Leolove Holistic Health & Nutrition

Monday: 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00

About Leolove Holistic Health & Nutrition

Learning to LIVE IT- not Diet.
Life Mastery.
Holistic Balanced Living.
Natural Products, Illness prevention.
Personalized Nutrition & Fitness Programs

Leolove Holistic Health & Nutrition Description

Leolove Holistic Health & Nutrition is available globally through phone, skype & email.

LEOLOVE is a way of living that is sustainable for everyone.

Topics include but not limited to:
Self love & care, Whole food, plant based Nutrition, Energy, Mind Manifesting /Visualization, Meditation, Positive Relations, developing Creativity through creative self expression, Spirituality and the Food Movement.

Program and Product Benefits:

We work towards achieving the individuals set goals and wants for the betterment of their health and relations. Increasing overall happiness through learning to live and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Developing greater self confidence and acceptance in your true authentic self by learning self love and care- creating deeper intuitive understanding of yourself through inner communication. Increasing Energy of the body, regenerating "revibing" your cells. Improved skin and gum health. Improved immunity, more sleep and relaxed unstressed mind. Deconstructing cravings and emotional /mindless eating patterns (decreased eating disorderly). Release of emotional baggage /blockages through past analyzing, self revelations. Positive relations developing skills, better communication, understanding, love and compassion. Whole Food Plant based nutrition education, recipes, personal meal plan. Transitioning, detoxing, FAT LOSS. Learning power of thought through visualization, meditation, mind manifesting. Global awareness for more sustainable living.



http://naturalfertilityandwellness.com/ro yal-jelly-benefitÔÇŽ/


https://www.facebook.com/groups/969791746 368709/


Have you tried incorporating a daily practice for yourself? Now sharing in terms of #Meditation, it's becoming a well known tool of transformation. Its been shown from both scientific evidence to spiritual experience as truly transformative. Its all about the personal journey, getting closer to where you want to be, while sharing the experience of connecting with the collective awareness growing together, not further apart. Classified as a healing tool, it doesn't have to be ...so black and white - you know sitting on a cushion doing the deep breathing thing. I'd really like more people to aim to see meditation as a medium for clearing ones internal space, it is a key to manifestation aka conscious creation, a way of increasing creativity & clarity. In creating time for self care we can all learn more ways to understand ourselves on new, deeper, healthier planes. This is valuable because when we can understand ourselves we understand the world that surrounds us that much more. Whatever meditation is made out to be, it's only a real practice if it creates balance and harmony. Take a deep breathe in and let go of what no longer serves you, allow those brain waves to elevate you into a higher states of awareness. Some suggestions one could do aside from guided meditations or yoga are movement through expressive dance, listening to or creating transformative musical frequencies, painting/drawing/ doing hands on work, singing/chanting/prayerÔÇŽ.whatever it is, don't over think it wink emoticon consistency, practice and patience creates heart emoticon #dailypractice #dreamawake #Artismeditation
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One of the biggest scientific finds in the 21st century has been that food its not just energy, it's information, it provides instructions & the building blocks to everything thats going on in our bodies. Why do most people wait to get healthy when once they have hit a health crisis? Why not prevent it? The mindset that western Allopathic medicine is still working with is disease based, not health based. We cannot create harmony by focusing on disharmony. Allopathic (Modern/W...ester Medicine) works by controlling symptoms, supplying synthetic drugs. Our body is a network of systems, everything connects, the more we understand ourselves from the inside out the better everything becomes. Why don't we deal with the causes, rather than the symptoms. What I am sharing is the concept of balance, of wholeness. Diease arises from an imbalance in the system - our bodies ecosystem. We need to sub herbs for pills. To make the most difference in the bodes health work first to build up and heal any damaged Gut flora. The immune system is so essential. If the flora is damaged, it can cause obesity, auto-immune disease, depression etc. It is where we are absorbing our nutrients and where we bring the outside world within. How many toxins, synthetic plastic like foods are you eating?
Recipe for healthy humans right food - a variety of whole foods, more organic plant based foods, Macronutrients & Micronutrients, balanced hormones light, air, water sleep, meditation/relaxation, movement connection, sleep, love, purpose commUNITY
Work to change behaviour to improve self are. We are what we repeatedly do. Positive peer pressure, positive community, & support are the key. Why spend time with people that want to bring you down when your aiming to reach a better place? Clean house, body, mind & relationships. Build people up, not bring them down.
Yes we have modern science but we are now seeing that Ancient Medicines had it from the get-go. Its the transformation in consciousness, without it the danger we face is falling deeper into certain systems that just aren't working. Look around. We can use so many modalities, but most importantly we can see the power that each of us have for healing. Its the belief, the state of understanding, the range of consciousness. Are we open to new things or do we follow without question? The reason this is so hard is it threatens the medical establishment because its not how medicine is done. We can all work as one team. Its a complex, were up against.
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This movement is world wide and expanding everyday! Join us Sundays from 11am-12 at the Garden of Breathin in #MedicineHat for some ecstatic dance. In joining the dancing #Mindfulness community we as individuals empower ourselves by celebrating, the cycles of life and our connection to all. Sound is pretty fascinating if you ask me, dance right next to it. #DanceMeditation in general is that of a #dailypractice, the practice is whatever intention you put into it. It defiantly has been proven to improve many things starting with mood swings, weight management to improving awareness and so forth. I love the discipline & genius of it all <3
The cost to share space is a small fee of $5.00 - looking forward to seeing you there! http://www.yoganonymous.com/is-dance-medi tation-really-mediÔÇŽ


I have been working to embrace myself in #wholeness & assist others in their own process. It is of #Spiritual and #Creative development. Some key points to this process I would like to share is to ponder ideas around what it means for you to live with #Authentic Purpose. What is it you truly desire within your heart, what does the mind repeat & want you to pay attention to? Anything is possible when working with pure #Intentions & clarity. Life is a roller coaster of ups an...d downs, the downs are opportunities for immense growth - careful not to get stuck in the stories though (Poor me gets the me in we no where). As much as the ride may dip and sway there is a way to live #balanced with greater ease and pleasure. The struggle doesn't have to be real - what is the BS (belief system) your carrying around that no longer serves you ;) ? When times are rough, don't let life make you what you are not - notice the small things, remind yourself of what you are grateful for. If we aim to have fun everyday, life flows with that. I will suggest to aim to be open to the unknown, to surrender and go with the flow. With everyday as a new day we have the ability to choose to bring #joy in every step forward. Face yourself & feel #infinite. Take time for you & get productive, but, be okay with doing nothing also! Keep that stress hormones Cortisol down. Embrace your #sexuality and don't be afraid to share it. Eradicate doubt to feel real confidence. Find what is #fascinating for you & about you. What can you share with others that is of value? What are you passionate about? What is love for you? Transform the mind, trust the heart. Expand as an example by taking action. Be humble by asking questions with genuine curiosity. Let go of fearing vulnerability by holding space with a willingness to share, a #confidence to be you in what is true to you. Unfold <3
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Spirituality is about whatever you make it out to be. There are many misconceptions around it. If one is doing what is right for them authentically, whatever that is, benefits their souls greater development. I think of spirituality as consciously creating abundance in all areas in all ways <3


