Lasik Md Calgary

About Lasik Md Calgary

LASIK MD centres are equipped to offer patients a complete laser vision correction experience. Patients can rely on our highly-trained eye doctors and surgeons through each phase of the LASIK process. We offer a comprehensive preoperative consultation, experienced surgeons who use the latest technologies and techniques and thorough post-operative visits. At LASIK MD, your eyes are in good hands, every step of the way. Book your free consultation by calling 1-866 961-2020.

Les centres LASIK MD proposent aux patients une expérience de correction de la vue au laser incomparable. Les patients peuvent compter sur nos médecins et chirurgiens oculaires hautement spécialisés, tout au long du processus LASIK. Nous offrons : consultations préopératoires complètes, chirurgiens expérimentés, technologies et techniques de pointe et examens postopératoires approfondis. À LASIK MD, vos yeux sont entre de bonnes mains, du début à la fin. Pour une consultation gratuite, composez le 1-877-305-1515.

Lasik Md Calgary Description

LASIK MD centres are equipped to offer patients a complete laser vision correction experience. Patients can rely on our highly-trained eye doctors and surgeons through each phase of the LASIK process. We offer a comprehensive preoperative consultation, experienced surgeons who use the latest technologies and techniques and thorough post-operative visits. At LASIK MD, your eyes are in good hands, every step of the way. Book your free consultation by calling 1-866 961-2020.

Les centres LASIK MD proposent aux patients une expérience de correction de la vue au laser incomparable. Les patients peuvent compter sur nos médecins et chirurgiens oculaires hautement spécialisés, tout au long du processus LASIK. Nous offrons : consultations préopératoires complètes, chirurgiens expérimentés, technologies et techniques de pointe et examens postopératoires approfondis. À LASIK MD, vos yeux sont entre de bonnes mains, du début à la fin. Pour une consultation gratuite, composez le 1-877-305-1515.



Happy New Year! Our social media team shares their New Years resolutions for 2019:
Brian: I'd like to undertake a wider variety of creative projects! Dany: To put more time into learning another language, to write more, to exercise more.... Gabrielle: Writing one new song per month. Lisa: Keep a daily gratitude journal! It feels good to focus on the good things in life. Jean: More skiing, more traveling and trying out different types of bicycles. Jean-Yves: Read 10 books... And start investigating my clown school options. Stephanie: Stick to the healthy habits I've developed!
See More


It's time to put your eyes to work! There are seven differences in-between the winter wonderland scene shown in picture A and picture B. Can you spot them all?


Commencez l’année 2019 du bon œil: optez pour une correction de la vue et changez votre vie du jour au lendemain. Obtenez votre livret d’information gratuit sur le LASIK dès aujourd’hui! rmation-gratuite
Start the year 2019 of the good eye: Opt for a view correction and change your life overnight. Get your free information booklet on lasik today! e-d-information-gratuiteTranslated


Cette année, le père Noël s’est offert le plus beau cadeau qui soit : une vision claire.
This year, Santa has offered himself the most beautiful gift: a clear vision.Translated


Our vision correction procedures allow you to better enjoy the sights, sounds and the inevitable disagreements that will occur during your Festivus celebration.
May you see the Festivus pole with the aided benefit of LASIK.


LASIK MD's Marketing department's holiday spirit is in full bloom with this amazing collection of ugly Christmas sweaters. Who else is out there sporting theirs?


Les interventions PresbyVision™ de LASIK MD sont conçues pour soulager les symptômes de la presbytie, un trouble de la vue lié à l’âge qui nuit à la vision de lecture.
Nous avons récemment réalisé une vidéo pour vous présenter les effets de ce problème et les solutions qui s’offrent à vous pour y remédier. Visionnez cette vidéo ici:
Lasik Md's presbyvision ™ interventions are designed to relieve the symptoms of presbyopia, an age-related disorder that harms the reading vision.

We recently made a video to present the effects of this problem and the solutions that are available to you to remedy it. Watch this video here:


Winter can be so much easier to deal with when you remove the added hassles of glasses and contacts. Book your free, no-obligation consultation to find out how LASIK can benefit you year-round.


L’équipe de LASIK MD vous souhaite de joyeuses Fêtes.
Lasik Md team wishes you happy holidays.Translated


Le mercure descend peut-être, mais c’est l’excuse parfaite pour rester chez soi, bien emmitouflé sur le divan le temps d’un film ou deux. Pourquoi ne pas en profiter pour regarder un film en 3D? Voici certains de nos préférés:
Le Parc jurassique Gravité Avatar... L’Histoire de Pi Les Aventures de Tintin : Le Secret de La Licorne
Et vous, quel est le film que vous préférez toujours regarder en 3D?
See MoreMercury may come down, but it's the perfect excuse to stay home, well wrapped on the couch time for a movie or two. Why not enjoy it to watch a 3 D movie? Here are some of our favorites:

Jurassic park
The story of pi
Tintin's adventures: the secret of the unicorn

And you, what is the movie you always prefer to watch in 3 D?Translated


Selon des études récentes, l’augmentation de notre temps passé à fixer les écrans de nos appareils électroniques accroît la fréquence de certains troubles de la vue.
Lisez notre billet pour en apprendre plus sur ce phénomène et découvrir comment y échapper:
According to recent studies, the increase in our time spent fixing the screens of our electronic devices increases the frequency of certain disorders of the view.

Read our ticket to learn more about this phenomenon and discover how to escape:


Recent studies are showing that rising screen time on our devices is leading to more eye problems. Read more about this phenomenon and what you can do to counter this:


Avec le temps des Fêtes qui approche, qui ne veut pas attirer tous les regards en se mettant sur son trente-six?
Pour ce faire, prenez d’abord soin de vos yeux. Ils méritent que vous mettiez en pratique nos conseils en matière de maquillage pour les yeux:
With the time of the holidays approaching, who doesn't want to attract every look by putting on its thirty-six?

To do this, take care of your eyes first. They deserve you to put in practice our makeup tips for the eyes:Translated


Wonderful service. Friendly staff. I got my 20/20 vision back just few minutes after the operation. I am completely satisfied with their service. Keep it up! Shout out to Mr. Joshua for your assistance and to Dr. Ghislain for being so nice and making me comfortable during the operation. And of course to all the staff who assisted me all the way.


This procedure is a life changing experience. They made it a very easy process by explaining everything in complete detail and what to expect. I can't thank you enough for giving me my sight back!!


So nice and professional. My whole experience was great! It was so quick and painless. I found all the staff honest and likable. I would highly recommend Lasik MD. Everything went exactly as they explained. No surprises and I felt very comfortable.


Really excellent experience. Both professional and comforting.

I paid $3700 with lifetime enhancements providing I complete my bi-annual checkups. I am 3 weeks out now, and I see mostly 20/15 (that’s better than 20/20). My eyes are still dry and I have to be diligent in applying preservative free drops daily and before sleeping- I am told it takes a month to have full effect.

All In all I am over the moon at this life change, and applaud the Calgary LASIK staff. Thanks for changing my like in like, 10 minutes 👏🏼


Loved it! After my mom had a rough experience at Gimbel, I chose Lasik. The staff were professional looking and friendly, always able to answer every question that I had. The office was nice with cookies and refreshments. The only disappointment was that they forgot to offer Ativan or the mild anti-anxiety medication that they said they would offer, which made me a little more stressed during the surgery. But I felt well supported before, during and after the surgery. 1 month out, recovery has gone well and I am now enjoying 20/20 vision!


Just had my Lasik eye surgery yesterday!

I can't say enough good things!! Everyone was very professional and the procedure was done quickly and it was totally painless.

Highly recommend Lasik MD to anyone who wants to correct their vision.

My only regret is not doing the procedure sooner.


I had both my eyes done almost a month ago, and I'm very please with the results. I have a bit of dry eye, but the doctors did inform me that I had dry eyes to begin with. The staff is very informative, and comforting.

Dr Naggy was the doctor who completed my procedure, and he was polite, quick and very thorough! the procedure took about 10 mins, and i could tell a huge difference the moment i got off the procedure bed, which was a liberating feeling!

I would highly recommend the place! Lasik MD does a free consultation which is awesome, but they do also do another check up day of procedure to ensure you are 100% good for the procedure.

My dry eyes were treated one week before my procedure to ensure i was ready, by using extra lubrication drops several times a day. You have to appreciate the honesty and the amount of check ups they do to ensure you are a only have one pair of eyes!


I got the Lasik procedure done to both of my eyes three days ago. I'm happy with the results and love how professional they were at Lasik MD. I was very anxious and scared before the surgery, and the staff tried to reassure and comfort me.. That everything would be okay.

They are very thorough with their eye examinations and they do have a lowest price guarantee (which is great) oh, and they offer free eye examinations to see you are eligible to get Lasik done. I shopped around at a few other places and got quotes, Lasik was by far the cheapest.

They do care about your safety and they don't force you to do things that aren't necessary.

I would recommend this place to all my friends and family.

I ended up getting the advanced Lasik procedure that offers free lifetime enhancements.

I'm so happy with my experience at Lasik. This procedure is life changing. I'm happy that I no longer need to wear glasses or contact lenses.


Had my procedure done Nov 9/17. The only regret I have is that I waited so long to have this done! I can not believe how well I can see now after only a couple of days. I found all the staff friendly and knowledgeable who actually care. Dr. Leger and his assistants went above and beyond to make me comfortable during the procedure. Thank you so much for taking such good care of me.


Got the procedure 6 months ago. Very professional and it's the best money I have ever spent on myself.

However, this review is about today.

