Kunda Body

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00

About Kunda Body

Your Body is your Business
Swedish Energy massage
Intuitive Psychosomatic Release
Body Awareness Healing Sessions
Genie in a Bath-Detox cleansing purify salt bath
Yoga Therapy one on one Alignment
Pranayama Breathing Practice

Kunda Body Description

Body Balance-Your Body is your Business
Psychosomatic Therapy Body-Mind Communication
Body Awareness Healing Sessions
Genie in a Bath-Detox cleansing purify salt bath
Psychosomatic Yoga Therapy one on one Alignment
Pranayama Breathing Practice



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT_GcOGEF sk


Life is chaos yet you could find inner peace just deep breathe ... Be.


Complementary Thank You!!! All 5 star reviews get a thank you gift of 5 min complementary massage time for your time is valuable!Complementary Thank You!!! All 5 star reviews get a thank you gift of 5 min complementary massage time for your time is valuable!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R_BKlb_Y 8k


Karmic cutting
Focus deep inside on the person you are cutting cords with focus on what emotions you are still holding and feeling focus on the tension and pain holding in your body
... Imagine this person standing right there right in front of you what ever was not said to this person you are to say it now you are to say it authentically unfiltered and raw
Say everything unfiltered all the heavy negative stuff you never got to express say everything positive that you experienced what you were grateful for then thank them for the lessons they taught you and say your good bye
Shake your has gently and aggressively shake the energy off your hand 13 shakes then bring your palms of your hands up to your face and imagine washing your face mind and head with white light, bring your palms to your face then to the top of your head then to the back of your head then the back of your neck then come around to your throat and then throw your hands off your throat release and wash all energy and past story with this soul wash it clean do that 13 times until you get the goose bumps
Imagine now your soul contract in front of you take the matches out of your pocket and burn it away for eternity
Shake your has gently and aggressively shake the energy off your hand 13 shakes then bring your palms of your hands up to your face and imagine washing your face mind and head with white light, bring your palms to your face then to the top of your head then to the back of your head then the back of your neck then come around to your throat and then throw your hands off your throat release and wash all energy and past story with this soul wash it clean do that 13 times until you get the goose bumps
Now cut the cords from the hearts of both people from the head hands and feet and cut what ever cords are remaining cut it all away
Shake your has gently and aggressively shake the energy off your hand 13 shakes then bring your palms of your hands up to your face and imagine washing your face mind and head with white light, bring your palms to your face then to the top of your head then to the back of your head then the back of your neck then come around to your throat and then throw your hands off your throat release and wash all energy and past story with this soul wash it clean do that 13 times until you get the goose bumps
now that you have re rooted your soil and taken out the weeds you are to now plant new internal flowers you are to now reprogram any old words or language that is to return and test you each weed you are to recognize, honor it, be with it, feel it, then let it go and replace it with the story you intended the story and words of your dreams
if anything returns the weeds were just deep repeat this karmic cutting as often as you need to clear and have a piece of mind
you are beautiful you are amazing you are a goddess
most importantly you are worthy
Sincerely Love Body Balance
See More


How can you let go of Grumpy and say hello to Happy !!!


GREAT NEWS THERE IS AN OPENING AT 5PM TODAY FRIDAY AUG 10 2018 5PM BOOK AT bodybalancefullbodyworkin.com


Word! Most of what's wrong in your life is you living in your head of stories your eyes can see but you can not see your own eyes!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2291dEN-i Ww


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsgP8LkEo pM




The union of feminine and masculine energies within the individual is the base of all creation. Female intuition plus male action equals creativity. In order to live harmonious and creative life you need to have both your inner female and male energies fully developed correctly togetjer. To fully integrate the inner male and female you need to put the female in the guiding position, her natural function. She is your intuition, the door to your higher intelligence. Your male l...istens to her and acts on her feelings. The true function of male energy is absolute clarity, directness, and a passionate strenght based on what the universe inside of you, coming through your female, tells you. The female says "I feel this". The male says "I hear your feelings, what would you like me to do? She says "I want this". He says "You want that, ok great ill get that for you". And he goes directly to get it for her, trusting totally that in her desire is the wisdom of the universe. The nature of the feminine is wisdom, love and clear vision expressed through feeling and desire. The male nature is all-out risk-taking action in service to the feminine, much like the chivalrous knight and his lady. Through his surrender to her and his action to her on her behalf, our male energy builds a personality structure within us that protects and honors the sensitive energy of our intuitive female. The male underneath supporting, protecting and back her up. When these two energies are in harmony and working together it is an incredible feeling sexual and sensual; a strong, open, creative flow, with power, wisdom, peace and love in a flow of unity and sacred space. It is time to align with our divine nature 🌹
See More


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v36Vt9Gm H8


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3P3rT0j2 gQ


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdiQ-wBMB Ko


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c3AVj66a hg


You just have to try this very unique integrated style of massage.


