Karmen Meyer Photography

About Karmen Meyer Photography

Authentic photography for the free-spirited. Based in Lacombe, Alberta but thrilled to travel anywhere work might take me!



Well I’ve come to a conclusion, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BALANCE. Yup I’m just going admit it, balance in this house has a shelf life of approximately 4 hours.⠀ ⠀ So instead of chasing that unicorn anymore, what do you say we just ⛵️ away. ⠀ ⠀ Constantly adjusting the sails to the changing winds and riding the current the best that we can. Face to the sun ☀️, hair in the wind 🌬⠀... ⠀
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LOVE this awesome little graphic from @fash_rev! And what a timely reminder as I try to resist all the pretty garments featured in @thegarmentlife’s latest pop-up 😬🙈


I’ve been asked a lot lately how homeschooling is going. Well I’m happy to say it has mostly been wonderful!! There have of course been tough moments, like anything else, but I really love learning with them and watching them get excited about grasping new concepts or discovering new skills!! ⠀ ⠀ For September I let the girls choose what they wanted to learn about first. They both yelled SPACE!!! So we read what felt like every space book in library, we counted stars, we le...arned about the solar system and rockets 🚀. I had planned a whole bunch of crafts but we actually only did two. I felt like a total failure for bit but soon realized that we will study space again, so we we will have lots of time to try more crafts and experiments! ⠀ ⠀ The hardest part, honestly, is just trying to figure out how to do all the things. Homeschooling is time consuming, it means less time for shoots and editing and blogging and etc. Its been tough to wrap my mind around this but I’m starting to feel ok with this season of our life. I’m relearning that success comes at different paces, and I’m doing my best to find beauty in all the chaos. ⠀ So there ya have it, a month of homeschooling in a nutshell. If you have any questions about homeschool or work/life balance or photography or whatever just ask away 🖤
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“I just wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about being someone else’s definition of enough” - Sophia Bush⠀ ⠀ Yes, it’s scientifically proven (maybe?) that you can’t make everyone happy. So I’d say it’s time to go ahead and take that weight off your shoulders! If you’re anything like me you’ve got enough things to worry about. 🖤⠀ ⠀ ⠀


A little throwback to this gorgeous fall day with @sweetjolieboutique 💗


I’m always jealous of people with mad business skills. I’m over here like, “I’m talented isn’t that enough?!?” 😂 #artistproblems⠀ ⠀ While it does not come naturally, my resolution for this year was to treat my business like a business. To be brave and really own the title of small business owner; not just a pretty picture maker. It’s been a rather uncomfortable journey at times, but I’m glad to have stepped out of my comfort zone and I have learned SO MUCH because of it. ...My hope is to create safe place for my photography to thrive for many years to come because I truly adore this job! And I am so excited to see what the future holds for my little photo studio. ⠀ ⠀ Now if it would stop feeling so strange to root for myself, that would be great 🙈⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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Happy thanksgiving fellow Canadians. Today I am feeling grateful for so much. But the three that spring to mind first: 1. My wee family (🖤🖤🖤🖤) 2. Health 3. Second chances.


Ireland was born on November 2, 1998 in Wainwright, Alberta. Ireland graduated from Hunting Hills High School and is currently attending the University of Calgary, taking a dual degree in Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Arts. Throughout high school, Ireland participated in and helped organize school fundraising events, received several of academic and leadership awards, and scholarships. This year, Ireland will be traveling with VESA (Volunteer Eco Students Abroad) to South Africa for two weeks, helping with the construction of houses, classrooms and bathroom blocks. She will be working with children in schools teaching English, basic sanitation, hygiene and nutrition and will be volunteering at a wildlife conservation for the cats and crocodile enclosures. Ireland is a great role model and she strives to include everyone.⠀ ⠀


I just realized that I never told you which print collection would be released first! *AHEM* drumroll please** BY the teensiest tiniest hair on my chinny-chin-chin, the MAUI collection will be the first released! And I am so glad you guys were able to make a decision because I really didn't want to!
PS. If you were hoping for one of the others, don’t worry! I’m working hard to get them ready to launch as well 💗🤞🏼🌵


