
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Kellietimmins.Com

Yoga + Oils + Health Coaching. Based in GP, Alberta.

What will you find on this page?

+ Updates on yoga & essential oil classes (check events)

+ Essential Oil recipes & tips

+ Tips, tricks, helpful lists for healthy, balanced living

Kellietimmins.Com Description

Welcome to! ! Just like many moms /entrepreneurs, my work is constantly evolving. So, if you are on my page right now, you may be wondering, "what is it Kellie actually does", and "why am I on her page", or "why should I follow her page"?

A few fun facts about me:

~I am born and raised in Fort St. John, BC
~I married another Fort St. John peep, (hubbie, Dr. Mark Timmins)
~Mark and I were the original owners, started up Anodyne Chiropractic and Sports Therapy
~I have 4 kids, 4 dogs and 2 Guinea pigs
~I attended College and University all over, but hated it, (was in teaching. . . kuddos to all you teachers out there): o)
~Graduated from Fairview College as an Animal Health Tech (vet tech) and LOVED my work, (but then had babies, so it didn't last long)
~I taught group fitness for over 26 years and was certified by various bodies, (ACE, YWCA, AFLCA)
~I am currently studying aromatherapy
~I am a certified Health Coach
~I have studied online business 3 years in a row with Marie Forleo's B-School
~I love the colour teal
~Teaching yoga at Oranj fitness is my happy place
~I am frightened of inversions in yoga class so I never do them or teach them
~I love to talk and teach what I study and know
~I am a little sarcastic and highly sensitive
~I tend to drop the "F" bomb way too often

Business-wise, this is what I am up to these days:

*Aromatherapy education
*Yoga teacher at Oranj Fitness Grande Prairie
*Teach yoga privately for small and larger groups
*Am an Independent Distributor for SweetLegs Leggings
*A partner with my husband in selling and supplying Sockwell compression socks
*Am owner /designer /creator of GP Peace Pillows (eye pillows for yoga, relaxation, headaches, sleep etc)

Hopefully, that gives you a little insight on what I am about. I know, I told my coach /counselor I always get embarrassed when people ask me what I do. I know it's way too much, but I think I am just like you. . . on a constant journey trying to figure out what it is I really should be doing.

My ultimate goal: to do anything that helps you feel better, be healthier, anything that makes you smile. xo



Growing up in FSJ...I was lucky enough to have spent a lot of time with family:)
Aunts, Uncles, cousins from both sides, (my mom & dad)♥️
Some of us were closer than others...but all in all I consider myself lucky to have had, or still have the connections we doüåû
... And just recently, because of the internet, one of my “little” cousins and I connected.
(She’s not little anymore...we’re only 3 years apart)🤦‍♀️
Anyhoo, when we were little we went out to their property out of town a lot. They had horses, bunnies, dogs, pigs, cats...and always the most beautiful garden and flowers.
I really remember the flowers.
Along with licking the salt blocks and riding my pony, his name was Acey, (we kept him out there)...I remember spending tons of time outside.
Oh yah...and the flowers.üòú
And the fact, even way back then she was very conscious about her diet and overall health.
I haven’t talked to my cousin in YEARS...until recently.
You see, she lives on a small farm near Chilliwack with her husband. She grows herbs, has a plethora of gorgeous animals and makes lots of her own products.
She lives a super quiet, clean, low carbon footprint ☺️
So when she connected with me a while ago...I was seriously so happy.
Along with all the home products and herbs she and her husband sell and make for themselves she also uses essential oils to compliment and scent her herbal goodies.
And so, after doing her own research...and because of how our oils empower and support small farms like their’s...she was in!
One day I checked my email and noticed I had a “new wholesale customer”😀😀😀
Now she’s on my team. Part of my beautiful oil community.
We’ve been chatting on the phone...and I’m so grateful!!
Currently she’s working on a line of her own products, (her little potpourri critters are adorable & lotion bar ROCKS).
She is also super knowledgeable. Lives, eats & breathes what she shares.
If you’d love to learn more about herbs and healthy living (from 2 people who live it daily), here’s her FB account, Instagram & website!!
Go say “hi”🌞♥️🌞♥️
FB: Kiss the Earth Herb Co.
Instagram: @kisstheearthco
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So, I took this picture while reading my Leadership magazine from doTERRA. You see, even on the wild and chaotic days around here, I pick away at my goals and read a page a day from this magazine. . . I read business materials, listen to podcasts, study essential oil chemistries, connect with my own oil team/community, build classes... .... . You see, since doing my very first certification at the age of 16 (almost 30 years ago), to become a fitness instructor, I’ve always wanted to help people with their health. . . However, life happens and we were lucky enough to have 4 lovely humans. . . As the years have passed, I keep learning, taking certifications, self study, share & build my own wellness community. . . To be completely honest, in another lifetime, I may have taken another path and gone to school to become a practitioner of some sort. But that’s not the path I’m on. And that’s ok♥️. . . I’m also not a salesperson. But after chatting with a very beautiful, inspiring practitioner herself yesterday...I realize I kinda am. But kinda not 😜 . . I’ve just been super lucky to have found my way here. Right where I am. With the kids. My yoga. The health coaching practice. My super awesome, supportive hubbie and family. My oils team. . . It has taken me a while, but yah, I don’t sell oils either, I empower people to live healthier lives, (I truly hope).✌🏻❤️
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Can you tell cauliflower is my favourite???😜 Trying to get more veggies in our diet, (I think Pais ate an entire pepper while I was chopping)🐶🐶🐶