Wow! Today was my first experience at Body Balance and I was greatly impressed with how much energy Rebecka gave to my session. I may be a nurse, but Rebecka is a true healer that works on the mind, body, and soul. I walked out of my appointment feeling like a total different person. I look forward to going back soon!


This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. This is not your typical massage therapy. Rebecca gets right down to business with your posture, breathing, and real life problems. Her insight into things beyond what most people rarely think about is passionate and powerful. Can't wait to go back. If you want to get some real work done physically, spiritually, and emotionally Body Balance is the place for you! Amazing, and completely unexpected! Thanks girl, you rock!!


Rebecka's postural alignment sessions and massages have been extremely beneficial for me. I didn't even realize how poor my posture was until going to see Rebecka. After helping me to straighten things out with my posture, I have followed up with targeted massages that always have me leaving her studio feeling light and energized. Her intuitive skills seem to guide her to alleviating some of my tightest and uncomfortable spots. I always look forward to my sessions with Rebecka. Thanks and see you in December!


Rebecka was fabulous. She is very in tune with what a body needs and how to apply her skill and ability accordingly. One of the best practitioners I have been to see!


Rebecka is the best Massage Therapist in Calgary


Rebecka is an amazing healer! I came in expecting a typical massage but that is not what I got. She taught me breathing techniques, told me about my pressure points and the most interesting and working with your energy. Learning to just let go, I felt all the pressure, and tenseness just flow out of my body. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I'll be booking another session very soon.


Rebecka is a miracle worker with her energy, words, and hands.

I always look forward to my sessions with her! Her place is clean, cozy and ultra relaxing. I highly recommend booking with her if you want a session of deeper healing that brings in the mind, body, and spirit! <3


Oh where do I start... this woman, my best friend, my family, a soulmate I never thought existed let alone I'd have!! Since I've known her we've grown up and gone our separate ways and come back again stronger then before.. Once she told me she was into all this spiritual psychosomatic body healing I knew it was meant to be and I've never seen her more successful or happier!

Anyways, I had my first session technically just in October 2017 where she realigned my body and told me things about my posture I needed and could correct and all on a level of love and understanding without judgment. I have never felt so in tune with someone and my own body, just being around her I feel at peace. It's like she knew things about my past without me saying.. I just confirmed them. I am so proud to have you in my life Rebecka, mad love and respect for you, you are finally doing you!!!


Not your basic massage session. A truly transformative experience! Gratitude


I've had roughly about 10 déjà vu experiences since around Wednesday or Thursday that have seemed to be so intense and more significant than usual..

It would occur mostly while healing others (massage, energy and crystals)

Or while speaking about my plan that I've been working on to build a very unique healing centre..

and just now while watching a GAIA TV special about Chakra Systems by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

So much inspiration lately ..so many ideas flooding through!

I also want to mention that for about a week now, I have been actively working to trigger and open up certain meridians (gates/portals) to achieve a more balanced posture starting with my feet and how they plant themselves into the ground.

I was born with tendonitis in my right ankle so I have been suffering from this very seemingly acute yet significantly chronic ailment my whole life.

My experience in just a week is proof of the power of self healing and how actively reprogramming throughout the day, being consistent and with active awareness.. you're ability to achieve this is measured by your ability to have faith without any doubt and to keep at it.. it's a change of lifestyle.

In actuality, a strong posture and your ability to be fully conscious of your physical form can allow for pure vitality and life force or chi to flow through you without being blocked.. think of your spine as a water hose and if in misalignment, it can kink up blocking this flow.

In just a week of much awareness and dedication to this, I can't even believe what a difference! I can feel energy a lot stronger then before and feeling much more clarity of mind and emotions. I'm also noticing my gait has changed significantly as well.

The physical body really is our sacred vessel and the greatest tool we will ever own.

Thank you Rebecka Dawn for introducing me to this innovative yet very ancient form of healing! I've been waiting for you for so long and I'm so excited to embark on this new journey to learn more about Psychosomatic Energy Therapy �


I am blessed and honored to make a difference in peoples bodies to get real release and results for people who have suffered with blocks and body pain for years. This is not just a massage this BODY BALANCE FULL BODY WORK IN !!!


Awesome services!


Awesome & probably one of the positive persons ever!


Waste of money. You can find better information from other sources.


You just have to try this very unique integrated style of massage.


Wow! Today was my first experience at Body Balance and I was greatly impressed with how much energy Rebecka gave to my session. I may be a nurse, but Rebecka is a true healer that works on the mind, body, and soul. I walked out of my appointment feeling like a total different person. I look forward to going back soon!


This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. This is not your typical massage therapy. Rebecca gets right down to business with your posture, breathing, and real life problems. Her insight into things beyond what most people rarely think about is passionate and powerful. Can't wait to go back. If you want to get some real work done physically, spiritually, and emotionally Body Balance is the place for you! Amazing, and completely unexpected! Thanks girl, you rock!!


Rebecka's postural alignment sessions and massages have been extremely beneficial for me. I didn't even realize how poor my posture was until going to see Rebecka. After helping me to straighten things out with my posture, I have followed up with targeted massages that always have me leaving her studio feeling light and energized. Her intuitive skills seem to guide her to alleviating some of my tightest and uncomfortable spots. I always look forward to my sessions with Rebecka. Thanks and see you in December!


Rebecka was fabulous. She is very in tune with what a body needs and how to apply her skill and ability accordingly. One of the best practitioners I have been to see!


Rebecka is the best Massage Therapist in Calgary


Rebecka is an amazing healer! I came in expecting a typical massage but that is not what I got. She taught me breathing techniques, told me about my pressure points and the most interesting and working with your energy. Learning to just let go, I felt all the pressure, and tenseness just flow out of my body. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I'll be booking another session very soon.


Rebecka is a miracle worker with her energy, words, and hands.

I always look forward to my sessions with her! Her place is clean, cozy and ultra relaxing. I highly recommend booking with her if you want a session of deeper healing that brings in the mind, body, and spirit! <3


Oh where do I start... this woman, my best friend, my family, a soulmate I never thought existed let alone I'd have!! Since I've known her we've grown up and gone our separate ways and come back again stronger then before.. Once she told me she was into all this spiritual psychosomatic body healing I knew it was meant to be and I've never seen her more successful or happier!

Anyways, I had my first session technically just in October 2017 where she realigned my body and told me things about my posture I needed and could correct and all on a level of love and understanding without judgment. I have never felt so in tune with someone and my own body, just being around her I feel at peace. It's like she knew things about my past without me saying.. I just confirmed them. I am so proud to have you in my life Rebecka, mad love and respect for you, you are finally doing you!!!


Not your basic massage session. A truly transformative experience! Gratitude


I've had roughly about 10 déjà vu experiences since around Wednesday or Thursday that have seemed to be so intense and more significant than usual..

It would occur mostly while healing others (massage, energy and crystals)

Or while speaking about my plan that I've been working on to build a very unique healing centre..

and just now while watching a GAIA TV special about Chakra Systems by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

So much inspiration lately ..so many ideas flooding through!

I also want to mention that for about a week now, I have been actively working to trigger and open up certain meridians (gates/portals) to achieve a more balanced posture starting with my feet and how they plant themselves into the ground.

I was born with tendonitis in my right ankle so I have been suffering from this very seemingly acute yet significantly chronic ailment my whole life.

My experience in just a week is proof of the power of self healing and how actively reprogramming throughout the day, being consistent and with active awareness.. you're ability to achieve this is measured by your ability to have faith without any doubt and to keep at it.. it's a change of lifestyle.

In actuality, a strong posture and your ability to be fully conscious of your physical form can allow for pure vitality and life force or chi to flow through you without being blocked.. think of your spine as a water hose and if in misalignment, it can kink up blocking this flow.

In just a week of much awareness and dedication to this, I can't even believe what a difference! I can feel energy a lot stronger then before and feeling much more clarity of mind and emotions. I'm also noticing my gait has changed significantly as well.

The physical body really is our sacred vessel and the greatest tool we will ever own.

Thank you Rebecka Dawn for introducing me to this innovative yet very ancient form of healing! I've been waiting for you for so long and I'm so excited to embark on this new journey to learn more about Psychosomatic Energy Therapy �


I am blessed and honored to make a difference in peoples bodies to get real release and results for people who have suffered with blocks and body pain for years. This is not just a massage this BODY BALANCE FULL BODY WORK IN !!!


Awesome services!


Awesome & probably one of the positive persons ever!


Waste of money. You can find better information from other sources.


You just have to try this very unique integrated style of massage.


Wow! Today was my first experience at Body Balance and I was greatly impressed with how much energy Rebecka gave to my session. I may be a nurse, but Rebecka is a true healer that works on the mind, body, and soul. I walked out of my appointment feeling like a total different person. I look forward to going back soon!


This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. This is not your typical massage therapy. Rebecca gets right down to business with your posture, breathing, and real life problems. Her insight into things beyond what most people rarely think about is passionate and powerful. Can't wait to go back. If you want to get some real work done physically, spiritually, and emotionally Body Balance is the place for you! Amazing, and completely unexpected! Thanks girl, you rock!!


Rebecka's postural alignment sessions and massages have been extremely beneficial for me. I didn't even realize how poor my posture was until going to see Rebecka. After helping me to straighten things out with my posture, I have followed up with targeted massages that always have me leaving her studio feeling light and energized. Her intuitive skills seem to guide her to alleviating some of my tightest and uncomfortable spots. I always look forward to my sessions with Rebecka. Thanks and see you in December!


Rebecka was fabulous. She is very in tune with what a body needs and how to apply her skill and ability accordingly. One of the best practitioners I have been to see!


Rebecka is the best Massage Therapist in Calgary


Rebecka is an amazing healer! I came in expecting a typical massage but that is not what I got. She taught me breathing techniques, told me about my pressure points and the most interesting and working with your energy. Learning to just let go, I felt all the pressure, and tenseness just flow out of my body. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I'll be booking another session very soon.


Rebecka is a miracle worker with her energy, words, and hands.

I always look forward to my sessions with her! Her place is clean, cozy and ultra relaxing. I highly recommend booking with her if you want a session of deeper healing that brings in the mind, body, and spirit! <3


Oh where do I start... this woman, my best friend, my family, a soulmate I never thought existed let alone I'd have!! Since I've known her we've grown up and gone our separate ways and come back again stronger then before.. Once she told me she was into all this spiritual psychosomatic body healing I knew it was meant to be and I've never seen her more successful or happier!

Anyways, I had my first session technically just in October 2017 where she realigned my body and told me things about my posture I needed and could correct and all on a level of love and understanding without judgment. I have never felt so in tune with someone and my own body, just being around her I feel at peace. It's like she knew things about my past without me saying.. I just confirmed them. I am so proud to have you in my life Rebecka, mad love and respect for you, you are finally doing you!!!


Not your basic massage session. A truly transformative experience! Gratitude


I've had roughly about 10 déjà vu experiences since around Wednesday or Thursday that have seemed to be so intense and more significant than usual..

It would occur mostly while healing others (massage, energy and crystals)

Or while speaking about my plan that I've been working on to build a very unique healing centre..

and just now while watching a GAIA TV special about Chakra Systems by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

So much inspiration lately ..so many ideas flooding through!

I also want to mention that for about a week now, I have been actively working to trigger and open up certain meridians (gates/portals) to achieve a more balanced posture starting with my feet and how they plant themselves into the ground.

I was born with tendonitis in my right ankle so I have been suffering from this very seemingly acute yet significantly chronic ailment my whole life.

My experience in just a week is proof of the power of self healing and how actively reprogramming throughout the day, being consistent and with active awareness.. you're ability to achieve this is measured by your ability to have faith without any doubt and to keep at it.. it's a change of lifestyle.

In actuality, a strong posture and your ability to be fully conscious of your physical form can allow for pure vitality and life force or chi to flow through you without being blocked.. think of your spine as a water hose and if in misalignment, it can kink up blocking this flow.

In just a week of much awareness and dedication to this, I can't even believe what a difference! I can feel energy a lot stronger then before and feeling much more clarity of mind and emotions. I'm also noticing my gait has changed significantly as well.

The physical body really is our sacred vessel and the greatest tool we will ever own.

Thank you Rebecka Dawn for introducing me to this innovative yet very ancient form of healing! I've been waiting for you for so long and I'm so excited to embark on this new journey to learn more about Psychosomatic Energy Therapy �


I am blessed and honored to make a difference in peoples bodies to get real release and results for people who have suffered with blocks and body pain for years. This is not just a massage this BODY BALANCE FULL BODY WORK IN !!!


Awesome services!


Awesome & probably one of the positive persons ever!


Waste of money. You can find better information from other sources.


You just have to try this very unique integrated style of massage.


Wow! Today was my first experience at Body Balance and I was greatly impressed with how much energy Rebecka gave to my session. I may be a nurse, but Rebecka is a true healer that works on the mind, body, and soul. I walked out of my appointment feeling like a total different person. I look forward to going back soon!


This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. This is not your typical massage therapy. Rebecca gets right down to business with your posture, breathing, and real life problems. Her insight into things beyond what most people rarely think about is passionate and powerful. Can't wait to go back. If you want to get some real work done physically, spiritually, and emotionally Body Balance is the place for you! Amazing, and completely unexpected! Thanks girl, you rock!!


Rebecka's postural alignment sessions and massages have been extremely beneficial for me. I didn't even realize how poor my posture was until going to see Rebecka. After helping me to straighten things out with my posture, I have followed up with targeted massages that always have me leaving her studio feeling light and energized. Her intuitive skills seem to guide her to alleviating some of my tightest and uncomfortable spots. I always look forward to my sessions with Rebecka. Thanks and see you in December!


Rebecka was fabulous. She is very in tune with what a body needs and how to apply her skill and ability accordingly. One of the best practitioners I have been to see!


Rebecka is the best Massage Therapist in Calgary


Rebecka is an amazing healer! I came in expecting a typical massage but that is not what I got. She taught me breathing techniques, told me about my pressure points and the most interesting and working with your energy. Learning to just let go, I felt all the pressure, and tenseness just flow out of my body. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I'll be booking another session very soon.


Rebecka is a miracle worker with her energy, words, and hands.

I always look forward to my sessions with her! Her place is clean, cozy and ultra relaxing. I highly recommend booking with her if you want a session of deeper healing that brings in the mind, body, and spirit! <3


Oh where do I start... this woman, my best friend, my family, a soulmate I never thought existed let alone I'd have!! Since I've known her we've grown up and gone our separate ways and come back again stronger then before.. Once she told me she was into all this spiritual psychosomatic body healing I knew it was meant to be and I've never seen her more successful or happier!

Anyways, I had my first session technically just in October 2017 where she realigned my body and told me things about my posture I needed and could correct and all on a level of love and understanding without judgment. I have never felt so in tune with someone and my own body, just being around her I feel at peace. It's like she knew things about my past without me saying.. I just confirmed them. I am so proud to have you in my life Rebecka, mad love and respect for you, you are finally doing you!!!


Not your basic massage session. A truly transformative experience! Gratitude


I've had roughly about 10 déjà vu experiences since around Wednesday or Thursday that have seemed to be so intense and more significant than usual..

It would occur mostly while healing others (massage, energy and crystals)

Or while speaking about my plan that I've been working on to build a very unique healing centre..

and just now while watching a GAIA TV special about Chakra Systems by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

So much inspiration lately ..so many ideas flooding through!

I also want to mention that for about a week now, I have been actively working to trigger and open up certain meridians (gates/portals) to achieve a more balanced posture starting with my feet and how they plant themselves into the ground.

I was born with tendonitis in my right ankle so I have been suffering from this very seemingly acute yet significantly chronic ailment my whole life.

My experience in just a week is proof of the power of self healing and how actively reprogramming throughout the day, being consistent and with active awareness.. you're ability to achieve this is measured by your ability to have faith without any doubt and to keep at it.. it's a change of lifestyle.

In actuality, a strong posture and your ability to be fully conscious of your physical form can allow for pure vitality and life force or chi to flow through you without being blocked.. think of your spine as a water hose and if in misalignment, it can kink up blocking this flow.

In just a week of much awareness and dedication to this, I can't even believe what a difference! I can feel energy a lot stronger then before and feeling much more clarity of mind and emotions. I'm also noticing my gait has changed significantly as well.

The physical body really is our sacred vessel and the greatest tool we will ever own.

Thank you Rebecka Dawn for introducing me to this innovative yet very ancient form of healing! I've been waiting for you for so long and I'm so excited to embark on this new journey to learn more about Psychosomatic Energy Therapy �


I am blessed and honored to make a difference in peoples bodies to get real release and results for people who have suffered with blocks and body pain for years. This is not just a massage this BODY BALANCE FULL BODY WORK IN !!!


Awesome services!


Awesome & probably one of the positive persons ever!


Waste of money. You can find better information from other sources.

More about Kunda Body

Kunda Body is located at Calgary, Alberta
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00