coach

Dedicated to helping businesses, families and individuals become educated about "living benefits" that promote employee retention and accident & sickness protection at work, at home, or at play.

Karl Masters - Life Benefits Coach Description

My Search for the Perfect Business
For the last 20 plus years, I have been in search for the perfect business from which to build my ideal lifestyle on.
I believe I have now found it!
I've done everything from manual labour services to commercial cleaning services, to real estate sales. I started and sold businesses and business development consulted for a variety of industries. I believe I have finally found the perfect business model! Here`s some background and what I found. . .
Personal History
Hail from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada
Military upbringing Navy and Army Cadets from age 9 - 16
Graduated High School, achieved College Trade Certificates
Entered workforce during economic downturn
Owned Northland Maintenance and Northland Textile & Aircare Co
Sold Business after 10 years
Began search for the "Perfect Business"
Did Business Development Consulting in SW Ontario for 8 years
Did Business Development Consulting in Alberta for 4 years

Industries Served (and searched)
Uniform Rental & Building Hygiene Industry
Spring Water Distribution Industry
Private College Education Industry
Prime and Subprime Lending Finance Industry
Transportation and Logistics Industry
Residential HVAC Industry
Commercial HVAC Industry
Commercial Fire Protection Industry
Real Estate Trading Industry
Commercial Property Management Industry

Certificates and Achievements:
Navy Cadet Chief Petty Officer 1st Class
Army Cadet Sergeant, Cadet Leader Instructor
High School Graduate
College Trade Tickets
HRAI Skill Tech Academy Certificate
Property Management Professional (Alberta)
Real Estate Professional (Alberta, British Columbia)
The School of Real World Education and Experience : )

My Experience and Knowledge Shared
I love helping people and small businesses succeed! Over the years, I would progressively learn everyday through task experience, paid job training, education courses and researching articles and books on how the different businesses and industries exchanged goods and services with consumers in their markets - what was working (or not) and why. While this may sound complex, it breaks down into simple concepts that most people can readily comprehend.
Not that I am the foremost authority on business, but in my 25 year career of business development experience, in different sales marketing fields, I believe that people starting out their entrepreneur lifestyle, can benefit from what I have to share freely. I sincerely believe I have finally found the perfect business model! I always knew that this knowledge and experience gained over the years would allow me, and others who are searching, to accurately identify the perfect business when it came along. This knowledge and experience would also allow me to fully harness its potential to achieve maximum success! It would also be a business model that "checked all the boxes" of a truly successful business! Over the years I would make conclusive "truths" or identifiers that would mark a perfect business. I call them The12 Identifiers of The Perfect Business, and I have them listed here:

1. The business model would be a simple concept for just about anyone to understand
2. It would be a simple process from supplier to consumer
3. Its products and services would help people better their quality of life
4. It would require minimal or no overhead (inventory, employees, office space, warehousing etc)
5. It would be basic education friendly with open access to ongoing training and mentoring
6. It would allow people to be in business for themselves but not by themselves
7. It would require minimal start up costs and ongoing investment to grow the business
8. It would generate high ticket returns with minimal investments
9. It would generate ongoing residual income returns for life
10. It could be duplicated, leveraged and multiplied
11. It would utilize advanced technology to be progressive and evolving
12. It would embody the unbridled concept of free global enterprise, not limited by race, religion, language, or nation

A Real Business, A Real Opportunity

Does this sound like an appealing business to be a part of? Can you guess what business the 12 identifiers are referring to?
Well, are you like me - searching for the perfect vehicle to success? Even if you have not dedicated your whole working career to this search like I have, maybe you have reached your limits of frustration with your current situation. The long working hours, under appreciated pay, missing out on family life because of work commitments and not being able to afford the lifestyle for you and your family, that deep down inside, you know you are worthy of? Would you love to make money while enriching peoples lives in a real way?
If this is you, you owe it to yourself to find out more and to do your due diligence on my claim - that I have found the perfect business! This is a real bonafied business opportunity that just about anyone can do, if they want change in their lives - and - that has all the boxes checked above to do so!
There are regular people like you and me working this business part time or full time, paying down a lifetime of debt, paying off home renovations and old student loans, saving for their kids college, putting away for retirement or just saving for that lifetime vacation.
Why can`t that be you?
Better yet, there is also regular people taking this business opportunity to the next level! I personally can introduce you many regular people who are making significant multi 6 figure incomes from this business and have done so with little effort and investment in the span of as little as a year! These are people from all walks of life without very much formal education or business experience. People who were college or high school dropouts, even some who were on their last few dollars before going bankrupt. Ordinary people who saw this opportunity and went for it!
Again, why can`t YOU reach out for your ideal lifestyle and change the way you live?
Don`t you owe it to yourself and maybe your family, to find out if this is the one opportunity to turn it all around, if this opportunity is actually for real?

To quickly and easily find out how you can check this business out , visit my web page at: www. mastersmarketingpro.com

I promise you, this can change your life!

Warm Regards,
Karl Masters



Simple, yet impactful words to live by...
http://www.songhanhphuc.org/native-americ ans-left-a-code-o…/


Well, I guess the question of the day is:
Would only a little bit of poison (flouride, chlorine) be ok in your water?
Well then, why would it (pesticides, herbicides) be ok in or on our food??? 🧐
... Can you say “organic” boys and girls?!
https://www.ctvnews.ca/…/weed-killing-c hemical-found-in-pas…
See More


Ok, so the Matrix was just a movie right? - not according to quantum science! This article breaks it out into understandable bits... WARNING: your perception of reality may never be the same. But don’t worry, it’s a fun rabbit hole to go down!
https://www.qwaym.com/proof-consciousness -creates-reality-…/


Not new news but it pays to consider what kind of water we put into our bodies for better health!
https://awarenessact.com/fluoridee-offici ally-classified-a…/


According to quantum physics, we are energy beings existing in a larger energy field. Why not strengthen our energy chakras for better health?
https://www.facebook.com/energytherapyuk/ videos/10160788072575385/


Here’s an entrepreneurial angle to incorporate mindful meditation in our daily routines...be healthy, be productive!
https://www.forbes.com/…/four-ways-medi tation-can-mult…/amp/


Here’s another article that will help you make healthier choices when it comes to your food. Can you say “organic” boys and girls?
https://themindunleashed.com/…/10-commo n-food-ingredients-t…


If you include the water in our cells, we are made up of 99% water not 70% according to experts. We are literally what we drink! What’s in your water? Here’s a refreshing perspective on the different waters out there...
https://www.facebook.com/drawglobalintern et/videos/1918591941775202/


It is said that, “music is the medicine of the mind” Is it then the mind that heals the body? Here’s some food for thought...
... https://www.facebook.com/146000025742075/ posts/712544672420938/
See More


A big shout out to Mr. Tremblay! I had an amazing visit with my new referral partner last week! Marc and his team help a lot of small to medium size businesses and their families navigate the waters of our tax system!
TremWheat Accounting Services is owned by Marc Tremblay, CGA. Marc is a designated CGA with over 21 years of experience in public practice. He has worked for three small to midsized firms in Edmonton and surrounding areas. Born in the small town of Girouxville ...in the Peace River region, Marc is familiar with the Agriculture Industry, all trades involved in the oil and gas industry, as well as many of the public services a city can offer (Restaurants, Garages, Construction, etc.). Also, Girouxville, as such, enables Marc to offer services in French and English.
Reach out to Marc for first class accounting services!
Thank you Marc!
See More


It makes more and more sense to avoid a lot of processed foods in our diets to live a healthier and longer life! This article shines a light on why...
https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-08-09-re vealed-6-dangerous…


This article highlights the increasing need for the benefits my team and I bring to families and individuals who need them the most!
If you thought your group insurance , WCB or government disability programs were all you need if you become disabled due to a sickness or accident, you may want to rethink this strategy with the help of a licensed professional.
Private message me for more information on how we can help you and your family be better prepared for the unexpected.
... https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4736902
See More


Diet and exercise are key to avoiding these symptoms of diabetes. Which area could you improve on to maintain your health? Here’s a helpful article... https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-07-29-ar e-you-experiencing…


Couldn’t have said it better!
https://www.facebook.com/714043454/posts/ 10156980311463455/


It has been said that "meditation means the dissolving of the invisible walls unawareness has built". Could we benefit by having an "open mind" about meditation? Here's 7 benefits for starters... https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/3168 01


Everything we need to live a healthy lifestyle exists in our natural plant environment! Should we be taking a closer look at including more natural herbs in our diets? Here’s some food for thought...
https://www.enlightened-consciousness.com /11-plants-native…/

More about Karl Masters - Life Benefits Coach