Let’s chat about authenticity ☺️


It’s WEDNESDAY! (That means it’s “live” at noon) Topic: Living with Authenticity 😀 See you soon! xoIt’s WEDNESDAY! (That means it’s “live” at noon) Topic: Living with Authenticity 😀 See you soon! xo


I really love this...♥️


Man, his quotes just make my day! So relatable 🤦‍♀️🤪🤪🤪😆


Good morning!! Beautiful day here in the Peace Country🌞 . . Before I get moving and working for the day...I wanted to let you know I have really been struggling to get to my social media and post. .... . Like sitting here right now I have a million things I’d love to teach you, share all the little tid bits of how the heck we get through our days living what I teach and share. . . But I’m hesitant. I’m waffling. I’m sitting here with thoughts going through my head about all the things I love, how “this” is “that” works. . . New discoveries made in the wellness world. How grateful I am. . . But then I hesitate more. . . You see, I try really hard to share with you the real me. But then I worry it might offend or annoy certain people. . . But you know what? When I hesitate, worry about pleasing everyone...I seriously get stuck. . . Why do we need everyone’s approval? It’s so silly. We don’t. . . So...going to be completely honest here... . . 1. You might see me as a crazy oil lady who has drank the doTERRA “cool-aid”. . . 2. But, who am I??? I am someone who believes, yes, I might be a crazy oil chick, but I’m also part of a beautiful, philanthropic, wellness company that is super transparent and always takes the most ethical path. . . 3. Some of you may think I’m too open and honest. . . 4. Well, I am who I am. If you want to be part of this are my type of person. If you don’t...then that’s totally cool too. We are all different. That’s what is so neat about life. And doing business in this social media realm. . . 5. Yes, I do love to share. But, do I share too much?😜 . . 6. So yes, many of us share our daily lives on here. Some days it is so easy. Other days...if you worry about pleasing everyone, you will get stuck. . . There is a reason I have chosen this path. It is not easy. It’s even more difficult when I lose focus on the truth and transparency in the company I have chosen to align myself with. . . I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay on YOUR path♥️ Stay focussed. If it’s pure & true, then it’s perfect.
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Just putting this out there...I do not hunt. It’s not my thing. Never will be. . . But the cutest thing about my husband...he loves it. But he very rarely brings anything home🤦‍♀️ .... . Knowing this...Cam & I decided to join him yesterday. It was a beautiful day. Paisley LOVES going out! . . As soon as he pulls her vest out, she gets so excited. . . We were out for hours. Walking. Just observing. Getting some good exercise. (And thank goodness we came home empty handed...all the pheasants hid from us really well) . . If this is how Mark loves some quiet time and a little exercise...I’ll take it♥️ @ Grande Prairie, Alberta
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Just a little sneak peek at the exclusive Christmas catalogue...üôà

