Kristy Russ, Bscpharm. Maverick Pharmacist Functional Medicine Health Coach

About Kristy Russ, Bscpharm. Maverick Pharmacist Functional Medicine Health Coach

I provide simple, sustainable strategies to help you lose weight permanently, have lots of energy, stop chronic pain and optimize your health.

Kristy Russ, Bscpharm. Maverick Pharmacist Functional Medicine Health Coach Description

Are your health problems interfering with the life you want?

Are you suffering with constant pain? Do you want to lose weight? Permanently? Do you have no energy anymore? Do you have a disease or health condition? Are you sick of taking a bunch of pills? Some combination of these. . . ?

I learned the hard way that "doing all the right things" usually doesn't work. Mostly because we've been taught all the wrong rules.

I used my expertise to uncover the true principles of excellent health- those that fix the underlying causes of almost all health problems.

They gave me my life back.

Since then, I've shared these principles with many of my friends and pharmacy clients. The transformations I’ve personally witnessed have been incredible (honestly, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes) and it’s been a privilege to be a part of that.

Once I realized what a huge difference this makes for someone’s life, I decided that I needed to get this information out there and start really helping people, which is why I became a pharmacist in the first place.

I decided to start doing health coaching because I saw how much people were struggling to do the right things and still not getting any results. I realized that I can give you all the information I have, but without the background knowledge to know what YOU need to do and when to do it, it’s just as useless as the wrong information that’s out there. Once I started working one-on-one with people, the results they got were literally life-changing.



Did you know we are now bombarded with more information in one single day than our ancestors received in their entire lifetime?!?


Are you a multitasker? There's a fine line where you cross over from being more productive to actually accomplishing less. Really.


On mornings when I have to be out the door fast, I opt for the next-best version: slow cook large flake oats. The best part is though that you don't have to "slow cook" it. Put 1/2 c. oats and 1 c. of water in a bowl and microwave it for 2 minutes. Done.
• Add honey and berries
• Add unsweetened cocoa powder, stevia, and banana slices
... • Add non-fat, low sugar vanilla yogurt and cinnamon
See More


The type of oatmeal you should be eating instead: the best choice is plain ol' steel cut oats. While they take a few extra minutes to cook, it's certainly worth it for these benefits: • Lower glycemic index and blood sugar response • Greater satiety (you feel fuller, longer) • Greater vitamin and mineral content • Greater overall nutritional value


Do you eat oatmeal for breakfast? While it certainly can be a solid, healthy option, most are heavily processed and absolutely TERRIBLE for you. If you're going to go with oatmeal, please stay away from the instant, processed, sugar-laden versions. Don't fool yourself that you're making a healthy choice- nothing could be further from the truth.


Another highly problematic compound in wheat is a carbohydrate called amylopectin A. This compound is unique because of just how rapidly it’s transformed into glucose. And get this... seventy-five percent of the carbohydrate in modern wheat is in the form of amylopectin A.
This is why wheat spikes your blood sugar higher than almost all foods. In fact, according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating two slices of whole wheat bread spikes your blood sugar more than drinking a can of soda or eating a candy bar.


Science has also found numerous compounds in grains – besides gluten – which can cause serious long-term health issues…
One of these is a compound called wheat germ agglutini.
Studies show that WGA can have direct toxic effects on most tissues in your body, including the heart and brain. WGA can also disrupt your hormonal system, weaken immunity, cause digestive problems and promote systemic inflammation


Most "gluten-free" packaged foods are nothing but processed junk. They often replace wheat with high-glycemic starches that send blood sugar levels soaring. Almost all of these products also feature rice flour and rice syrup, ingredients which often contain high levels of arsenic.
I like to say be gluten free, don’t eat “gluten free”. Just eat foods that wouldn’t normally have gluten in them.


Most "gluten-free" packaged foods are nothing but processed junk. They often replace wheat with high-glycemic starches that send blood sugar levels soaring. Almost all of these products also feature rice flour and rice syrup, ingredients which often contain high levels of arsenic.
I like to say be gluten free, don’t eat “gluten free”. Just eat foods that wouldn’t normally have gluten in them.


Here’s the thing: studies have shown that gluten/wheat causes some level of damage to everybody’s gut, regardless of whether you’re celiac, NCGS or no gluten sensitivity at all. So the bottom line is if you’re eating wheat products, you’re causing some level of inflammation, which is never good.
So my recommendation for everyone is to at least reduce your gluten/wheat consumption as much as possible.


There are levels of gluten sensitivity. There’s celiacs, where just a few molecules of gluten can cause major amounts of inflammation. Then there’s something called non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), where the level of inflammation is greatly reduced and is generally dose related (that is, the more you eat, the more inflammation happens). NCGS affects up to 80% of the population- it’s becoming more common as our diets change.

More about Kristy Russ, Bscpharm. Maverick Pharmacist Functional Medicine Health Coach