The world is a #refinedsugar, #alcohol, red meat, #coffee, tobacco culture. All of these are forms of speed, drugs of their own. In over use of any of them we tranquilize ourselves, work against nature, & disconnect from higher aspects of the mind and heart. I have experienced and see a lot of tension in bringing up these things. People don't want to accept what will change the world, because it means changing what is ingrained into them, and may be all that they know. Please... don't take it personally, nothing I say is ever meant to target anyone, but there is a better way that will have less consequences on us in the future. Taking life by the reigns and reducing each of those will be a an opening of a great exploration. If you desire to continue to be an assembly lined citizen that goes with what is put in front and is comfortable, then I salute you to greater madness. If eating more whole #plantbased foods, smoking pot instead of drinking, living balanced and holistic is behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable, that in itself should put together some puzzling pieces. Just because someone is doing life different doesn't mean something is wrong with the other person. We need to stop with that non- sense. Create a life of balance, one that works in synergy with all.
#LeoloveHolisticHealth #NaturalHealth #psychedelicWALLFLOWER
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If someone takes something and truly believes it will get them well, the belief itself has been shown scientifically that it alters the body chemistry and mobilizes the #healingpowers of the subconscious mind. It is seen through the placebo affect. The power of the mind is #limitless. If you cannot change your #mind, your not using it. The mind is basic to all things and it give life substance, form to what we accept and believe. Everything has come from our own self awarenes...s, assumptions, convictions & it all dictates, controlling our actions. Thoughts transform all areas of life. We mould, fashion and create our own destiny. A sword of truth separates false concepts. Create a daily practice of redesigning the mind to become accustomed to this. A couple of suggestions are: Use sacred geometry as a powerful way to rewire the mind to a more desired state of positive living. Whether you are starring at it or drawing one, both work wonders. Another very powerful tool is using sound at higher HZ. Aiming for about 520 - the #vibration of Love. We can attune ourselves since we are of energetic substance to vibrate our cellular body at higher rates - creating more energy and creativity. #Prayer, #meditation, inspirational readings, and service to others are all excellent ways to attract connection, feel #wholeness, love & #healing. Other strategies include:
Seek the good in yourself, in everyone and everything. Learn to trust Being grateful for all that is Take the high road in any conflicted situation or relationship. Create a sacred space of peace and beauty in which to renew, cleanse, stay connected to higher aspect of self and divine nature. Care for living things.
Another suggestion, is self suggestion itself, wrote or spoken. The subconscious mind works by suggestion, so suggest yourself new ideas, better thoughts, it takes time #dailypractice but being conscious in all moments allows us to take responsibility and in that we transcend our differences and truly crate #Peace on #Earth - OM, #AUM, HREEM, <3
#LeoloveHolisticHealth #psychedelicWALLFLOWER #NaturalHealing #lawsofthemind #spirituality
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Todays #zenspace was made through the use of OM SHREEM HREEM, what I call the supreme sound. It has been used for centuries as the remover of all obstacles. Balanced living is the key to true health, to feel vitality. Cheers to peace & clarity <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm_Hvd_i9 6Y