Curious about some of the others?⤵️⤵️⤵️
...< br> See More


How to stay healthy (or at least try) this winter!!! It's Wednesday, October 17th!!! :)


You know, if many of us could, we would donate and give our time and resources to each and every cause. . . Sometimes I honestly think I don’t do enough☹️ And I even had to say “no” to a few organizations this year. .... . For all of you out there who donate tons of your time and resources, (you know, the small businesses that do what they can behind the scenes), thank you. . . The one organization I really admire and always try to put something together for: PARDS☺️ @carolbalcome :) . . Not sure how many eye pillows I can gift, (I’m sure almost everyone has one😜) I made up a little “diy/wellness/make + take” package ♥️ . . Hope someone enjoys it!!✨☺️♥️
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Who’s with me on this one??? 🤦‍♀️


Oils & Pets. Not really something I practice often...well, not until I sat and listened to a veterinary panel a few weeks ago. . . When I was a veterinary technician in Santa Clara YEARS ago, (1999), the clinic I worked in combined Western & Holistic practices and all the way back then we diffused essential oils in all the rooms☺️ .... . I guess our pets are unable to convey their tummy troubles or aches and pains, (unlike our children😜), so we tend to let things go a little further. . . But our essential oils can be super powerful, healing tools. . . We simply need to use common sense. Know safety. Use the intuition of your pet. Understand what oils to never use. But, just like people...what works for one pet...may not work or agree with another, (even within the same species). . . So, that’s why I’m holding a class Thursday evening at my friend’s Pet Spa! . . We’ll be going over the top oils for your cats & dogs. Safety. Purity. Recipes. AND of course a little make & take! . . When? Thursday, October 18. 7-8:30 pm. . . If that time doesn’t work for you, but you’d like to chat about implementing oils into your pet’s wellness routine, shoot me a message🐶
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Good morning...well, happy rainy, cold, kinda snowy morning 🤦‍♀️ . . Last night I got thinking about how...amidst the chaos, busyness, our businesses, kids, family etc. I’ve been able to stay on track. .... . One thing I’ve kinda re-organized is my social media feeds. I still see all my friend’s and family’s posts...but I make sure I follow accounts and pages that inspire me. Really align with my focus. My business. . . And then I thought...I should share all my favourite accounts that inspire me to create and build towards my end goal, my awesome oil team. How best I can support well as some of you who follow me here too! . . So, here are some of my favourite IG accounts!! . .
@essentialoilnurse @theessentialwild @theessentialoilchef @oil_ohana @doterra @doterraaunz @doterraca @oilmagicbymichelle @shareoils @oilohanamalas @priyadesignco @kimstaplesdotcom @everythingbutoils @oilculturelabels @essentiallyobsessed How about you??? Who have I missed? Post a few of your favourite/inspiring accounts you love seeing on your feed every day, (it doesn‚Äôt have to be essential oil related)!!‚§µÔ∏肧µÔ∏肧µÔ∏肧µÔ∏肧µÔ∏è‚ §µÔ∏肧µÔ∏è
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For all you animal lovers...


🤷‍♀️ @realamericandadass has the best advise!!


A special rollerball for a pretty awesome lady💜 Citrus Bliss•Elevation•Litsea . . I picked up a few of these beautiful rollerballs from in Salt Lake at our @doterra Dream Convention ☺️


Just a little sneak peek at the exclusive Christmas catalogue...üôà

Curious about some of the others?⤵️⤵️⤵️
...< br> See More


Just a little sneak peek at the exclusive Christmas catalogue...üôà

Curious about some of the others?⤵️⤵️⤵️
...< br> See More

More about Kellietimmins.Com

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -