Leia Gamache - Certified Personal Coach

About Leia Gamache - Certified Personal Coach

Leia Gamache, owner of WhiteFire Coaching, offers personal & professional coaching services dedicated to elevating Relationships, Career, Wellness and Personal Empowerment.

Leia Gamache - Certified Personal Coach Description

A Personal Message from Leia:

“I’ve had many opportunities in life to grow with who I believe to be some of the world’s greatest teachers.

No, I have never met Gandhi or Jesus or Buddha…but have been guided by teachers who have embodied a level compassion, authenticity, integrity, and inspiration that I aspire to.

For this, I am grateful.

When I think of these teachers, I am reminded of how rich with potential we all are and how, with care, guidance and integrity…we can create great things for ourselves and each other.

Those that truly know me might say that I have spent my life taking a “Big bite of the Apple”. I have loved fiercely, worked and played hard, studied, softened, focused and healed many things.

I have earned a Psychology Degree, Certification as a Personal Coach, and many years of professional development.

However, where I place true value is in the relationships I have explored and learned from and the people I have had the honor of helping over the years. They have been good mirrors for my own healing.

Our relationships with everything and everyone have fascinated me since I could remember and I have spent my life learning about them, so it is no surprise that this is my area of specialty.

I have had good times and hard times, like most everyone…and both were big! I choose to carry only the gifts and the wisdom and let the rest teach me and fall away. Sometimes that is no easy task and that is ok.

My personal philosophy…

Passion is life…cultivate it.

You can’t force, convince, manipulate or coerce people to change. You will want to anyway. They will change when and if they are ready, willing and able to change. If you can…Love them for who they are in the meantime.

Life is your teacher. Own your own buttons. They were there before anyone pushed them. It is better to ask, “Why does that bug me so much?” With self-awareness, personal power is possible.

Do nothing to harm the children…and we all have an inner child. If you make a mistake with this, go back and make it right. Remember that love is an action.

Give more than you take (with no strings) and accept the gifts in life graciously. If you don’t know how to do this, find out. You will learn about true wealth.

Give yourself permission to be human. There are no perfect humans and there are no perfect teachers. We all have strengths and weaknesses and everyone is healing something in their own right timing.

Life is a journey of growth and discovery. It must be ok for each of us to be exactly where we are. Once we see that, we can move, grow and breathe again.

Someone once asked me why I do what I do. My answer? In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson…

‘To know even one life has breathed easier because (I) have lived. ’

I have had this framed on my desk for more than a decade. It reminds me of what is important…that everything is about relationship and that I am going in the right direction.

Call 403 875-7594

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Consultation Online Today!

I’d love to meet you! ”

More about Leia Gamache - Certified Personal Coach

Leia Gamache - Certified Personal Coach is located at 1301 - 17th Avenue SW - Inside "7th Chakra", Calgary, Alberta T2T 0C4
403 875-7594