My faith in Lasik MD was totally reinforced today. My eye has been bugging me since Saturday. It just felt like there was a hair just constantly stuck in it and I was like "it might be a scratch, I'll let it heal and it'll pass". Today, I woke up to it hurting and being bloodshot, and I was worried that it was related to the flap from my Lasik procedure.

Called the clinic at 7 am (their phone line opens at 5am, wow!). Got a same day appt. I'm here now and they were SUPER thorough. The first doctor couldn't find anything and he was like "but you feel it, so there must be something. Let me bring someone else in to see if they can find it". By the end, they stained by eye and three docs double checked it, and then even the surgeon came and took a quick look just in case.

Turns out it's a fairly small abrasion. Got eye drops and antibiotics.

The first doc could have easily played it off as nothing so I'm glad that the people at Lasik MD care.


Got my advanced lasik surgery 1 week ago today. Staff were amazing and all very friendly! The healing process was definitely way easier than I ever imagined it would be. Can't wait to live life contact and glasses free! Thanks to everyone at lasik md :)


Fantastic service- from the front staff to the surgeon - absolutely amazing. Worth every penny spent . Answered all my questions and made me feel at ease. Highly recommend.


Awesome experience, all the staff were very professional and friendly. They were able to schedule my wife and i at the same time, which was very convenient for us. They also made us feel comfortable before surgery (Christine) Thank you. Thank you Dr.Leger also for putting us at ease and doing a great job fixing our eyes, can't thank you enough. We would recommend Lasik MD to anyone, one of the best decisions of our lives.


All the staff made sure I was 100% informed and comfortable. The actual procedure itself was very very short. Maybe 2 minutes tops. I was terrified for maybe 20 seconds. Waking up the next day with 20/20 vision was amazing. That 20 seconds of terror was totally worth it.


Consultation took me 1.5 hours, the day of the procedure took 3.5 hours total but the actual surgery was like 5 mins. Then you come back the next morning for a check up. Then again a week later , a month later and then a year.

Everyone involved was very nice and made sure all my questions were answered. It is day two and I can already see better than I did even though they say it can take a month before you get the full effects.

I got the wavefront lifetime warranty. 3700 bucks total and as long as I go in for my check ups I will get enhancements for free for the rest of my life.

Update a week later : My right eye is swollen and If i cover my left eye I can’t see very well ( they tested my eye and all letters they showed me I could not see). They say the swelling should go away but no change yet...My left eye is good no problems and it is overcompensating for my right eye right now.


Worst place ever went for my conciliation they told me they could fix my eyes no problem so booked time off work paid someone to drive me there then found out I would still need glasses the day of my surgery so then had to get my girlfriend to leave work to pick me up as I would have been stranded there for 5 hrs before she could pick me up so I lost time from work plus the cost to get a drive there and the loss of my girlfriend wages so we are out that money and was not able to get the surgery done


Worst experience of my life, I have never been treated soo poorly. These people should be selling oil changes not eye surgeries ...

I had my appointment at 2:00, the optometrist shows half an hour late, I complain about it saying " My appointment was at 2;00 you came half hour late " .. he anwsers " Wel,, if you do't like it you can leave " .... Wtf???


I would be very careful on using lasik. When I went in for my initial consultation, I explained my daily activities to the doctor. I was then given a trial pair of contact lenses that would be the equivalent of getting the surgery. One side for seeing far and the other for seeing up close. I went back and told the doctor it was absolutely perfect. After I finally made the appointment over the phone, I told the customer service representative that I need to book 'a day' off of work . He then booked me in on a Saturday. At the time of the surgery, I was bombarded with all this medical terminology I didn't understand. I ended up getting laser eye surgery for distance sight (not what I wanted). I asked to be put on a payment plan, I was told they don't do that anymore (although it is advertised that it is an option). I went to work the next day, one of my colleagues who had the surgery done asked me why I am working, he mentioned to me when he had it done, he needed 2 full days off for recovery. I do regret getting this done so hastily (I felt I was being pushed into signing all the papers quickly ). I feel I wasted $4000, and would advise people to think twice about using this company..


I had eye surgery at Lasik several years ago. When I committed to them I was given the impression that by purchasing this service, the mandatory annual eye exams would be included. The first 2 years there was no charge. Then I received an email saying I only had to go every 2 years. So 2 years ago I went. Again no charge.

Today I phoned to make the appointment. $90!. My optometrist charges $50.

I said I paid 4 grand. I thought I was supposed to get all this covered.

She responded "No. You only get any further necessary surgery covered"

The speed with which she responded gives me the impression that this was a calculated move by the company.

Excellent method to get people to void their warranty

Excellent method to lose future customers

I recommend people shop around and don't let any of them just give you a rosy picture. Ask LOT'S of questions

More about Lasik Md Calgary

Lasik Md Calgary is located at 8835 Macleod Trail Southwest suite 440, Calgary, Alberta T2H 0M2