
About Lionheart

BC college graduate Equine Bodyworker specializing in improving performance of show jumping horses. Extensive experience including FEI grooming.



Lapua’s feet have progressed tremendously in a very short time frame. His soles were so overgrown I had to intervene with a knife before the farrier could make it out. It provided Lapua with some relief, but seeing my farrier’s excellent work was the real game changer. It made me truly elated.
As this horse gets stronger, stretches daily and begins his “working” career, he will utilize components of his feet he used to ignore. And that’s a good thing! No more compromising.
...He will go barefoot as long as he’s capable. I prefer not to have him shod until next year so I can guarantee that he’s sturdy in his “tooties”!
My heart is gushing with pride over this horse. Can someone please make the snow melt faster? I WANT TO PLAY!
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To be honest, horse girls are all aware of how damn weird we can get. The audio is kinda funny if you want to laugh!! Yes, horse foot is 10x stinkier outside the barn. (Ever get those looks when you wear breeches in public?) 😂😩
This is just over 1/3 of the 🐸FROG (not hoof wall) trimmed off my gelding yesterday. He is relieved to say the LEAST!! 😦
... ❌ His sole was tremendously overgrown as well.
In this case, before I attempt any physical therapy or body work, he’s going to need to get his feet more balanced. That goes without saying.
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My gelding endured a small miracle when it came to trimming his feet today.
A 2 inch thick chunk of frog provided him overwhelming relief. I’ve had this horse for a month.


I feel like this undoubtedly the only option where I live... feels like winter will never end!


What adaptations should be made for a horse with severe parrot jaw, like this horse here?


Unreal show rider, trainer and mentor. Luciana is disciplined yet kind. Tough and tender. So talented.
And soooo in love with her horses. I’m so pleased she topped this 1.50m GP!


I’ve never had a horse try and predict what stretches I want from him, he’s pretty infatuated with treats!!


This horse is blind!!!!!! Most horses on a long line don’t move this good!
If you wonder even remotely what “feel” is, THIS WOULD BE IT! 💘


Is it critical that nosebands only get so tight?


Who out there knows an equine sports therapist worth mentioning?


Richard Spooner is a master class. He speaks about the bond he forged with his competition horse and that’s something every rider should strive toward.
Plus, having three generations of horses (age 30, 20 and 10ish) shows a glimpse of Spooner’s sincere adoration for his equine family members.


Could drink up his cuteness like morning coffee


Less is more, ESPECIALLY when it comes to tack.


Go Canada!! 🇨🇦


This is unreal!
Fact: horses produce 32 gallons of saliva every day!

More about Lionheart

Lionheart is located at Calgary, Alberta