Been mixing and matching these 4 pieces constantly since they landed in my closet! I don’t have separate capsule wardrobes for each season like many capsulers, instead I prefer to invest in ‘season-less’ pieces that can be styled differently all year long! Of course there are some exceptions like shorts and these flats which aren’t to useful in the snow..... but let’s talk not talk about the snow.⠀ ⠀ What garments do you have that serve as season-less workhorses?!⠀ ⠀ ⠀


I have some exciting news to share with you today!! I have officially partnered with this talented woman to take branding sessions to the next level! Tammy Swier of @intuitivelydesigned is a graphic designer, web designer and visual director with an incredible eye for developing your brand. We have been working together for the past year and I just adore her natural instincts when it comes to style and design. I can’t wait to show you what we have created together so far!⠀ ⠀ If you have any questions or are considering if a brand session is right for you just shoot me an email! I’d love to help you out.⠀ ⠀ PS. Check out her website to see how she used her brand images!


Today I have found myself paralyzed by both anger and empathy. I know most of you here are women and I want you to know that I hear you, I believe you, I see how much you have suffered. If there is anything I can do please reach out, at the very least I can listen 🖤. Far to many have suffered in silence and, quite frankly, I’m over it. On a side note, I don’t know much about the current Kavanaugh/Ford hearing. Because, to be honest, my energy is being spent on dealing with the troubling amount of sexual abuse that is present in my real life. But this hearing has served as a trigger, a strong reminder of abuse swept under the rug; forgotten. But she does not get to just move on with her life, she does not get to forget. ⠀


One day you will look back and see that all along, you were blooming. All along, the moments where you were being stretched, you were actually being strengthened. -@morganharpernichols


Tuesdays are library days for us, and it is glorious! What makes it so fabulous you may ask? Well besides the shelves of book waiting to be brought home, the girls get to hang out with the beloved Ms. Mary, hearing stories and crafting. And I, I get 1 hour of guilt free solitude. This particular week I decided to peruse the shelves for myself and came across this book of photographs by the incredible @annie__leibovitz. Pure inspiration! I have always loved her photography, but coming across this collection of photos featuring women feels like kismet. You guys I think I've fallen in love with photography all over again 💗💗


Can't wait to tell you who this incredibly talented woman is! For now though, all you need to know is that we've been working together to create some INCREDIBLE brand sessions! Let's just say it feels like i've found my #dreamteam 💗💗


In an effort to catch up, this Wednesday I am sharing 2 incredible women!
First met Debbie Coleman, Deb is a registered nurse in emergency and endoscopy at the Red Deer Regional hospital. She is an incredible leader; her spirit, engagement and dedication to the cause is awe-inspiring. Deb has been a volunteer with the Red Deer festival of trees for over 20 years. She has been involved in various capacities throughout the years; most recently, as a member of the board of dire...ctors, the co-chair of the facilities committee and Chairperson of the Decorating and Trees committee. Deb is always on the lookout for new ways to enhance the event, and believes that seeing the patients and communities benefit from the donations raised is priceless. She believes wonderful things comes from volunteering, and that there is something in it for everyone.
And next up is Nicole Lorrain! A graduate of Red Deer College, Nicole started her professional career as a nurse, focusing on providing support for the elderly. Nicole has lived and worked in Red Deer for more than 20 years, while raising three boys with her husband. With over 16 years in leadership roles, with the Government of Alberta, Nicole is experienced in all areas of human resources and people management. Nicole is currently a board member for the 2019 Canada Winter Games Host Society and has a lengthy history of volunteering across Alberta. Nicole has also served as an elected School Board Trustee, Greater North Central School Division and as president of l'Association Canadienne Francaise de l'Alberta Regional de Red Deer.
#WomenOfExcellenceGala #genuineportraitseries #womenofalberta #reddeer @ Red Deer, Alberta
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This was my view until yesterday. Snow in September is not my idea of fun. Has anyone read the ol'Farmers Almanac? Are we expecting 9 months of winter this year? 😭

More about Karmen Meyer Photography