Living in Harmony with Nature is the best gift we can give ourselves in total wholeness. In working to be fully present we elevate our conscious state and eliminate hate. Loving ourselves by paying attention to our emotional, psychology, spiritual needs is the path to happiness. Right now, at all moments. is the opportunity for us to gain personal and collective clarity, to build inner & outer trust to then create faith that there is no need for worries and dreaming is revolu...tionized. Instead of trying to constantly be doing something, why don't more of us trying Being more than doing. Instead of finding lives purpose, living life as the purpose. It is through retrospection that we can gain insight for revelations. As a simple reminder that we are connected within it all <3 In sound we move, we flow, we listen, we see, we feel, we are. peace n prayers.
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How to create peace in the mind, prevent pain and heal ailments? Its all possible with learning to #LIVEitNOTdiet. A #plantbasedlifestyle has shown to be extremely beneficial. So taste the spectrum of light and get a variety of colour in!
#Red - foods are great for the heart health and the bloods health #Orange - foods are natural anti-inflammatory #Yellow - foods are mood enhancing & great for tissue rebuilding ... #Green - foods are cleansing, purifying, natural detoxifiers - great for lungs & blood #Blue - foods powerful #antioxidant great for mental clarity #Indigo/Violet - foods are protective and supportive for brain & spine
Transformation begins in the mind, a way to a higher quality of life. If I may ask, what sort of experience have you had to this point, painful or pleasurable? We can move this together, releasing, letting go of all sort of things that are getting in the way. How about improving self #confidence? Gaining more #SexAppeal? The body functions better and it is easier to get fit, strong, lean with more variety of plants everyday. So how many colours did you get in today?
The more variety of plants eaten will clean the blood, then #balance the #bloodsugar. Aim to balance your blood sugar, so you can have the will power to get things done. It will literally have you feel smarter, gain better moods, stay focused, not feel fat, lethargic or #HANGRY!!!.... I have been there, done that :P & I will let you know it is actually greener on the other side eating more #greenfoods. ;)
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I have been learning to listen differently, creating more body awareness and communication. In being always very interested in topics along #health, #healing, #lifestyle and #food to #sustainabledevelopment, I have come to see healing as a form of #Art. #NaturalNutrition, with the use of #plantbased, #wholefoods in a variety showed me that I could begin to transform my entire body, mind, energy and lifestyle. The more I have continued along this life path I have gained knowl...edge on many topics I have found connect together. There are many fly by fads, so I aim to not get caught in them. I like to debunk myths and try new things until it feels right. Its getting clearer and stronger! The ones that have seemed to stick for this time period that seem to be working the best, has me and clients feeling the best, are easier, affordable & safe #superfoods! Defiantly organic to heirloom seeds are the best option because they have less toxins - clean, untampered with crushed, cool dried becoming concentrated phytonutrients. In taking the water out of a plant, or a human we begin to see how important water is! Food & our bodies both contain masses of fluid, water primarilyÔÇŽÔÇŽnow to keep it flowing, the primary reason most people fail at diets, or staying on track is the lack of motivation, the sense of ability to have focus and clarity with energy levels to concentrate to a target. The mind does best when the bodies blood sugar is balanced. Having a plan & integrating it step by step is how its applied to life, really getting this done with #onesimplechange. Remember the skies not the limit the belief system is. So what you do want and why do you want it, what do you need in order to make it start aligning and then how to create that stability and support. The stepping stages to a better lifeÔÇŽ.We all share the same desires for health wealth love and happiness so within our self, taking responsibility and shifting from relying on a system that is outdated, take some time for self care so you don't need health care. individuality, ways to create health, wealth, love and happiness.
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My Kombucha mushroom had babies! ÔťĘ The fermented tea is pretty delicious, I used black tea and coconut sugar in one batch, now I'm going to do green tea with raw honey and some hibiscus flowers. There's so many more ways to flavour them like using lemongrass, orange leaves + peels, apple pieces, blueberries--- If your new to this, #kombucha is a #fungus a #mushroomorganism. It creates a fermented tea to drink...I find it fascinating and truly a #superfood as it holds incredib...le #health benefits. It contains vitamin groups b & c, living bacteria(the good stuff), it's a probiotic so can help people who have messed their body up with anti-biotics by increasing digestive flora. It alkalizes the body keeping PH in good range, increases #immunityfunction. Most #diseases really start in the gut so #healing that is key! Top reported benefits, findings are aiding in #digestion which leads to weight loss which makes sense because we are eliminating toxins which fat stores...we get more nutrients that are absorbable from less calories so body eats/needs less food. Need more energy?! This is a booster....funny, it can give you a happy drunk feeling- vibrating really and a easy liver cleanse! It's an amazing sport supplement it has great levels of glucose absorbed easier after intense workouts. Helps sleep and if your a drinker & experience hangovers, take a glass of this and your alll gooood! #LeoloveHolisticHealth #consciousfood
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Check out our website here to learn more :D http://kgammelseter.towergarden.com/ÔÇŽ/t owergardÔÇŽ/en-us.htmlÔÇŽ

More about Leolove Holistic Health & Nutrition

Monday: 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00