Light Realm

About Light Realm

Practitioner : Chris Jammer

Crystal Cast Readings
Crystal / Reiki Healing Sessions
House Cleansings

Light Realm Description

* Crystal Cast Readings *
These readings incorporate the ancient art of Lithomancy, which is the casting and reading of stones or crystals. These sessions aid in deep clearing and healing of issues from the past, as well as past lives. They offer help in how to continue the healing process on your own, and move forward. : )
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Crystal Healing & Reiki
What is the history behind Crystal Healing?
Crystal Healing goes as far back as we have written history. Many cultures and ancient civilizations used crystals in some form or another for many different reasons and in various ways. From ancient India, the Australian Aborigines, Native Americans, ancient Chinese, Egyptians as well as the Lemurian and Atlantean societies.
They have all been experimenting and practicing the art of ” laying on of stones”, and they wrote much of their findings down. So many ancient societies believed in the powers of the crystal and stones and they left some of the information and knowledge for us, now available in many of our crystal healing books. Many authors of those books started with the ancient writings, and then added some of their own information, experiments and even channeled information.

How do crystal work?
Simply put, crystals change our frequencies to help balance our emotional and physical bodies. Because everything is energy, including us, and has its own energetic frequency and vibration, the crystals naturally create an environment that is beneficial to our health and longevity. We are very complex, and made up of billions of different oscillary rates, crystals however have only one, which can be different depending on each individual crystal. A crystals element content, crystalline structure, and dominant oscillary rate determine specific healing properties of each crystal.
Because crystals have a fixed repeating molecular pattern, they are geometrically perfect, which means they have a low state of entropy (disorder). Crystals entrain energy around them creating a state of greater complexity, reducing entropy, in turn this allows us to experience increased health, longevity, and coherence. (Coherence : all our brain waves, heart waves and frequency waves in our body all entrained with each other and on the same frequencies means our health is better, longevity and health benefits. )
Science and technology have been using crystals for years in such things as radios, communication, storage, solar power, lasers, transmitters and so forth. They continue to find new and amazing uses for crystals everyday!

What to expect during a crystal healing session?
• Crystal healing sessions are deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, clothing on , minimal contact therapy.
• Re-alignment of energetic frequencies, removes emotional blocks, s0ul learning, healing & spiritual growth.
• Assists in all areas: energetic imbalances end up manifesting as physical ailments or emotional issues.
• Promotes health via physical & energetic crystal entrainment.
• Certified Crystal Healers recognize crystal as powerful energetic tools, essential that those who use them for healing purposes have had adequate training in order to do so in an effective yet secure & sensible manner.
• Certified Crystal Healers have an understanding of Human EMF (electo magnetic field) & how crystals interact with it. Trained in how to recognize & remedy energetic imbalances or blockages within this field utilizing crystal energy.
Crystal Treatment
The purpose of a crystal healing session is for mental, emotional and spiritual well being. My method of treatment¬ –Energy Healing- is an alternative or compliment to healing arts otherwise licensed by the government of Canada. We will use a variety of techniques to facilitate well being and clarity in the moment, while promoting long term self reliance through practical techniques to help raise consciousness, clear confusion, recognize intent, interpret meaning and quell doubt.
If you ever have concerns about the nature of your treatment, you are free to discuss them with me at any time. As I am committed to monitoring your progress, I ask that you please bring any new information affecting your treatment up during future appointments. You are entitled to stop treatments at any time, with or without reason, and I recommend that you inform your medical doctor that you are receiving energy healing treatment. While I will use my best efforts during our sessions, I cannot guarantee any particular outcome as results vary from person to person.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing practice which is thousands of years old. REI describes the limitless aspect of the energy. KI is the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings; it is a part of REI. KI is an electrical energy that creates the body and determines the state of health, therefore when it is low or restricted, you are more vulnerable to illness. Positive thoughts increase its flow, while negative thoughts decrease its flow. KI is referred to as CHI by the Chinese and Prana by the Hindus.

Benefits of Reiki:
• Supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself and shortens healing time.
• Vitalizes, energies and balances on all levels…spiritual, mental emotional and physical.
• Establishes equilibrium and well being
• Loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation.
• Assists in detoxification.
• Works with plants and animals
• Increases vibrational frequency of the recipient.
• Aligns the chakras within, above and below the body.
• Assists individuals dealing with distress and promotes positive stress responses.
• Assists in the maintenance of health the wholeness
• Can never do any damage to the recipient or the practitioner.
• Works in harmony with other treatments.
• Honours all faiths and beliefs.

About the Practitioner
Chris is a Certified Crystal Healer through Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. The Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy has been accredited through the World Metaphysical Association and the American Council of Holistic Healers as a teaching program, giving Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy the legitimacy and authority to administer a Certification Program. The Hibiscus Moon Certification Program is an exclusive provider of quality teaching and certification in crystal healing.

Chris is also a certified Reiki Master in the Usui Reiki Lineage.
Both of these healing modalities blend seamlessly to create a wonderful balanced healing experience with the power and gentle energies of both Reiki

More about Light Realm

Light Realm is located at 11111-111, Sexsmith, Alberta